Sunday, February 24, 2008

Breathing Problems - Herbal Medicines for Breathing Problems

Breathing is vital to life. Every time we breathe, we not only take oxygen in but breathe carbon dioxide out. Without oxygen the cells of the body will start to die in about three minutes.

Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, breathlessness or dyspnea can have various causes. Episodes of shortness of breath can occur during high levels of activity, like exhaustive exertion, or as a result of environmental conditions such as high altitude or very warm or cold temperatures. Other than these extreme conditions, shortness of breath is commonly a sign of a medical problem.

People whose breathing problems are caused by allergies should avoid potential allergens, such as pollens, dust and molds. In all cases, people with breathing problems are advised to avoid smoking and follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and maintaining a healthy weight.


oAvoid allergic substances or agents that induce asthma, if you have it.

oDo not walk, run or jog on roads with heavy automobile traffic.

oIf you have a gas furnace, have it checked once a year for carbon monoxide leaks.

oNever leave your car running in a closed garage.

oMake sure immunizations against childhood diseases, especially diphtheria, are up-to-date. This is part of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP) vaccination.

oIf you smoke, quit.

oKeep small objects a child could choke on out of reach and do not give gum, especially bubble gum, nuts, hard candy or popcorn to children under five years old.

oLock up all medications and poisonous substances so small children can't get to them.

Herbal Medicines

Tea tree oil (sometimes called te tre oil) comes from the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia. It is used as an antiseptic and to fight fungi. A diluted form has been used successfully as an alternative treatment for candidiasis (including thrush and yeast infections), as well as infections of the skin.

Herbal medicine is effective in all kinds of health problems, especially skin disorders, digestive problems, arthritis, hormonal imbalances, circulatory and breathing problems, stress related illness etc.

Herbal combinations are mixtures of different herbs, usually used for a special purpose. It's important to note that many of these products claim to be “immune boosting” but may boost those parts of your immune system that are already over-active.

SENNA: is one of the herbal plants which used to treat above problems. Senna is the member of Leguminaceae family. Actually senna is the shrub which is mostly found in china, Pakistan and India. Senna is also used as a stool softener. Senna is used to treat the bowel. Senna leafs in the paste form can be applied to many skin related problems. Senna pods and senna leafs are used for the medication.

Aloe vera: has long been used to heal burns and cuts. Test tube studies have shown that aloe vera works against bacteria,
fungi, and viruses, and also as an anti-inflammatory. (The word “anti-inflammatory” refers to anything that reduces swelling and other signs of infection.) Aloe vera is also used in the form of a cream or ointment to treat skin problems. Most oral (taken by mouth) aloe vera products contain only small amounts of juice from the plant, so it's doubtful that these would slow down viruses or kill bacteria. Aloe vera juice, however, is often used as a laxative.

Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Breast Enlargement Enhancement. Also read about Natural Cure for Diabetes

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