Saturday, February 2, 2008

Warning Signals And Diagnosis Of Asthma

Asthma is said to be more loyal than a wife. She may divorce you, but asthma usually does not. Such is the lingering characteristic of the disease.

Allergy and bronchial asthma are closely related. In an attack of asthma, as a result of allergy, there occurs an inflammation of the airways. Thus a swelling/narrowing of the airways manifests itself as a result of this inflammation.

The three notable early warning signs/symptoms are: cough, tightness in the chest / breathlessness and wheezing (whistling sound caused by difficult breathing through narrowed airways as a result of their inflammation / swelling). But these early warning signals are usually ignored by the patient. Since an early attack of asthma may pass off rapidly, and the patient feels normal in between the attacks, the physician is usually not consulted until the disease is at an advanced stage, when the patient feels marked breathlessness frequently. When the attack persists for hours, it is called status asthmaticus, which is a dangerous stage, and may prove fatal for want of emergency medical aid.

We cannot blame the patient either, because in early cases, after a little discomfort, i.e. cough and tightness in the chest for a while, the patient seems to get well even without medication and he/she hardly feels the need for consultation or treatment. This mild discomfort may not occur for several days/months. In children, these symptoms may appear only after exercise, and the disease is not suspected by the parents, because following some rest, the child usually becomes free of the symptoms.

Hence the disease is highly unpredictable. However, those who have a family history of asthma, those who are heavy smokers, and those working in dusty places or in flour / saw-mills, bakeries, wheat/ plastic / paint / cotton/ glue industries, etc., must be alert, and keep in mind the early warning symptoms of asthma, for immediate medical attention. In some cases, there may be only a seasonal allergy, i.e. the patient gets attacks of asthma during a particular season only, as for instance, during the months of harvesting, threshing, etc.

Once the disease is suspected and the patient reports in time; there is no difficulty in establishing a diagnosis of asthma. But another difficulty can arise. It is invariably seen that the underlying root-cause (allergen) responsible for the recurrent allergy of the airways, causing an inflammatory response in the airways, cannot be easily detected. Various skin tests for the detection of allergy have proved to be of limited value. Therefore, one has to be on drugs which give only temporary relief, and the patient is often dependent on drugs for his or her entire life. Such cases are usually perennial, i.e., they get attacks of asthma throughout the year. As soon as the drug is stopped, the patient gets an attack of asthma. This is agonizing for any person, irrespective of age.

A good deal of research work is being carried out all over the world to overcome this chronic disease of the respiratory tract, so as to give a permanent relief / cure to sufferers.

Author sites: Home Remedies , Health Articles and Self Help

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