Thursday, February 28, 2008
Yoga For Asthma Cure
Yoga betters your asthma condition due to the free flow of air. By continuously practicing yoga you can leave your medications at bay. Asthma attacks would lessen with the increase of yoga practice. The breathing exercises are very useful to open up your lungs for fresh air.
Back bending postures are very good to open up your chest to improve your heart and lung condition. Practicing upper back bends and chest opening postures helps, in exhaling during asthma attacks. Forward bends and lower back bending poses help in inhaling, during the attack. Mucus can be removed by inverted postures.
Pranayama is an excellent way to have a controlled breath to avoid any asthma attacks. According to the triggering factors for asthma attacks, one should practice pranayama. Dirga prananyama is a multi-purpose asana and helps in slow and deep breathing exercise. Nadi Sodhana can help you with stress and emotional turmoil.
Asthma triggered by cold can be helped by Ujjayi pranayama. Allergic trigger patterns can be avoided by Sitt Kari or Shitali pranayama. Kapalbhatti pranayama is very good to reduce the mucus congestion.
These breathing exercises are very good to strengthen and relax the muscles of lungs. During the asthma attack this proves to be very useful. It reduces the nerve activity in the airways causing fewer bottlenecks during the attack. It helps cleanse the air passage to breathe easily. It helps in stabilizing the autonomous nervous systems.
Pranayama if practiced regularly can do lot of difference to your health. This would help you to have asthma free life. Props used while doing these asanas may help you better. Breathing helps to soothe the lining of the bronchial tree and helps in preventing the external allergens. It is said that the single and long inhalation is very good for relaxation.
Some Asanas which would relieve Asthma from your life
- Dandasana
- Baddhakonasana
- Upavista Konasana
- Virasana
- Supta Baddhakonasana
- Supta Virasana
- Setubandha Sarvangasana
- Adhomukha Svanasana
- Uttanasana
- Tadasana Samasthithi
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Sharon Hopkins handles sites related to yoga, which opens a new door of knowledge towards yoga and its health benefits Yoga for Asthma Cure - These yoga asana help you live an asthma free life.
Asthma Prevention
Preventing an asthma attack
There is no documented way to prevent Asthma, how ever there are several methods for asthma treatment. The same questions discussed in “diagnosing asthma” play equally important role in trying to prevent Asthma attacks along with treating asthma.Identifying triggers asthma attacks as well as their “asthma history” is only one part of the process used to help prevent Asthma Attacks and while seeking effective "asthma treatments".
When discussing asthma prevention and asthma treatments they go hand in hand are can be used almost interchangebly. In otherwords you want to treat asthma prior to an asthma attack. this in turn leads to a proactive type of asthma prevention even though once you have been diagonosed with asthma you will likley deal with the disease and the ways to treat your asthma for the rest of your life.
The individual and especially children can have Asthma attacks from simple exposures to things such as mold (spores), dust mites, smoke (also second hand), weeds, pollen or strong smells. This is especially important if a child has asthma and is often subject to attacks due to exercise. These are only some of the things to consider when dealing with asthma and trying to find ways to prevent asthma attacks or deciding the best form of asthma treatment.
The initial response to attempt to prevent Asthma is not really prevention in as much, as it is avoiding asthma triggers that help launch the asthma attack. To help the indvidual with asthma the strategic approach should look at trying to prevent an asthmatic episode or asthma attacks from triggers. Initially, the person needs to identify if the asthmatic has allergies. Such ways to help prevent asthma attacks is to ask questions such as, What is the person allergic to and what can be done to prevent the trigger from being launched, this is best method from treating asthma or preventing asthma attacks?
How do you find what are the asthma triggers? This can easily be identified at an adult level by getting the scratch test or allergy test. However, finding ways to identify triggers due to allergies may prove a little more difficult in children with the constant changing of their body. However, quickly identifying triggers is the most effective way to prevent asthma attacks.
In hopes of preventing Asthma attacks an allergist will typically scratch the individuals back with an object like pin that has been dipped into a predetermined type of animal or plant compound. For instance, I had a scratch test. I found I was highly allergic to horses. I was also allergic to cats, dogs and even more surprising was when I found out how allergic I was to mold and dust mites. In esseance the best form of "asthma treatment" or best way to prevent an asthma attack was to stay away from those triggers.
Learning what the asthmatic is allergic to helps prevent irritation which leads to discomfort and coughing which in turn leads into wheezing and most likely an Asthma Attack. So, the key to preventing an asthma attack is learning what the Asthma triggers are for each individual. This why someone should help the asthmatic create an asthma log of what was happening when the asthmatic episode started. This is an excellent way to track a child's asthma history as well as diagnosing asthma.
My research says mold is not really considered a large trigger for asthmatics. I would tend to disagree from my personal experiences. However, if the individual is allergic to mold and the person lives in a damp place then chances are likely the person will suffer an attack from triggers created by mold spores. However with the proper medication and asthma treatment this can be avoided.
One thing to consiser about preventing an asthma attack is to look at where the asthmatic sleeps. If the asthmatic sleeps in a basement they should try to move to an upper level room to sleep. If this is not possible then the person should consider regularly using a dehumidifier. However, the dehumidifier should be emptied and cleaned regularly as to avoid the growth of mold spores.
Dust Mites are often overlooked and are the most abundant trigger to Asthma Attacks. Although most people don’t have the time to do nothing but clean and sweep one area should never be neglected and needs continuous cleaning, the bedroom needs to be vacuumed and dusted weekly. Sheets need to be changed and pillow cases need to be cleaned weekly. Pillows gather large number dust mites and should be replaced annually or as often as possible. This is all related to preventing asthma attacks as well as a prelude to treating people with asthma.
Reducing pet dander is also a key to succeeding in Asthma prevention. People who can not give up their pets after they find they have asthma need to really pay attention to grooming of their pets. To reiterate it not the pet hair that triggers the asthma attack it is usually pet dander or saliva from the animal. This is why it is essential pets are bathed if they live in the home and hands are always washed after touching animals.
I recently experienced an asthma attack as an adult when giving my outside dog a bath because he was going to be staying inside the house for couple of weeks during upcoming freezing temperatures. I started to give him a bath inside, about midway through his bath my eyes started to get red and I started to have hard time breathing. The fact that I had not had an asthma attack such as this since I was a kid is proof how pet dander can affect an asthmatic. With my Asthma history I should have thought it though and asked the wife to give the dog a bath. Although these are some of my experiences the only thing Asthmatics can do is identify what the triggers are and avoid those triggers to prevent Asthma attacks while being proactive in treating your asthma.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Asthma Treatment -- How To Help Someone Having An Attack
Knowing the basics of asthma treatment is essential when trying to help someone experiencing an attack.
Maybe you are having dinner with a friend and all of a sudden, she looks panic stricken and gasps for breath. Or perhaps your children’s friends have come over to your house and your daughter screams that her best friend can’t breathe.
Do you know how to deal with these situations? If you are able to provide the right asthma treatment, it might possibly save someone’s life.
Here are key facts you should know.
* During a bout of asthma, patients find it easier to breathe while sitting up than lying down. So help them get into a comfortable sitting position.
* Most asthma patients know what they need to do to deal with an attack. So it is best to ask them. Ask if they have an inhaler and where it is. If they don’t have one, ask them if you should call for help.
Many asthma patients carry not only an inhaler, but a written instruction card as well. An asthma attack can temporarily rob the patient of his ability to speak.
In such situations, an instruction card explaining what needs to be done can be invaluable. If there is such a card, just do as it says.
* Help them use the inhaler. An inhaler is designed to deliver a specific dose of asthma medication. The medication relaxes the patient’s airways and helps restore normal breathing.
Medication is so important that in case the patient doesn’t have his or her inhaler available, most doctors say that it is ok to use someone else’s. Nothing else you can do has nearly the same effect as taking the right medication.
In general, you should give two to four puffs of the inhaler and then wait for about five minutes for the next dose.
Position the mouthpiece of the inhaler between the patient’s lips. Let him know when you are about to give a puff so that he can breathe in at the same time.
Wait for several seconds before you deliver another puff. Or until he lets you know he is ready for the next one.
You can use a spacer to help the person inhale the medicine over the course of several breaths, instead of one breath. This device sits between the inhaler and the person’s mouth and can hold the medicine in place between breaths.
If a spacer is not available, you can make one by rolling up some paper to create a tube.
* Once you’ve given medication, observe the patient for several minutes. Is it getting easier for him to breathe?
* If it appears that they are not responding to the medication within ten minutes, call an ambulance. And continue to deliver about four puffs of medication every five minutes while waiting for the ambulance.
The medication will help prevent the asthma attack from getting worse even if it doesn’t seem to provide immediate relief.
* Stay calm throughout the episode. This will help the patient remain calm as well. If he panics, it will worsen the asthma attack and make it far more difficult for him to breathe.
So talk to him calmly, to reinforce the feeling that everything is under control. This is vitally important.
Being aware of these asthma treatment basics will help you deal effectively with many emergency situations.
Jane Peters is a lecturer and has written on a variety of topics. For useful information on asthma types, high blood pressure and more, see the foregoing links.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Breathing Problems - Herbal Medicines for Breathing Problems
Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, breathlessness or dyspnea can have various causes. Episodes of shortness of breath can occur during high levels of activity, like exhaustive exertion, or as a result of environmental conditions such as high altitude or very warm or cold temperatures. Other than these extreme conditions, shortness of breath is commonly a sign of a medical problem.
People whose breathing problems are caused by allergies should avoid potential allergens, such as pollens, dust and molds. In all cases, people with breathing problems are advised to avoid smoking and follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and maintaining a healthy weight.
oAvoid allergic substances or agents that induce asthma, if you have it.
oDo not walk, run or jog on roads with heavy automobile traffic.
oIf you have a gas furnace, have it checked once a year for carbon monoxide leaks.
oNever leave your car running in a closed garage.
oMake sure immunizations against childhood diseases, especially diphtheria, are up-to-date. This is part of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP) vaccination.
oIf you smoke, quit.
oKeep small objects a child could choke on out of reach and do not give gum, especially bubble gum, nuts, hard candy or popcorn to children under five years old.
oLock up all medications and poisonous substances so small children can't get to them.
Herbal Medicines
Tea tree oil (sometimes called te tre oil) comes from the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia. It is used as an antiseptic and to fight fungi. A diluted form has been used successfully as an alternative treatment for candidiasis (including thrush and yeast infections), as well as infections of the skin.
Herbal medicine is effective in all kinds of health problems, especially skin disorders, digestive problems, arthritis, hormonal imbalances, circulatory and breathing problems, stress related illness etc.
Herbal combinations are mixtures of different herbs, usually used for a special purpose. It's important to note that many of these products claim to be “immune boosting” but may boost those parts of your immune system that are already over-active.
SENNA: is one of the herbal plants which used to treat above problems. Senna is the member of Leguminaceae family. Actually senna is the shrub which is mostly found in china, Pakistan and India. Senna is also used as a stool softener. Senna is used to treat the bowel. Senna leafs in the paste form can be applied to many skin related problems. Senna pods and senna leafs are used for the medication.
Aloe vera: has long been used to heal burns and cuts. Test tube studies have shown that aloe vera works against bacteria,
fungi, and viruses, and also as an anti-inflammatory. (The word “anti-inflammatory” refers to anything that reduces swelling and other signs of infection.) Aloe vera is also used in the form of a cream or ointment to treat skin problems. Most oral (taken by mouth) aloe vera products contain only small amounts of juice from the plant, so it's doubtful that these would slow down viruses or kill bacteria. Aloe vera juice, however, is often used as a laxative.
Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Breast Enlargement Enhancement. Also read about Natural Cure for Diabetes
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Asthma Homeopathy Treatment Methods
However what you must remember is that traditional Western medical treatments can actually save a person's life that suffer from asthma and should not be stopped. But a person may be able to supplement asthma medical treatments with alternative forms of asthma homeopathy treatment for better effectiveness.
Often a lot of people who suffer from asthma will turn to using homeopathic treatments for their condition as not only are they natural, they are not addictive and they do not cause any side effects. This makes them more suitable for using with babies and young children as well as the elderly. All forms of homeopathic asthma treatments are made from plant, mineral and organic products which are specially prepared in order to provide a person with the most effective form of treatment for dealing with the symptoms associated with asthma.
However when it comes to using any kind of asthma homeopathy treatment a person may find that where someone gets results almost immediately when they start using it for others it may take a little longer. But whoever uses it should not expect miracles and although they will notice a general improvement in their health and well being as well as some of the symptoms becoming reduced they will not find that it instantly stops everything happening at once.
Generally when it comes to getting asthma homeopathy treatment the sufferer will visit a homeopathic practitioner who will then devise a plan that is devised for their own individual needs. Where as often with more conventional forms of asthma treatment and medication these will be based around a basic plan and then slowly the doctor or health practitioner will make changes as and when they see fit to suit a certain individual's requirements.
Ricky Lim highly recommend using asthma homeopathy if you or your family members have asthma. Visit his website at for more information.
Asthma Diagnosis
An Asthma Diagnosis Preview
How I would Diagnose Asthma
Diagnosing asthma is usually pretty easy. However, for a proper Asthma diagnosis an individual should seek attention from their physician. There are some main symptoms associated with an Asthma Diagnosis. Some of these symptoms are: continued wheezing, coughing, trouble breathing, and chest tightness. These symptoms if present can often become worse at night. Additionally, some triggers of Asthma can be cold air, exercise or exposure to allergens such as pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites or similar allergen triggers. All of which people dealing with asthma or asthma patients should be concerned with when addressing asthma treatment.
A part of the Asthma diagnosis is seeing if the patient is wheezing, this can be identified when a slight whistling sound is heard when a person breathes in and out. Wheezing can be heard slightly with a stethoscope by placing the scope on the back and chest. One of the first tools a used to diagnosis asthma is the doctors’ stethoscope; this tool can help detect wheezing which may not be obvious to the patient or family or friends.
Wheezing that is inherently heard out loud is usually obvious by a louder whistling sound when the person inhales and exhales. The person with the problem wheezing usually has noticeable problem breathing. The doctor will quickly recognize this when trying to diagnosis asthma. A interesting observation from my doctor was he said patients usually has become so accustomed to the difficulty breathing that it is a part of their daily lifestyle. I know this is true for me and often don’t realize when I am wheezing.
Due to patients not noticing how difficult their breathing has become, the doctor attempting to diagnosing asthma will usually ask someone close to the person if they notice the patient having difficulty breathing.
If you have been around a smoker, the wheezing and trouble breathing from a person suffering from a mild asthma attack can easily be compared to anyone that has been around a long term smoker. Wheezing is not only common to people with Asthma it is also a temporary problem for people suffering from bronchitis. Coughing as a symptom of Asthma most likely is a prelude to asthma attack and is only one of many symptoms to occur. Although coughing could be as simple as a tickle in an individuals throat it could be the beginning of something worse for an asthmatic.
An example of a trigger for coughing could result from exercising or being involved in a similar strenuous activity. The asthmatic could start to partially cough, then continue to cough harder. Most likely the next symptom of the beginning of an Asthma attack will be trouble breathing; this is usually after their coughing spell has subsided. If this experience is observed it will be beneficial to share with the doctor trying to Diagnosis Asthma. My experience is trouble breathing with slight wheezing is an excellent indicator that an asthma attack is about to occur.
Trouble breathing as related to asthma is usually caused by the combination of allergies, physical exertion or something irritating the individuals normal breathing pattern. If there has been coughing, wheezing followed by trouble breathing chance are person is likely on the verge of a full fledged asthma attack. Chest tightness and shortness of breath with the combination of wheezing is a prelude to the asthma attack. This is why it is is important to seek some form of asthma testing.
Although the following isn’t an “asthma diagnosis” it is still important to recognize what a possible attack is in the event you need to describe what you witnessed if a diagnosis needs to be made. Once the asthma attack is at the height of its final stage the individual will not be able to take a full breath and most likely rapid breathing begins in the hope they can be able to breathe normally. However, rapid breathing is a part of the problem and the person should try to prevent rapid breathing, this only cause’s tightness of the chest and some panicking, a partially panicked person can not get their breath. The problem with rapid breathing is the person having the attack is not taking in enough air to keep oxygen in the blood. This also can lead to dry land drowning as is with toxic chemical exposures. Although this is my version and experience of an Asthma attack it is still up to the doctor to accurately decide if he is correct in an asthma diagnosis.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Asthma - Preventing An Asthma Attack
Different things set off asthma attacks in different people. Smoke from cigarettes or a fire, air pollution, cold air, pollen, animals, house dust, molds, strong smells such as perfume or bus exhaust, wood dust, exercise, industrial chemicals--all can trigger an attack.
Asthma cannot be cured, but most people with asthma can control it so that they have few and infrequent symptoms and can live active lives.
Asthma attacks are not all the same—some are worse than others. In a severe asthma attack, the airways can close so much that not enough oxygen gets to vital organs. This condition is a medical emergency. People can die from severe asthma attacks.
Taking care of your asthma is an important part of your life. Controlling it means working closely with your doctor to learn what to do, staying away from things that bother your airways, taking medicines as directed by your doctor, and monitoring your asthma so that you can respond quickly to signs of an attack. By controlling your asthma every day, you can prevent serious symptoms and take part in all activities.
Asthma Symptoms
owheezing oshortness of breath or trouble breathing ocoughing, either during the day or at night, but often worse at night and with exercise and activity ochest pain or chest tightness odecreases in your child's usual or predicted peak flow or poor performance on pulmonary function tests
Preventing an Asthma Attack
House dust exposure can be lessened by using bare floors, vacuuming frequently, and changing furnace and air cooler filters frequently. You should avoid using feather, wool, or foam bedding. Use polyester pillows and plastic covers over your mattress.
It's important to avoid all triggers to prevent having an asthma attack. Below are resources to help you manage asthma, tips to help you recognize an asthma attack and advice on planning ahead.
The best way to prevent an asthma attack is to avoid your triggers as much as possible. It's also important to learn how to recognize what might be known as your "early warning signs" of an impending asthma attack. These are symptoms that happen just before an asthma attack begins. They tell you that your condition is about to worsen,or get out of control.
They might include things such as a frequent cough, especially during the nighttime hours, getting short of breath more easily, increased peak flow meter readings, feeling extra tired when you're active, a change in mood toward the negative, and trouble sleeping. You might also notice signs of a cold, such as nasal stuffiness, sore throat, sneezing, or runny nose. If you notice any of these symptoms, take action quickly to prevent an asthma attack.
Regular physical activity is important for good health. Keep your environment clear of potential allergens. Don’t smoke because smoking is always a bad idea for the lungs. Cromolyn and nedocromil, which are used to treat mild persistent asthma.
Theophylline, which is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma Leukotriene modifiers, which are used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma.
Read about Acne Cure and Treatments and Breast Enlargement Enhancement. Also read about Beauty and Makeup Tips
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Make Breathing Easier: Asthma Alternative Medicines
The most common treatment of asthma is an inhaler. Some people use a quick relief inhaler that is used at the onset of an asthma attack. Others use a preventative steroid inhaler. This helps prevent the asthma attack from occurring to begin with. It is also fairly common for people to use a combination of both. However, one of the most common alternative asthma medicines is magnesium. Although the daily intake or increased magnesium diet has not been proven to help with asthma, it has been proven that intravenous magnesium during a severe attack does help. A low level of magnesium has shown to be one of the common threads for people with asthma. The second most common of the alternative asthma medicines is something called N-acetylcysteine. This has been proven to lower the amount of mucous and therefore improve the symptoms of asthma. The third option of the alternative asthma medicines is potassium. Low levels of potassium and poor lung function seem to be negatively correlated. This means that the higher the level of potassium the worse the lung function is. Therefore increasing the potassium in one’s diet could increase lung function. In addition, alternative asthma medicines like the ones listed above can have simple and inexpensive introduction. Increasing the levels of potassium or magnesium could be as simple as taking a vitamin or supplement. Asthma can range from minor to severe and it is important for everyone with asthma to do what they can to reduce their chances of extreme attacks. Asthma does not have to limit one’s life and therefore alternative asthma medicines should be researched and obtained if monitored by a physician.
Steven M Schultz lives in Loveland, Colorado USA. He is a restaurateur (The Hobnob Restaurant), a professional candy maker (Columbine Almond Toffee) and a martial artist (Black Belt in Haidong Gumdo). He is married with three children. For more Information and a FREE report [ Click Here ]
Monday, February 18, 2008
Asthma History
Researching Asthma History
Researching the history of my Asthma
The Researching Asthma history was difficult and little was found about the first documented incidents where people had their first Asthma attack with symptoms such as difficulty breathing and coughing. In additon little was available for Asthma treatments. However, when researching the history I found on many occasions where many researchers noticed asthmatics were genetically prone to being born with Asthma. This information was disconcerning know that their not really all that much you can do when comes to asthma prevention. Being a new father this really bothered me that I may pass this along to my kids or grand kids. Thus, passing along my asthma history.
Some of the best in information I read was about the "history of Asthma" was obtained from the Melbourne study and a posting by the New England Journal which also provided excellent examples about asthma treatment. In researching asthma history I found a couple websites stating 70% of all asthmatics had asthma within the first 3 years of their lives. A common reoccuring theme during my research was surprisingly enough wheezing can not necessarily classify infants as having Asthma because many children have smaller airways and as their lungs and airways grow they may outgrow wheezing. So, know this people should jump to conclusion if babies are wheezing. They should be concerned with Asthma testing rather than Asthma Treatments.
In a recent study about diagnosing asthma I read they took a sample of 1000 children and about 800 of these children has some type of wheezing by age six. The study of "asthma history" also said that children with continued wheezing were likely to develop asthma. One of the interesting studies regarding Asthma history in children for the first six years of life was the study stating children born with asthma usually had normal lung function until the age of 10 or 11 then they slowly loose lung function over time due to Asthma regardless of Asthma Treatment.In additions other studies shows having a mother with a history of asthma doubles the risk of childhood asthma. In this case I tried to find way to treat a fetus in a pregant woman, as expected their was no information available regarding that type of Asthma treament.
One of the progressions of Asthma history into which I fit was a study of people that have asthma at age 42. A study I read said there was 30-70% chance that the adult would have clinical remission in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, 27% of asthmatics being monitored that had wheezing ended up in remission, unfortunately 12% who had undergone a remission eventually had some type relapse of Asthma no matter what type of Asthma treatment they had. As a part of my reading on Asthma History I found statements from research were the estimated that 70% percent of children with Asthma were likely to be male. Unfortunately, after adulthood the majority of adults with Asthma were women.
Some common questions regarding Asthma are establishing the Asthma History. Some questions used to establish a history of asthma is questions such as, does the child wheeze, show dyspnoea (shortness of breath) or cough which transfers to shortness of breathe? Is the children’s sleep disturbed because of wheezing or trouble breathing? Additionally another question to establish if there is a asthma history, ask if the person, child or adolescent has trouble breathing after exercise. Another quantifying “asthma history” question related to the number of times the individual thinks they missed work or school because of possible asthmatic episodes with or without a treatment of asthma
I was hoping to find more information relating to the history of Asthma however most of my research showed how to research and establish if a person that is not sure if they have asthma has had factors in their past history that would point to them being an asthmatic. Some of these had to deal with allergens but also had to deal with emotional stresses as establishing treatment of Asthma and their Asthma history.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What Asthma Relief Drugs Are Actually Doing To You!
So when you suck the Asthma Relief chemicals into your airpipes, their powerful effect over-rides your defense, and allows you to breathe as deeply as your breathostat wants you to. It is a great feeling of relief when the airpipes are pushed open again, and you are able to go back to breathing many times more air than you need. Aaaahhhhhhhh.
If you use a drug with a long action, you can breathe as much as you want all day. Almost no restriction at all. The only problem is that after a while, it may be days, weeks or years, your defenses will start to get a bit more serious about stopping the CO2 loss [which it knows is fatal].
An Example of the Development of Severe Asthma
Let us follow the development of a typical asthmatic. Let us say the young boy had a cough [bronchitis] during childhood, and probably some hay fever. As a teenager, the cough reduced, but was replaced by a restriction in his breathing, usually very early in the morning, or when he exercised.
A worried parent took him to the doctor, who did various measurenotments, and the doctor diagnosed, "Asthma!" The shame of this was hidden, and the teenager instructed on the use of a puffer [let us say "relief-puffer"]. At the start, all it took was two puffs, every now and then, say twice a week, and the wheeze disappeared like magic. Not too bad.
Later in the same year, the winter was quite nasty. He found he needed to use the puffer more and more. His mother, having read about the increased death rate associated with high use of puffers returned him to the doctor. "Ahh" said the doctor wisely, "we will need to introduce a .preventative puffer", as this has been shown to reduce the death rate that had apparently risen because of the increased use of the relief-type puffer.
He had to take the preventative puffer every morning and night. "Is this for the rest of his life?" asked his mother. "Very likely, but we will see," said the doctor.
Despite the new puffer, he began to get more and more tighter, more and more often. The two puffs of relief puffer no longer worked well enough, so they bought a machine that sprayed the chemical out of a mask he wore on his face. This gave pretty good relief, but on some days he needed it 3 or 4 times. He was a large teenager, so he received the full adult dose, and made sure he used all of it. [Note: .1 puff of relief puffer is 1/ 10,000th of a gram. A full nebule of relief puffer is 50/10,000th of a gram. So one nebule is equal to 50 puffs, but a lot gets out of the sides so let us say it is equal to 25 puffs from the relief puffer.]
Mother is getting very worried now, has been back to the doctor, who has doubled the dose of preventative puffer and referred them to a "pulmonologist." This doctor sees mostly asthma, and is considered the best in the area. He immediately does more tests involving mostly huffing and puffing, and puts our lad onto 50mg of oral steroids per day, for 6 days, then on a reducing amount. This reduces the asthma, and two weeks later, only puffers are needed. A few weeks later, it all starts again.
The family learn to live with it, and have some periods of good health. Their pulmonologist sees them every month, and gets hold of new drugs earlier for them to try. Which work for a while, but then seem to fail, a trip to the emergency ward is made about twice a year.
Then, after 8 years, the family moves to a different area near the beach. The lad takes up surfing, and within 1 week the asthma has stopped. A call to their pulmonologist gets the reply that this happens quite often, .they seem to just grow out of it.
This story illustrates how the amount of relief medication needed usually increases with time in many people. Others never need much more that a couple of puffs a day.
What is really happening? Your overbreathing pattern is causing you to lose more and more CO2 from your lungs. When it gets low enough, your body acts to trap more in. When you feel this restriction, it feels unpleasant and you feel you are not getting enough air. The bronchodilator you take tells the air pipes to open up. [Turns off your defense, and stops it for about 4 hours.] This means that you can return to the breathing that caused your need for the defense in the first place. If your breathing has not improved when the drug wears off, your defense will start again. You will want more drugs, to improve your airflow again.
Over a period of time, this will cause you to need more and more of the drug, as your body becomes more resistant to it. Where one puff per day was enough before, you may start to need many more puffs, plus the addition of other drugs. If this loop continues without an improvement [decrease] in your breathing, your body will work harder and harder to stop the CO2 loss, until the point where hospitalization is needed because your airpipes no longer respond at all to your drugs.
One technique that has been shown to help people with this issue is the Buteyko Breathing Method. The Buteyko Breathing Method teaches you to use your breathing to trap in more CO2 at the first sign of asthma, and after a short time use your fast acting, short acting drugs then only if needed.
For more information on Asthma Signs and Symptoms (Butekyo Breathing Method) or for information on an Asthma Test. If you are looking for music to help you meditate and control your asthma Meditation Music (Baroque Music)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Dealing With Asthma
My Asthma Story
This blog is presented by an individual who has had "ASTHMA" since birth and continues to deal with Asthma. I am not a doctor and I am interested in sharing my experiences both good and bad. This blog will discuss and review commonly accepted facts or truths as presented in the community regarding asthma, asthma treatment, asthma triggers and ways to prevent "asthma attacks". This blog will also discuss some of the methods used to control "asthma" whether it is by using over the counter Asthma medication, breathing techniques or potential herbal remedies or other various methods of Asthma Treatment. Again, I am not a doctor and anything represented here in is a product of either experience or by research online of through communication with others. This blog will only give you clues I have expereinced and read about when it comes to Asthma and diagnosing asthma.
Any treatment of asthma should be reviewed, discussed and approved by the patient and their physician. I can't ephazise more than enough how this blog is only here to share experiences and opinions related to Asthma and various methods of asthma treatment and asthma prevention. I hope to provide "Asthma help" through my experiences "dealing with Asthma". I spent many nights in the hospital because of Asthma, compounded by sinus problems. I have used all types of asthma medications and a variety of Asthma treatments since 1973. I plan to discuss and research the following information about asthma as it relates to me personally, while sharing my research I have found as relating to asthma treatments and asthma medications. I inted to start out discussing the "history of Asthma", "Diagnosing Asthma", "Asthma Prevention", ways of "testing for Asthma" prescriptions used for Asthma, using Asthmatic tolls such as a Nebulizer, dieting and asthma, common asthma statistics and possible asthma prevention. I have no idea which I will address first. I will most likely share the history of asthma and asthma statistics.
About me:
Dealing with Asthma as a kid I remember my parents trying to sit me in a warm bath as was suggested by doctors as a form of Asthma Treatment. As a kid I did not want to do this. So, my point is if a kid continually does not want to do something during an Asthma attack or asthmatic flare up don’t make them do it. Of course, this is after trying the same kind of Asthma treatment a couple of times. If the kid has tried it and doesn’t want to do it, I suggest you don’t make them do it. Kids know what works and what doesn’t. I say this because my experience has taught me that being in a warm\hot place when having an asthma attack makes things worse for me. For instance anyone that has ever gone swimming and went to the deep end of a pool can feel the pressure on their body and chest. Think about a child having trouble breathing and throwing them into a warm bath. Does this not put more pressure on their chest making it even more difficult to breathe? If having something warm helps when they are having an asthma attack, put them in a warm shower. I also remember doctors telling us that extreme cold helps "trigger" Asthma Attacks. I would tend to agree it aggravates my asthma. However, my earlier experience my father cracked open my bedroom during the winter thus helping freshen up my stuffy room and helping me breath (maybe something was triggering my attack). This relaxed me and helped me with my Asthma.
My point is something that assit kids in treating their asthma, is finding something that relaxes them. This is not the same as distracting them. Sometimes the simple stoking of the hair on the head of a child could help the child to relax. If you are interested in adding a story about "dealing with Asthma" or a successful for of Asthma Treatment, let me know
How To Treat Asthma And Is Choosing Natural As Well As Non-Toxic Methods Recommended?
One of the good things about treating asthma today is that there is less emphasis on using drugs since there are many alternative methods of treating asthma that are in fact walking a path different to the allopathic one, and thus there is less toxicity as well as side effects involved.
More Deaths After The Introduction Of Bronchodilators
Also, when you read the mainstream health journals today, you will not have failed to have realized that there is high level of toxicity in the pharmaceuticals used to treat asthma, and this is borne out by facts that show that after bronchodilators were introduced, the otherwise low rate of deaths related to asthma suddenly began to increase. And, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, drugs such as Albuterol and some other asthma medications made the lungs deteriorate after constant use, which only shows that seeking out alternatives for treating asthma is a wise decision after all.
The way that alternative medications treat the problem of asthma is different to the allopathic means, and the aim of such treatment methods is to bring the balance back as well as provide the whole body with more strength, and also to give support to lungs as well as the immune and even hormonal systems. And, the best part about choosing alternative methods for treating asthma is that there are virtually no side effects, and the cost of such treatment is pretty low, and it also promotes self-treatment being very convenient as well. What’s more, if you want, you can use these alternative methods for treating asthma alongside allopathic treatment methods and thus get even more effective results, and it will also help reduce the unwanted side effects of allopathic treatment drugs.
It is especially useful to consider choosing alternative methods of treating asthma since allopathic drugs such as Theophylline which is a drug often used for treating asthma, and which has been shown to even change the patient’s personality are certainly not what you would wish for, because these side effects are most undesirable indeed.
It is therefore easy to see that using natural as well as non-toxic treatment methods in preference to allopathic drugs is a better course of action, even though you will need drugs in case you have an especially severe case of asthma and they are also very effective in emergency situations.
Article by Hartmann Tony.
How to cure asthma? What is the best medicine for asthma? What do you need to be aware of when having asthma? This and much much more can be found on our Asthma Health Blog. Also feel free to ask questions and to leave a comment!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Natural Cure For Asthma - How To Find The Right Cure For Your Asthma
How to cure asthma naturally?
1) One of the easiest natural cure for asthma is to change your diet. Many food allergies can trigger attacks and many people do not realize that it could be the food that they eat that is making them sick. Make a note or a diary on what kind of foods that can trigger your asthma and take positive steps to reduce or remove them from your diet.
2) Make conscientious efforts to delete or control the consumption of mucous-producing foods such as rice, sugar, lentils, milk, dairy products, fried foods and other difficult-to-digest food from your diet. These food may promote conditions that increase the chances of an asthma attack.
3) Take up yoga or other similar breathing exercise programs to cure your asthma naturally. These controlled breathing exercises will strengthen your lung muscles and help your entire respiratory system to function efficiently. An added benefit is that you will get the exercises that you need to keep your whole body in shape and to feel better.
4) Experiment with herbal products, vitamin supplements and unconventional treatment methods such as acupuncture and acupressure. The combination of dietary changes, herbal medication and acupuncture has been successful with many asthmatics.
5) Stay away from environment that are polluted with pollen, pollution, house duct mites, tobacco smoke, feather and other allergen as these may trigger an asthma attack. Efforts must made be to eliminate or reduce the dust mites present at your home. The use of mechanical ventilators to keep the relative humidity of the home to less than 50%; using air cleaners that have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters; cleaning using a vacuum with a HEPA filter; steam cleaning the rugs and upholstery regularly; washing of all bedding in hot water of 60 degree Celsius on a weekly basis; dry cleaning quilts and blankets weekly; and placing placing plastic casings specifically made for dust mites control on pillow and mattresses have proven to greatly reduce the dust mites population and the number of asthma attacks.
Taking responsibility for your own health is the first major step and the fact that you are reading this article indicates that you may be interested in investigating natural cure for asthma. A natural cure for asthma is the best method for you to reduce your dependence on medication and gain full control of your life. Discover more natural ways here.
How To Cure Asthma Naturally
Are you one of them?
There are natural cures for asthma sufferers that you need to know about.
Most drugs have side effects with long term use which also has long term side effects, which is even more worrying.
You probably think that this is the only way to control asthma and asthma attacks. You are WRONG!
One of the things that you could do to naturally treat asthma will be through what you eat. There are certain foods that you MUST avoid that trigger an asthma attack.
Exercise is a very natural way to treat asthma. If you haven't tried yoga, maybe that should be one of things that you could think about. Yoga helps to strengthen your lung muscles which in turn helps you to breathe more easily.
There are also many herbal remedies that can be used in addition to your medication, if you are taking any, that will help your asthma.
Acupuncture can be used as another addition to your medication to help you control your asthma attacks. You have to have a course of treatments to allow the process to work over time. Many asthmatics have found this worked very well with them.
Finding natural methods and adding that to your normal medication could make you healthier and help you feel that you are in control of your asthma.
Popular for asthma sufferers is aromatherapy. When you have chosen the right oils and scents, aromatherapy will give you the effect of total relaxation and is very popular to asthma sufferers.
Certain vitamins seems to have a depleting effect on asthma sufferers that take medication. For e.g. vitamin B6 defiency is common in asthmatics. Depending on your medication, vitamin B6 tends to get depleted with an anti-asthma drug such as theophylline and aminophylline.
Evening primrose oil, researchers have found that it has a beneficial effect on bronchial asthma.
These a just a few of the remedies that can be used with asthma sufferers.
In my next article I will go into the different foods that need to be eaten to help asthmatics and also different foods to avoid.
If you are interested in finding natural ways to cure your ailments that will give you control over your physical well-being, check out this website at
Monday, February 11, 2008
Asthma - Home Remedies to Cure Asthma
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. The airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways are inflamed (swollen). For most kids, breathing is simple: They breathe in through their noses or mouths and the air goes into the windpipe. From there, it travels through the airways and into the lungs. But for kids with asthma, breathing can be a lot more difficult because their airways are very sensitive. In most people with asthma, the difficulty breathing happens periodically. When it does happen, it is known as an asthma flare-up also known as an asthma attack, flare, episode, or exacerbation. Many people with asthma compare a flare-up to the sensation of trying to breathe through a straw - it feels extremely hard to get air in and out of their lungs. An asthma flare-up can last for several hours or longer if a person doesn't use asthma medication. When an asthma flare-up is over, the person usually feels better. Between flare-ups, a person's breathing can seem completely normal, or a person may continue to have some symptoms, such as coughing. Some people with asthma feel as if they are always short of breath.
Home Remedies to Cure Asthma
1. Take 1 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder and mix them well before consuming.
2. Take 2 tablespoonful of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoonful of water. Repeat day and night.
3. In 1 cup of water soak 1 tsp of Fenugreek seeds overnight. Strain. Add 1 tsp of Ginger juice and 1 tsp of honey to this. It has to be consumed twice during morning as well as evening.
4. For people who are in their early stages of asthma, a perfect home remedy is to boil 8-10 cloves of garlic in 1/2 cup of milk and consume it during nighttime.
5. Drink one glass of milk to help with the asthma .
6. Cook fresh cranberries in water then mash. Take 2-3 teaspoons a day.
7. Boil water in a pot. Cool, Lean towards the pot with a big towel over your head and inhale the steam for 20 minutes.
8. Air, sun and water are also great healing agents. The patient should sit in fresh air for sometime daily. Try to avoid dusty places, exposure to cold, mental worries and tensions.
9. Regular chewing of fennel helps expel infected mucous from the chest. Thus, helps in preventing asthma attacks.
10. Take fresh dry grapes with seeds and soak them in 150 grams of water at night. Remove the seeds in the morning and chew them slowly, one by one. In the remaining water add a little sugar and drink it. In a month the lungs will be strengthened and poisonous wastes will be removed from the body.
Juliet Cohen writes articles for and
Saturday, February 9, 2008
An Acute Case Of Asthma Treated With Homeopathy
Case Study
Mrs. D.R., a 22 year old patient reported with Allergic colds since last 3 to 4 months. She gets continuous running nose and greenish watery discharge. As soon as she gets up she has continuous running nose. Immediately after washing her face, all the symptoms begin. She has feverish feeling, burning in eyes with headache. When she is suffering she has to be in bed for at least 6 to 8 hours and feels tired, lethargic and run down. She also complains of irritation in the upper part of mouth, nose and throat. She is better by rubbing the nose and ear vigorously. Face becomes hot.
Cold climate
Cold drinks, Ice creams, Juice
In A/C
Fast Fan
Touching nose
Summer starting
Morning early bath
Change of temperature Nose block ++
Mental Tension +++
By brushing teeth at night
Avoiding washing of face till afternoon
Love, affection and consolation
Headache She feels floor is not even and is bumpy. > By going to sleep. Graying of hair at age of 21 years. She has giddiness < standing, > Lying down Irritation with nose blocked Acidity.
Physical Generals
Appetite: Normal, avoids food if has any work Bowel: Constipation < tea
Craving: Spicy ++, egg Thirstless
Perspiration: Summer, stains yellowish more on underarms and legs
Urine: Burning sometimes
Stool: Semi solid
Sleep: Sleepy. Must sleep in afternoon. If doesn't sleep then gets cold and unrefreshing feeling
Dreams: Day to day life, does not remember
Menses: Dysmenorrhea. First menses at the age 15 years. Cycle: 3/25 days. Occasional Leucorrhoea. Desire winter Likes fan but aggravated++ Bath: Hot water or Tepid water Covers only legs.
Family History
Father: High B.P. Grand Father: Heart attack Paternal Gr. Mo.: Died of Cancer Mother: Obesity & Hair fall
O/E: Weight: 52 Kg. Throat++ Chest NAD Nails breaking, cracking. Face few eruptions; dark ring around eyes Nose congested.
Life Space
She always craves to go to mother's home. If her ego is hurt, she thinks about it a lot, but cannot tell her mother-in-law anything. The fact that she is incapable of having a child is known by relatives. This hurts her a lot. She likes to spend money and likes to have her own cash, which she cannot have at her in-law's place. There is a limited amount available for spending. She used to buy 1 new dress every day, she may be buying 1 dress every day even now. And she never repeats a dress. I have seen her atleast 30 times as she comes with her friends or relatives and she has never worn the same dress again. Her friend told me that in 2 years she does not wear the same dress again and she changes clothes morning and evening both times. She is tall, slim, beautiful and fair. She comes basically from a very rich family. She has 2 sisters and a brother. Her parents have given her lot of money, many dresses and lots of jewellery. As a child she has been pampered and brought up in a very luxurious and protected environment and always got whatever she wanted. She was very fat till the age of 8 years. Studying Ok. Reserved by nature. Only after entering University started making friends. Takes lot of time to mix with people. Completed her graduation in Commerce. Forgetful ++, forgets names ++, forgets the relatives. She is very emotional, moody, talks a lot without reason. Sensitive +++ Hot tempered and out spoken. Husband is good. She prefers his company. She takes tension of numerous things without reason. She has tired to please everybody after marriage. She has been repeatedly hurt by her in-laws. Repeatedly mother-in-law insulted her, as she did not know much about cooking or house keeping. She is better by consolation. Wants to sleep, sleepy +++ Feeling depressed and cries easily ++ Even to go anywhere nearby needs some company. Now she is jealous as her sister-in-law is pregnant. Upset +5 as her sister-in-law is pregnant for the second time. Very much scared of lizards, cockroaches or insects. After some time of marriage they were planning for a child she consulted a gynecologist. She has no problems but husband has oligozoospermia. She started having negative thoughts soon after and was depressed ++. She used to cry again and again. As a routine she fights with her husband but she loves him also.
Treatment History
29/11/95 Gratiola 6 pinch powder every 15 minutes. SL 2 Pills 4 hrly SL 1-1-1 x 7 days
As Gratiola 200, which is the desired potency, was not available, I had to give Gratiola 6. As the potency was not desired, I had to repeat the dose frequently.
2/12/95 Better with medication Stool improvement Better after passing flatulence Gratiola 6 Pinch powder every 15 minutes
SL. 2 pills 4 hrly S.L. 1-0-1x 7days
23/12/95 All complains better Ct All x 7days
15/1/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
12/2/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
18/4/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
25/4/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days Only few symptoms remain. Troubles are better on the whole
20/5/96 All symptoms Better. No complaints.
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About the Author
Dr. Jawahar Shah is a teacher, author and a leading practitioner of Classical Homoeopathy since last 30 years. He has organized more than 500 seminars in 32 countries across the globe. Dr. Shah has been an active contributor to various National and International Scientific Journals in the form of various articles and is the guiding force behind development of leading Homoeopathic software, HOMPATH.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Why Early Diagnosis of Pediatric Asthma Is Important
It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and adults.
As data accumulated, asthma was recognized as a complex genetic disease, with numerous contributing genes.
It causes children to miss time from school and adults to miss time from work.
In latest 20 years asthma hospitalization and mortality rates increased in the United States and remain alarmingly high given the current state of knowledge. Asthma contributes to more than 500,000 hospitalizations and 5000 deaths annually resulting in costs exceeding $12 billion.
Asthma is a disease marked by variable airway obstruction. This variable obstruction may result in variable symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness. From the patient's perspective, these symptoms are the most obvious signs of worsening asthma.
Because the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of asthma have increased in children over the past several decades, the early and accurate diagnosis of pediatric asthma is important from at least two points of view:
The airway inflammation is not a static, reversible event. It may result in permanent changes; furthermore, progressive pathogenesis can occur even among infants or children with mild disease.
Environmental exposure to allergen, tobacco smoke, pollutants, low birth weight, and infections all play a contributing role in worsening the condition.
The most common asthma therapy in children is inhaled bronchodilator medications. They are highly effective in opening airways narrowed by asthma. In fact, they are the most effective. In addition, they have few severe side effects when used in the recommended dose and frequency. They are available by both metered dose inhaler and nebulizer. In very severe conditions doctor may prescribe other medications.
A last notice. Your child may take the medicine for about a week after the asthma symptoms end. If your child has more severe asthma and many episodes, he/she may need to take medicines every day, including one or more anti-inflammatory medicines.
Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues such as allergic asthma
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Asthma : Adult Asthma Symptoms
Adult asthma symptoms usually progress over a period of hours or days, and occasionally the airways become more seriously inflamed or obstructed. At this point, its wise to schedule a visit to the asthma specialist for lung function tests and prescribed antibiotics and corticosteroids to get the excessive mucous and inflammation under control. A common cold can become a full blown respiratory infection in an asthmatic, which is why its important to recognize symptoms early and get treatment started right away. Understanding the underlying causes of allergies and allergy-related asthma is another important intervention that has been proven to reduce the number and severity of asthma attacks in a significant number of patients. Allergies are a common underlying factor, and once the allergies are addressed, the frequency of asthma attacks decreases as well.
Long-term relief medications for adult asthma sufferers are widely available, and usually consist of an inhaled corticosteroid taken twice daily and a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Lots of information for treatment of adult asthma symptoms is available from local medical professionals including asthma and immunology specialists, so dont hesitate to seek a professional evaluation and consultation. Over-the-counter medications are not recommended for the long term treatment of chronic asthma, and can have dangerous consequences for someone in a life threatening situation. With proper treatment, asthmatics take brisk walks, and take up running and other vigorous aerobic activity without asthma symptoms. Do you homework and learn more about asthma symptoms, treatment and underlying causes online at a number of sites dedicated to keeping asthma under control and to you living a healthy symptom-free life.
Article By: JWLam
Find out more on Asthma Treatments by visiting a popular Information Zone that specializes in offering free online information on topics about health, wealth, wisdom.
Monday, February 4, 2008
How to Cure and Control Asthma
Asthma can come from more than just running out of air. It can be triggered by numerous allergies that you may have. A major step in controlling asthma is knowing your allergies.
But with the proper treatment and medication you can live a longer life.
Treatment Through Medication
Dont get confused and think there is a cure for asthma. You have to take medication to control it. Most asthmatics take anti-inflammatory medications through an inhaler. This medication is a steriod that strengthens the air ways and reduces mucus and swelling.
Bronchodilators is another form of medication that strengthens the airways. There three types of bronchodilators. There are (anticholinergics) short acting, (theophylline) long acting bronchodilaters, and (agonists) short and long acting. The short actings is for immediate rescue of an asthma attack. Long acting is to control and prevent asthma symptoms.
Treatment Through Lifestyle Changes
Knowing what your allergies are and staying away from them are good ways of treating your asthma. That doesn't mean avoiding them all together. If you know you're going to be in an environment that you're allergic to, you may be able to take your medicine before you come in contact with the allergen.
For those asthmatics that exercise. Just monitor your activities and limit the strenous workouts so that you dont have the risk of an attack. For example, instead of running a mile in 3 minutes, run your mile in 6 minutes.
Not Asthma Cures, Asthma Control
Remember, there is no cure for asthma, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer. Just control your lifestyle and take the proper medications and you'll live a long life. Take control of your asthma. Figure out your allergies, exercise smart, and be happy!
For more information on Asthma visit, a website that specializes in providing health tips, advice, and asthma care information to include Asthma Attacks, Asthma Symptoms, and more. There are many links to great information about controling asthma and living a long life.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Asthma Cures - Eliminate the Causes First
Fortunately, there are many possible remedies out there. It's just up to each of the many asthma sufferers to find the cure that works for them.
A Variety of Asthma Cures
There are a variety of possible and promising asthma cures out there and not all of them involve taking drugs. In fact, there are many that don't involve taking medicine or seeing a doctor. Besides finding a drug that works, some of the other natural cures for this include: breathing techniques, adjusting living conditions, adjusting eating habits, and performing mental exercises.
Some people find that their asthma is much better or cured all together by doing just one of the above, while others find it works to do a variety of the above. What exactly works is different for each person.
For example, with adjusting diet, some people may find that if they eat a certain food then it helps to relieve their asthma symptoms. However, some other people may find that the exact same food causes an allergic reaction and makes it worse.
Everything depends on the individual person.
The Importance of Looking to Treat Asthma
There are so many causes of asthma that it's often tough for each asthmatic to know what causes his/her asthma. However, it's important to find out that cause. If the cause can be determined than a cure can be found much easier.
So all asthmatics should begin looking for what might be causing it. To begin everyone should look at their living conditions and eating habits. Often this is caused by allergies and the most common allergens are found in the home (or workplace) and in foods.
Again, one person may have mold in his basement causing his asthma while another person may be eating food with MSG that is causing it to get worse. Each person has to take the initiative to find what's causing this and then take the proper steps to eliminate the causes.
Asthma cures can be found just by eliminating the causes.
There is No Silver Bullet
Many people mistakenly believe that one magic pill, technique, or exercise will cure everyone's asthma. But this isn't true.
Everyone needs to find the cause of their asthma and then try the different strategies that have worked for others until they find the cure that works right for them.
Discover the asthma remedies that many asthma sufferers including Olympic athletes have used to cure their asthma and now live a fulfilling life at These little secrets compiled by Jonathan Hatton have helped hundreds of people to take full control of their asthma naturally without taking expansive drugs or medications. For more information, visit Asthma Cure Guide today.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Warning Signals And Diagnosis Of Asthma
Allergy and bronchial asthma are closely related. In an attack of asthma, as a result of allergy, there occurs an inflammation of the airways. Thus a swelling/narrowing of the airways manifests itself as a result of this inflammation.
The three notable early warning signs/symptoms are: cough, tightness in the chest / breathlessness and wheezing (whistling sound caused by difficult breathing through narrowed airways as a result of their inflammation / swelling). But these early warning signals are usually ignored by the patient. Since an early attack of asthma may pass off rapidly, and the patient feels normal in between the attacks, the physician is usually not consulted until the disease is at an advanced stage, when the patient feels marked breathlessness frequently. When the attack persists for hours, it is called status asthmaticus, which is a dangerous stage, and may prove fatal for want of emergency medical aid.
We cannot blame the patient either, because in early cases, after a little discomfort, i.e. cough and tightness in the chest for a while, the patient seems to get well even without medication and he/she hardly feels the need for consultation or treatment. This mild discomfort may not occur for several days/months. In children, these symptoms may appear only after exercise, and the disease is not suspected by the parents, because following some rest, the child usually becomes free of the symptoms.
Hence the disease is highly unpredictable. However, those who have a family history of asthma, those who are heavy smokers, and those working in dusty places or in flour / saw-mills, bakeries, wheat/ plastic / paint / cotton/ glue industries, etc., must be alert, and keep in mind the early warning symptoms of asthma, for immediate medical attention. In some cases, there may be only a seasonal allergy, i.e. the patient gets attacks of asthma during a particular season only, as for instance, during the months of harvesting, threshing, etc.
Once the disease is suspected and the patient reports in time; there is no difficulty in establishing a diagnosis of asthma. But another difficulty can arise. It is invariably seen that the underlying root-cause (allergen) responsible for the recurrent allergy of the airways, causing an inflammatory response in the airways, cannot be easily detected. Various skin tests for the detection of allergy have proved to be of limited value. Therefore, one has to be on drugs which give only temporary relief, and the patient is often dependent on drugs for his or her entire life. Such cases are usually perennial, i.e., they get attacks of asthma throughout the year. As soon as the drug is stopped, the patient gets an attack of asthma. This is agonizing for any person, irrespective of age.
A good deal of research work is being carried out all over the world to overcome this chronic disease of the respiratory tract, so as to give a permanent relief / cure to sufferers.
Author sites: Home Remedies , Health Articles and Self Help