Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Natural Cure For Asthma - How To Find The Right Cure For Your Asthma

Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs that affected more than 17 million people in the U.S. alone. It is generally triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, stress, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods. During an asthma attack, the walls of the lungs become inflamed and the mucus membranes filled with fluid and thick sticky mucus making it difficult to breathe. Asthma symptoms can include a scratchy throat, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and a tight feeling in the chest. Asthma patients have conventionally rely on respiratory inhalers and prescription medications to ease their asthma symptoms and to prevent asthma attacks. With today's emphasis on healthy living, more and more people are now looking for natural cure for asthma.

How to cure asthma naturally?

1) One of the easiest natural cure for asthma is to change your diet. Many food allergies can trigger attacks and many people do not realize that it could be the food that they eat that is making them sick. Make a note or a diary on what kind of foods that can trigger your asthma and take positive steps to reduce or remove them from your diet.

2) Make conscientious efforts to delete or control the consumption of mucous-producing foods such as rice, sugar, lentils, milk, dairy products, fried foods and other difficult-to-digest food from your diet. These food may promote conditions that increase the chances of an asthma attack.

3) Take up yoga or other similar breathing exercise programs to cure your asthma naturally. These controlled breathing exercises will strengthen your lung muscles and help your entire respiratory system to function efficiently. An added benefit is that you will get the exercises that you need to keep your whole body in shape and to feel better.

4) Experiment with herbal products, vitamin supplements and unconventional treatment methods such as acupuncture and acupressure. The combination of dietary changes, herbal medication and acupuncture has been successful with many asthmatics.

5) Stay away from environment that are polluted with pollen, pollution, house duct mites, tobacco smoke, feather and other allergen as these may trigger an asthma attack. Efforts must made be to eliminate or reduce the dust mites present at your home. The use of mechanical ventilators to keep the relative humidity of the home to less than 50%; using air cleaners that have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters; cleaning using a vacuum with a HEPA filter; steam cleaning the rugs and upholstery regularly; washing of all bedding in hot water of 60 degree Celsius on a weekly basis; dry cleaning quilts and blankets weekly; and placing placing plastic casings specifically made for dust mites control on pillow and mattresses have proven to greatly reduce the dust mites population and the number of asthma attacks.

Taking responsibility for your own health is the first major step and the fact that you are reading this article indicates that you may be interested in investigating natural cure for asthma. A natural cure for asthma is the best method for you to reduce your dependence on medication and gain full control of your life. Discover more natural ways here.

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