Saturday, February 9, 2008

An Acute Case Of Asthma Treated With Homeopathy

Dr. Shah presents here a case study to explain how a case of Acute Asthma was managed with Homeopathic medicines. The article also give us an insight into how careful observation and evaluation of patient history and study of materia medica will help us to use uncommon Homeopathic medicines for good clinical results.

Case Study
Mrs. D.R., a 22 year old patient reported with Allergic colds since last 3 to 4 months. She gets continuous running nose and greenish watery discharge. As soon as she gets up she has continuous running nose. Immediately after washing her face, all the symptoms begin. She has feverish feeling, burning in eyes with headache. When she is suffering she has to be in bed for at least 6 to 8 hours and feels tired, lethargic and run down. She also complains of irritation in the upper part of mouth, nose and throat. She is better by rubbing the nose and ear vigorously. Face becomes hot.

Cold climate
Cold drinks, Ice creams, Juice
In A/C
Fast Fan
Touching nose
Summer starting
Morning early bath
Change of temperature Nose block ++
Mental Tension +++
By brushing teeth at night
Avoiding washing of face till afternoon
Love, affection and consolation

Headache She feels floor is not even and is bumpy. > By going to sleep. Graying of hair at age of 21 years. She has giddiness < standing, > Lying down Irritation with nose blocked Acidity.

Physical Generals
Appetite: Normal, avoids food if has any work Bowel: Constipation < tea
Craving: Spicy ++, egg Thirstless
Perspiration: Summer, stains yellowish more on underarms and legs
Urine: Burning sometimes
Stool: Semi solid
Sleep: Sleepy. Must sleep in afternoon. If doesn't sleep then gets cold and unrefreshing feeling
Dreams: Day to day life, does not remember
Menses: Dysmenorrhea. First menses at the age 15 years. Cycle: 3/25 days. Occasional Leucorrhoea. Desire winter Likes fan but aggravated++ Bath: Hot water or Tepid water Covers only legs.

Family History
Father: High B.P. Grand Father: Heart attack Paternal Gr. Mo.: Died of Cancer Mother: Obesity & Hair fall

O/E: Weight: 52 Kg. Throat++ Chest NAD Nails breaking, cracking. Face few eruptions; dark ring around eyes Nose congested.

Life Space
She always craves to go to mother's home. If her ego is hurt, she thinks about it a lot, but cannot tell her mother-in-law anything. The fact that she is incapable of having a child is known by relatives. This hurts her a lot. She likes to spend money and likes to have her own cash, which she cannot have at her in-law's place. There is a limited amount available for spending. She used to buy 1 new dress every day, she may be buying 1 dress every day even now. And she never repeats a dress. I have seen her atleast 30 times as she comes with her friends or relatives and she has never worn the same dress again. Her friend told me that in 2 years she does not wear the same dress again and she changes clothes morning and evening both times. She is tall, slim, beautiful and fair. She comes basically from a very rich family. She has 2 sisters and a brother. Her parents have given her lot of money, many dresses and lots of jewellery. As a child she has been pampered and brought up in a very luxurious and protected environment and always got whatever she wanted. She was very fat till the age of 8 years. Studying Ok. Reserved by nature. Only after entering University started making friends. Takes lot of time to mix with people. Completed her graduation in Commerce. Forgetful ++, forgets names ++, forgets the relatives. She is very emotional, moody, talks a lot without reason. Sensitive +++ Hot tempered and out spoken. Husband is good. She prefers his company. She takes tension of numerous things without reason. She has tired to please everybody after marriage. She has been repeatedly hurt by her in-laws. Repeatedly mother-in-law insulted her, as she did not know much about cooking or house keeping. She is better by consolation. Wants to sleep, sleepy +++ Feeling depressed and cries easily ++ Even to go anywhere nearby needs some company. Now she is jealous as her sister-in-law is pregnant. Upset +5 as her sister-in-law is pregnant for the second time. Very much scared of lizards, cockroaches or insects. After some time of marriage they were planning for a child she consulted a gynecologist. She has no problems but husband has oligozoospermia. She started having negative thoughts soon after and was depressed ++. She used to cry again and again. As a routine she fights with her husband but she loves him also.

Treatment History
29/11/95 Gratiola 6 pinch powder every 15 minutes. SL 2 Pills 4 hrly SL 1-1-1 x 7 days
As Gratiola 200, which is the desired potency, was not available, I had to give Gratiola 6. As the potency was not desired, I had to repeat the dose frequently.
2/12/95 Better with medication Stool improvement Better after passing flatulence Gratiola 6 Pinch powder every 15 minutes
SL. 2 pills 4 hrly S.L. 1-0-1x 7days
23/12/95 All complains better Ct All x 7days
15/1/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
12/2/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
18/4/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days
25/4/96 Better+ Ct All x 7days Only few symptoms remain. Troubles are better on the whole
20/5/96 All symptoms Better. No complaints.

Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a treasure house of symptoms which comes in the aid of the Physician in the treatment of various conditions and constitutions. As a general expression, the word Pride often reminds one to think of remedies like Platina, Palladium, Veratrum, etc. A careful reading and analysis of some small remedies can often bring out excellent cures in the clinical practice. Gratiola is one such remedy which is indicated "for the mental effects of overweening pride." Nux Vomica Symptoms in females often require Gratiola. This remedy is especially indicated for the present day Daughters-in-law and for the intelligent subordinates working under stupid superiors. For any queries you may write to
Website: Speciality Clinic

About the Author
Dr. Jawahar Shah is a teacher, author and a leading practitioner of Classical Homoeopathy since last 30 years. He has organized more than 500 seminars in 32 countries across the globe. Dr. Shah has been an active contributor to various National and International Scientific Journals in the form of various articles and is the guiding force behind development of leading Homoeopathic software, HOMPATH.

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