Saturday, March 29, 2008

Asthma Medication

Asthma Treatments and Asthma Medications

There are several methods of Asthma Treatments along with several Asthma medications such as Singulair, Advair which are Anti-inflammatory medications and are consider one of the best ways to treat asthma. Several people with a “history of asthma” use these “asthma medications” to prevent asthma attacks as a long term solution to asthma. However, these types of Asthma medications contain steroids, also called "corticosteroids," and help prevent asthma attacks as well work well as a form of “Asthma Treatment”.
Medications such as Advair act as a type of anti-inflammatory medication for patients suffering with a history of asthma. These asthma medications containing corticosteroids are intended to reduce swelling in the airways along with reducing mucus production in the airways. The reduction of the swelling helps airways to become less sensitive and less likely to affect Asthma triggers thus being an effective form of asthma treatment.

Bronchodilators are asthma medications are designed as a form of a quick relief treatment of asthma medications designed to relieve the symptoms of asthma by relaxing the muscles tighten around the airways. The bronchodilators act quickly opening airways by letting more air come in and out of the lungs being an effective form of treating asthma. Of course after this quick fix breathing improves. Bronchodilators also help clear mucus from the lungs. As the asthma medications start to work the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and can be coughed out more easily.

Inhaled corticosteroids – Asthma Treatment
These medications obstruct the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body. There are hardly any side effects produced by the inhaled drugs because of their local action in the lung.

Brand Name (Generic)

AeroBid; Bronalide (flunisolide ), Advair (fluticasone + salmeterol)
Azmacort (triamcinolone), Beclovent; Vanceril (beclomethasone)
Flovet (fluticasone)

Long-acting beta2-bronchodilators – Asthma Treatment
Asthma medication causes relaxation of the muscle surrounding the airways. These drugs are slowly vacate the patients body. These effects last approximately about an hour.

Serevent (salmeterol), Foradil (formoterol)

Theophylline bronchodilators – Asthma Treatment
Asthma medication increases relaxation of constricted airways by blocking the action of chemicals that cause contraction of muscles surrounding the airways. Oral, slow-release theophylline drugs are commonly used in asthma maintenance therapy. (A fast-acting intravenous form of theophylline is also available for emergency room treatment of severe asthma episodes.)
Theo-Dur; Theolaire (theophylline)

Oral corticosteroids – Asthma Treatment
These medications block the production or release of inflammatory chemicals in the body. Oral administration of corticosteroids for a prolonged time can produce several undesirable side effects.

Delta-Cortef (prednisolone), Deltasone (prednisone) Medrol; Solu-Medrol (methylprednisone)

Nonsteroidal antiallergics – Asthma Treatments
These medications block the release or action of inflammatory chemicals in the body, thus reducing the symptoms of inflammation, including relief of airway constriction
Intal (cromolyn ),Tilade (nedocromil)

Leukotriene modifiers – Asthma Treatment
These block the production or action of inflammatory chemicals called leukotrienes, thus reducing inflammation, relaxing the airways, and reducing mucus production
Accolate (zafirlukast ), Singulair (montelukast ) Zyflo (zileuton

Quick Asthma Treatment

“Rescue medication for use during an asthma attack”.

Short-acting beta2-bronchodilators – Asthma Treatment
These medications cause the muscle fibers surrounding the airways to relax, thus opening up the narrowed passageways. These drugs are rapidly cleared from the body, therefore, their effects last for a relatively short time (about 3 to 4 hours).

Brethaire; Bricanyl (terbutaline ), Maxair (pirbuterol), Tornalate (bitolterol),
Ventolin; Proventil (albuterol)

Anticholinergic bronchodilators – Asthma Treatment
These medications block the nerve responses that normally cause narrowing of airways. They are commonly used in combination with a beta2-bronchodilator such as albuterol

Atrovent (ipratropium)

Inhalers –Asthma Treatment
Asthma medications that are provided to treat asthma are inhaled. Inhaled medications do not have to be processed in any way by digestive organs in order to start working. Instead, they travel directly to the lungs, produce their effects quickly, and cause relatively few side effects. Several different inhaler devices are available to suit the needs of different people with different kinds of asthma. All of these devices have their own advantages and disadvantages. Below is a basic list of inhaler delivery systems available for adults with asthma are:
Metered-dose inhaler
Metered-dose inhaler with spacer
Dry powder inhaler

Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI) The medication is contained in a small, pressurized canister that releases a pre-measured or "metered" dose. Most canisters hold around 200 individual doses, but 50-dose and 100-dose inhalers exist for some drugs.
The pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) AKA "puffer" is because the asthma treatment medicine is delivered into the patients or users lungs as small "puffs".
Both preventer Asthma medications and reliever medications can be delivered in puffs to help prevent a sever asthma attack. In relation to “asthma treatment” the metered dose inhaler is one the most widely recognized forms of asthma treatment.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Does Anyone You Know Have Asthma?

At first reading, there isn't much extremely shocking in this report. But with a little research, in my opinion it becomes alarming.

This information comes from the Asthma Society of Canada:

"Doctors define asthma as a 'chronic inflammatory disease of the airways' . It is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions affecting Canadians. Asthma can be diagnosed at any age, but often starts in childhood. Its prevalence in Canada has been increasing over the last 20 years and it is estimated that currently over 3 million Canadians have asthma.

"The three strongest risk factors for developing asthma are family history, exposure in infancy to high levels of antigens such as house dust mites, and exposure to tobacco smoke and/or chemical irritants.

"We're all pretty familiar with allergic triggers of asthmatic symptoms, such as mould, animal dander, pollen, dust mites, etc., but perhaps less familiar with non-allergic triggers such as certain drugs, chemicals, fumes and odours, respiratory viral infections, certain weather conditions, strenuous physical exercise, tobacco smoke, and air pollution.

"Urbanization appears to be correlated with an increase in asthma. The nature of the risk is unclear because studies have not taken into account indoor allergens although these have been identified as significant risk factors.

"Experts are struggling to understand why prevalence rates world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade."

Alarming? Yes. Why?

First of all, the report was updated in April of 2005, yet most of the footnoted references are from the mid to late 90's. So the report is about "Canadians" in general; children are still not identified as a unique segment of the population, their needs, habits and susceptibilities are not taken into special consideration, even though the studies all concur that asthma often starts in childhood.

Next, approximately 3 million Canadians have asthma. You have to put that into the context of how many Canadians there are, which in the year 2000 was about 31 million, with an annual growth rate of approximately 1%. So about 9.6% of all Canadians have asthma. Almost one out of 10. If one out of 10 Canadians were in a wheelchair, or wearing a cast, we would take notice. Alarming, since we treat it so casually. It's a chronic disease, which means lifelong constant management and medication.

The world's current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.3% per year, while prevalence rates of asthma world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade. So asthma is occuring over 3 times more than can be attributed to population growth. These are rough figures, just to give us an idea of what we're looking at.

And this is only about asthma. It isn't about illness from chemical poisoning, or deaths from poisoning, or lung cancer, or...

So it's time to take steps to prevent asthma and other chronic environmental illnesses and diseases. At the very least, search for and buy the least toxic cleansers for household use. Get educated! Then, store all chemicals safely and securely away from children and pets.

Don't allow smoking in your home, and be aware of and avoid air pollution, both inside and out. Air out your home completely three times a day. Did you know that cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemical agents, including over 60 carcinogens? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute of Environmental Health Science’s National Toxicology Program, and the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen—a category reserved for agents for which there is sufficient scientific evidence that they cause cancer.

The U.S. EPA has estimated that exposure to secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers and is responsible for up to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections in children up to 18 months of age in the United States each year. If you have to smoke, just dig your own grave, don't drag others with you!

So, become aware and clean up your home environment.

By: Kathryn Beach

Asthma and Singulair

Allergy medication Side effects

The allergy and "asthma treatment" medication Singulair is used to treat asthma has been accused of "side effects" which can induce suicidal thoughts according to parents whose children suffer from asthma. Athma patients have used the medication "Singular" as a way to treat their asthma and allergies even though they find singulair may have side effects. However, their is not solid documentation that Singulair is the sole reason of suicidal thoughts when being used to treat asthma. Furthermore, many people have raved about how Singular has increased the quality of life especially for asthma patients, for people with a “history of Asthma”. The “side effects of Singular” are still being researched as well as the accusations of suicide for people using singular as part of their asthma treatment. Singulair has been proactive by placing a warning label on each box of singulair as well as, listing side effects for singulair on each box distributed for people using the medication to treat their "Asthma".

Some of the side effects of Singular include issues such as a headache, flu-like symptoms, abdominal pain and cough. Merck the maker of the allergy medicine Singulair said it only recently added reports of suicide to Singulair's warning label, which already listed reports that deal with peoples behaviour as reported in their side-effects. The company of Singulair has updated the drug's label four times in the past year to include information on a range of reported side-effects, which also include tremors, anxiousness and depression. Singular in connection with "asthma treatment" continues to deny that their drug causes suicidal thoughts or death. However, they continued to place labels warning people of issues related to their medication. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, severe swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above Singular suggests patients suffering from asthma and using their medication contact their family doctor or pharmacist.

The biggest side effect of Singular seem to relate to people under age and using Singular as a part of their asthma medication. This seems to fall in the areas of children especially, teenagers and the suicidal deaths related to Singulair after using the medication to treat their asthma. Although there are by far more successes than failures it is still a concern for patients using this medication and parents seeking a safe method of "Asthma Treatment". In addition to the possibilities of singular causing these tendencies some people have complained that allergy and asthma medication may play a role for singulair side effects may be causing Churg Straus Syndrome? Furthermore, with Singular the possibility causing death people for people with allergies and asthma complain about the contents of singular's medication. Singulair's asthma and allergy medication contains ingredients in their 10mg tablets which contain lactose, many asthmatics and allergy prone people have a problem with lactose. The lactose in the allergy and asthma medication could also be the cause to some patients suffering side effects which upsets their stomach.

Although singulair seems to have issues similair drugs can relate or be blamed for some sort of death whether related to suicide of not. Finally, people continue to praise the drugs ability to prevent asthma attacks thus increasing the quality of life for people who have went through an asthma test and now uses Singulair as one of the main components of their asthma treatment. Regardless of the fears of Singulair and suicide there is still much research needed before making final conclusions that Singular pushes people to have these thoughts or that people should stop using the medication Singulair to treat allergies and asthma regardless of Singulairs side effects.

Asthma Facts

What is asthma?

Everything you always wanted to know about asthma but didn't.

Asthma is the disease of the twenty-first century. If Typhoid and Cholera have had their day, then they only made room for a new epidemic. The fact that asthma doesn't make the news headlines all the time is simply because it is not as dramatic as the two former diseases. It still kills, but because hundreds at a time

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is chronic disease that is hallmarked by the inflammation of the bronchial or breathing tubes, in the lungs. While there is no known specific cause for the condition, many of its triggers are well known and avoidable; and those that can’t be avoided can be well managed.

15 million adults and 5 million children in the United Stated have asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that can cause early morning or late night coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety and shortness of breath. Asthma symptoms can be mild or serious, and they can also be life threatening during an asthma attack.

Our lungs are filled with hollow tube like passages that resemble the branches on a tree. These passages gradually become smaller and smaller ending in tiny pockets where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. For those with asthma, swelling in the hollow tubes makes breathing difficult and uncomfortable by preventing the air from moving freely. This inflammation causes an increased sensitivity to allergens and a host of other asthma triggers.

So what causes asthma? It is generally believed that exposure to allergens early in life can trigger asthma, but heredity plays a role too and can predispose certain populations to this chronic condition. Allergen induced asthma usually becomes apparent before the age of 35. Non allergic asthma usually has its onset in middle age and can be triggered or worsened by reflux disease, exercise, weather changes and illness.

Environmental lung irritants are by far the biggest culprits in triggering asthma problems and include cleaning products, perfume, smoke, mold, dust, pollution, mildew, seasonal pollen and animal dander.

Lifestyle and illness also play a role in causing respiratory flare-ups in those susceptible.
Stress, exercise, laughter, foods and food additives like sulfites, getting a cold, the flu or a bronchial infection, and even changes in the weather can bring the asthmatic closer to an asthma attack.

Luckily for asthmatics many of the factors that can lead to an asthma attack can be eliminated or reduced in their lives. Keeping the environment clean and dust free to avoid exposure to mold, mildew and dust mites, avoiding pets and smoke, staying inside on windy days and always riding in the car with the windows up to avoid excessive amounts of pollen, avoiding exposure to household chemicals and perfumed body products, and running a dehumidifier on humid days can all help to reduce the causes of environmental allergen triggers. Reducing stress, increasing exercise and working to stay healthy are necessary additional steps to managing asthma.
Asthma is on the rise in the United States and in other developed countries around the globe; and though no one knows exactly why, it is theorized that the culprits may be a byproduct of our more industrialized lives. People spend more time indoors where household pollutants are greater, and though environments are generally healthier, with less exposure to viruses and bacteria our immune systems may be becoming more sensitive to these issues.

There is no cure for asthma, but medication, and environmental and lifestyle changes can help to alleviate the symptoms and keep asthma from limiting the lives of those afflicted.
By: Gray Rollins

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Asthma and pets

Pets in an asthma sufferer's household.

One of the main reasons why asthma is so widespread and difficult to control is that it is a very individual disease. While one asthma sufferer might not have any ill effects when faced with a high pollen count, another could be getting rushed to hospital. The stimuli that cause asthma attacks are called triggers. These can be cold air, exercising, pollen,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eliminate Asthma Permanently

Asthmaknife. Announces Asthma Permanent Solution Program

Illinois, Chicago, March 06 – Until now, Asthma treatment had been focused on management of the related symptoms. Asthma Permanent Solution Program eliminates asthma permanently.

Asthmaknife is currently treating patients with extremely severe of just even severe asthma condition. Asthma Permanent Solution Program is the result of 37 years of continued clinical research on chronic diseases with a consistently proven effectiveness especially in children.

AsthmaKnife had recently launched the first Telemedicine Website for Asthmatic Patients helping many people around the world avoiding traveling and exposing to contaminated environments while recovering, restoring and optimizing properly their lungs functions.

Trough the Asthma Permanent Solution Program asthmatic patients have the opportunity to have a plenty life avoiding the use of desperate measures and techniques like Bronchial Thermoplasty.

The Asthma Permanent Solution Program makes the bronchi to become stronger in order to resist any kind of aggressions (triggers) instead of just treating the bronchospasm suppressing only the inflammatory process incurs on Asthma attacks.

Any asthmatic interested to enroll into the Asthma Permanent Solution program should contact first the Asthmaknife help center at in order to be evaluated and accepted.

Asthmaknife is leaded by Federico Arevalo MD, Director of the Chronic Disease Center Former Fellow of the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, Bethesda Md., at the Chicago Medical School. Former Fellow of the Hoekton Institute for Medical Research Former Fellow of Pediatrics, Cook County Hospital, Chicago Illinois Former Research Associate, Department of Pediatrics R&E Hospital, University of Illinois, Chicago Publications: American Journal of Physiology, Circulation Research, American Hearth Journal, others.

Contact: Chris Wilhelm, director of PR

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What Is Asthma?

20 million people in the United Stated have asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that makes it impossible for them to take breathing for granted.

Our lungs are filled with hollow tube like passages that resemble the branches on a tree. These passages gradually become smaller and smaller ending in tiny pockets where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. For those with asthma, swelling in the hollow tubes that fill the lungs makes breathing difficult and uncomfortable. This inflammation causes an increased sensitivity to allergens and a host of other asthma triggers like exercise, medications, stress, pollution, humidity and even laughter.

There is no cure for asthma, but medication, and environmental and lifestyle changes can help to alleviate the symptoms and keep asthma from limiting the lives of those afflicted.

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person; early morning or late night coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety and shortness of breath are all common. Allergen induced asthma usually becomes apparent before the age of 35. Non allergic asthma usually has its onset in middle age and can be triggered or worsened by reflux disease, exercise, weather changes and illness.

So who gets asthma? It is generally believed that exposure to allergens early in life can trigger asthma, and the rapid rise in the disease among children is cause for concern, but heredity plays a role too and can predispose certain populations to this chronic condition. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology children with a genetic predisposition are 40% more likely to develop the disease than those without the hereditary link. There isn’t anything that can be done to remove the heredity factor for asthma, but the disease is highly treatable.

When it comes to asthma, the best first line treatment is always lifestyle and environmental changes. Removing the influences that can trigger asthma related symptoms is the best first course of action. Keeping the environment clean and dust free to avoid exposure to mold, mildew and dust mites, avoiding pets and smoke, staying inside on windy days, always riding in the car with the windows up, avoiding exposure to household chemicals and perfumed body products, and running a dehumidifier on humid days can all help with specific environmental allergen triggers.

Prescription medications, or combinations of medications, are valuable tools in treating the symptoms of asthma. Bronchodilators are short acting medicines that help to open the breathing passageways of the lungs by relaxing them, while steroids are longer acting and help to decrease the swelling in the tissues lining the lungs. These medications come in the form of pills and inhalers and can be used with other medications to develop the right regimen for each individual patient.

Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease with symptoms that can range from mild to serious, and can even become life threatening during a severe asthma attack, but asthma is also highly treatable. With the right combination of lifestyle, environmental and medical treatment, asthmatics can live healthy and active lives.

By: Gray Rollins

Why Do You Have Asthma?

Asthma is an inflammatory condition where your bronchiales constrict causing breathing difficulties. Your bronchioles become inflamed for a variety of physical, emotional and environmental reasons. It is not contagious so, you cannot catch it from another person.

But what is the real cause asthma? Why do some people develop asthma and why is asthma more common in the western world?

Inheriting Asthma

However, you can inherit the asthma tendency from your parents, although people with asthma should not worry about their future children on this score.

Studies show that children whose parents smoke are twice as likely to develop asthma as children of non-smoking parents. Also, children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy tend to be born with smaller airways, which greatly increases their chances of developing the disease.
The "westernised" environment and lifestyle in developed countries has a lot to do with the chances of whether a person will develop asthma or not.

Many people believe air pollution has something to do with asthma, although the evidence, at this stage, is surprisingly very weak.


Causes of asthma include allergies to house dust mites, cats, dogs, and moulds.

Childhood infections and exposure to substances from bacteria in a dirty environment seem to protect against allergies, and this seems to be the main reason why richer populations have more allergic disease.

So the causes of asthma are complicated. They include genetics, exposure to chemical irritants and pollution, a low immune system, emotional or mental problems, allergies to certain foods.

Almost all asthma in young people is cause by allergies. This means that if you have asthma you probably have inherited genes which make it possible for you to get asthma. Add to this, allergy-producing things in your environment, such as house dust mites, cats, or dog and your asthma get worse.. The allergies and the genes are the causes for developing asthma, because if either of them were not present you would not developed asthma.

But, what about colds, exercise, laughter, or tobacco smoke, which are asthma triggers?

You can't cure your asthma by not doing exercise, or by not laughing. Quite simply, these are not causes of asthma, though they can be causes of an attack.

The type of interior house paint can apparently make asthma worse. Glossy oil paints used for home decorating can bring on asthma attacks. The good news is that emulsion paints don't seem to do this.

Polyurethane paints, usually recognisable because they come in two packs which need to be mixed together before use, can cause occupational asthma in people who use them regularly. However, they probably cause no great risk in people with asthma who use them infrequently. As always, when using chemicals and paints, it is surely a good idea to ventilate the area well during and after use.

Emotional issues

Now, deep seated emotionally issue can be the cause of asthma. When emotion is embedded into the body, it has to express itself in a way that its electrical charge can be released. This release happens over and over as outside situations trigger the memory.

The way an embedded emotion issue choses to express itself is by the path of least resistance. If your heart is weak, the emotional issue will pound your heart. If your joints are weak, it will pound your joints. If your bronchia or lungs are weak, it will pound them and eventually weaken those more, leading you to asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Early on everyone should be aware of their family illness history. This is something that is seldom considered. If it were, you could take preventative measures if you knew you were prone to asthma. Choosing the right foods and keeping specific body organs or systems strong, with the right nutrients early on, would definitely prevent you from having to suffer with asthma as you became older.
By: Rudy Silva

Monday, March 17, 2008

Asthma Information

I know this doesn't pertain to asthma, but I thought this was an interesting solution to another common ailment. Book Sells 241,597 Copies, Now Available Worldwide

Self-Published Best Seller, "I Cured My Arthritis, So Can You!"

LARGO, Fla., -- Seventy-four year old author Margie
Garrison, who has helped countless thousands of people to cure their arthritis after

What Do We Know About Asthma And Asthma Types?

Asthma is a respiratory disease which can attack absolutely anyone – infant, child, adult or senior. The mechanism of a healthy respiratory system is that when faced with any problem, the air sacs (or the alveoli) in the lungs first constrict to obstruct the bad air from getting in, and then expand to expel the already inhaled traces of pollution. In this way, the lungs handle the problem and protect the lungs.

What Happens When Asthma Attacks?

The same mechanism is triggered off in asthmatic patients as well. The difference however, comes at the phase when the lungs constrict to stop the entry of the irritant air. While in the healthy person the air sacs immediately expand, to expel the culprit, in the asthmatic person, the air sacs constrict further, giving the person respiratory distress signals such as breathlessness and gasping for breath symptoms.

There is quite a lot of information on asthma and asthma types all over the internet. Those who want to learn more in depth about both asthma and asthma types can browse and find all they want to know. Basically, there are two main types of asthma, i.e. extrinsic and intrinsic.
The extrinsic asthma is what most people are suffering from. As you will find from the asthma and asthma types information, this type of asthma is usually triggered by allergens. This type of asthma starts usually in the childhood and continues into adulthood. The most common triggers for this asthma are eczemas, hay fever and allergies that are handed down through the family medical history.
As the child grows up into his teens, this asthma will disappear. In some cases, it will re-appear when the child becomes an adult. There are cases however; there will be no reoccurrence at later stages of life.
It does not matter what asthma and asthma types information you look up, you find it confirmed everywhere that people who have asthma can lead perfectly normal lives without being hindered in any way about this disease. They have to extremely careful however, that they avoid any and all types of things that trigger the onslaught of asthma. As long as there are no immediate triggers, the patient will have absolutely no problems.
As per the asthma and asthma types information from the web, you will observe that the intrinsic asthma is on the other hand caused by respiratory infection mostly and require fast and constant medical supervision.

By: Dr. April Davall

Facing Asthma With Asthma Exercise

Asthma is a journey – a daily dose of unpredictability and a balancing act required to prevent attacks. For those who suffer from asthma, there is no end to the exploration of treatments that can possibly alleviate – and maybe even prevent – symptoms. Most have found a way to combine traditional medicine with a more holistic mind/body approach; the result is a very individual approach to a very individual disease.

One such natural approach that asthmatics are using in conjunction with traditional medical treatment is asthma exercise. Asthma exercise can encompass any form of exercise that brings about improvement in overall health thus lessening the effects of asthma.

Experts believe that exercise triggers the opening of bronchial tubes; the result can be extended relief from the irritated and constricted airways of those suffering from asthma attacks.

Some asthmatics turn to aerobics for their forms of asthma exercise. Walking, dancing, and any other exercise where your heart rate is increased can be healthy for your overall health and can go a long way towards lessening your symptoms of asthma.

Others concentrate on those exercises that establish a mind/body connection. Yoga can be an excellent asthma exercise; allowing your body and your mind to relax in unison. Additionally, yoga uses breathing patterns as a component of the exercise itself. Those who practice yoga must learn to hold certain postures while focusing on deep and cleansing breaths. This can be an enormously helpful asthma exercise for those who suffer from this respiratory system disease.

Get online for access to a multitude of resources developed for the asthma sufferer. Updates on asthma treatments, guides to keeping you healthy, and an online community of support will keep you feeling proactive and positive about managing your disease. Find out what asthma exercise has made improvements in the lives of other asthmatics. Try them out experimentally and take careful mental notes on what asthma exercise made you feel well and what was less successful.

Asthma exercise can be a fantastic tool that you can use to keep control of your symptoms. But nothing replaces the guidance of a medical professional in keeping you healthy. Be sure to check with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise program.

With proper medical supervision and a commitment to improved overall health, you are likely to see an improvement – and maybe cessation – of many of your asthma symptoms. Asthma exercise can leave you feeling happy, healthy, and in control.
By: Michelle Bery

Asthma Treatment & Asthma Prevention

More than 17 million people in the US alone suffer from asthma, a serious lung ailment, resulting in 5,000 asthma deaths a year. Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which is generally triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods. Asthma drugs, which are traditionally used to control asthma symptoms can have very serious side effects, plus they are also quite expensive. For a detailed list of asthma drugs and their known side effects see:

Fortunately there are alternative asthma treatments which are quite effective, relatively inexpensive compared to drugs and best of all they are without negative side effects. However, it is best to prevent the development of asthma in the first place.

Asthma Prevention - Measures You Can Take to Prevent the Devlopment of Asthma

Doctors and researchers agree that the single most important thing that parents can do to prevent their child from developing asthma in the first place is to eliminate or significantly reduce dust mite allergens or asthma triggers in the home.

"Clinical studies have revealed that avoidance of dust mite allergens in early childhood can prevent the onset of asthma..." Michael LeNoir Md

Dust mite allergens are known to play a major role in it's development. Researchers have determined that other important allergens (after dust mites) that also need to be eliminated from the home are cats, certain types of mold, dogs, cockroaches and tobacco smoke. It is a popular misconception that children will "outgrow" asthma. It is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness that should be taken seriously. Long term use of steroid drugs is not recommended by doctors and has serious side effects. Making these preventative environmental changes is a much more viable, healthy and preferable alternative. If you or your child are already suffering from asthma or allergies these measures will certainly help.

What are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic insects and live in bedding, pillows, mattresses, blankets, upholstery, carpets etc. They thrive particularly in humid climates. They live off of dead skin cells and produce an allergen from their excrement, which is inhaled.

All Homes Contain Dust Mites No Matter How Clean They Are. Studies have shown that dust mite allergens in the home must be reduced to at least 2mcg/g dust or mite populations decreased to 100/g dust to have any significant benefit. There are several things that can be done to accomplish this.

What Can Be Done To Eliminate or Reduce Dust Mites? Researchers have found through numerous studies that these are the most effective measures:Changing the relative humidity and temperature of the home:
  • Keeping relative humidity less than 50% is proven to greatly reduce the dust mite population. (Portable dehumidifiers were not shown to significantly reduce humidity).
  • Mechanical ventilation with a heat recovery unit has proved to be the most effective to reduce humidity in the home.
  • Using air cleaners that have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which will also eliminate other allergens such as pollen and animal dander.
  • Cleaning using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and steam cleaning rugs and upholstery regularly.
  • Washing all bedding in hot water (60 degrees C, 130 degrees F) on a weekly basis is known to kill dust mites. Drying bedding in a hot dryer.
  • Dry cleaning quilts and blankets weekly will also kill dust mites.
  • Placing plastic casings specifically made for dust mite control on pillows and mattresses.
  • Chemicals used on carpets and upholstery which are known to kill dust mites include benzyl benzoate, permethrin, pirimiphos methyl, phenyl salicylate, tannic acid, common household disinfectants, combinations of these, and insect growth regulators. (please note: some chemicals can also trigger asthma and allergy reactions, therefore research them carefully before using).

By: Susan Millar

Be Careful And You Will Prevent An Asthma Attack

Many persons who have asthma are not aware of the seriousness of an asthma attack, due to their misinformation or even their ignorance regarding their disease. The beginning of the asthma attack is indicated by a wheezing noise while you are breathing. When the wheezing stops, the next step of the asthma attack is the blockage of many of the bronchioles. This is a serious problem that should not be ignored.

The real facts are that not all asthmatic persons wheeze in their first stage of their asthma attacks. They can have an asthma attack and not even know it, and realizing it too late to do something about it. That is why we will present you other symptoms that can lead you into realizing that you are on a verge to have a severe asthma attack. It can start with a continuous cough; an accelerated breath and you might feel a pressure or a pain in your chest.
“The person experiencing an asthma attack will feel how the chest muscles are contracting and it is possible to inhibit the ability of speaking”
The person experiencing an asthma attack will feel how the chest muscles are contracting and it is possible to inhibit the ability of speaking.

The panic is slowly taking over the asthmatic's mind and body, causing him anxiety feelings and his/her face and fingers will turn blue. When this happens it is the sign that shows that the quantity of oxygen from the blood has dramatically decreased and it will lose his consciousness and can even be in fatal danger. These symptoms could easily aggravate if the medication is not administrated in time, with a powerful dosage.

How can we prevent this from happening? Be informed about all the symptoms that are warning signs of an asthma attack and stay away from any releasing or allergenic factors. Do not underestimate the seriousness of those symptoms: they can cost you your life. Any frequent night coughs, short moments of losing your breath, excessive tiredness, are NOT NORMAL!

Even smaller signs must not be ignored: if you feel tired and moody all the time, if you cannot sleep and you are wheezing and coughing each time you do physical activities, you must go to your physician and check the status of your health, in order to find out if you are an asthmatic person.

If you will do this, you can use those early signs of asthma attacks for your benefit, because learning them means learning about dealing with the asthma attack and, consequently, saving your life.

You can learn much more about Asthma Prevention by visiting the Asthma Symptom Site which provides comprehensive and up to date help and advice on all Asthma issues. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so make sure you check it out today here: -

Asthma Control And Asthma Treatments

Avoid the triggers and improve your asthma condition

No matter what asthma medication or asthma treatments you are using, reducing the negative effects of asthma relies on avoiding the asthma triggers as well as you can. The irritation of your breathing passages can be reduced if you live and work in a clean environment and if you keep pollen and dust away. If your asthma condition gets worse or better, write it al down and see which particular environments are positive or negative towards your asthma.

Is exercise an asthma trigger?

This is a fairly common question and in almost every case it is a good idea to exercise even if you do have asthma. Some patients notice that their asthma gets worse after exercising, but if you keep your asthma inhaler close by you should be able to overcome this obstacle. Asthma prevention treatments and asthma inhalers can help you reduce any potential side effects of your condition while you are exercising. If you are worried about this issue or if you experienced asthma attacks during exercise in the past, it is a good idea to gradually start exercising and see where you feel comfortable doing it.

Asthma out of control

There are a few symptoms that will let you know that your condition is getting worse. If you are waking up at night with the sensation that you cannot breath or if coughing and wheezing are always present, a visit to the doctor is required. Well prescribed asthma treatments will help you fight off such problems and regain control over your asthma. Loosing breath while talking or eating is also an indicator of asthma problems on the rise. Seeking specialized help and determining which is the best asthma inhaler or asthma medication for your own case is an important step.

Asthma peak flow meters

An effective method to control asthma is by using a peak flow meter. It is a small plastic tube that you can blow into and measure how much air you can blow out. This shows you how congested your airways are and how effective your asthma treatment is. The best way to control asthma is to treat it with seriousness and to stay constant with your asthma treatment. More info on asthma here:

By: Michael Rad

An Asthma Diet – Taking Control Of Your Asthma

Asthma – a respiratory disease that renders its victims breathless during an attack – can be a terrifying affliction. In response to a specific allergen or other trigger, an asthmatic person’s airways will become inflamed and constricted so that normal breathing is significantly hindered.
Consequently, asthmatics are dependent on a number of medications to ease their symptoms and prevent attacks. But nothing does more for preventing asthma related symptoms then significantly limiting exposure to those allergens known to trigger symptoms.

For some these can be environmental triggers, seasonal components, or everyday exposures – such as pet dander or dust – that must be limited as much as possible. But some asthmatics are just as seriously affected by the foods that they eat. So in order to decrease their symptoms and chance of attacks they must adopt a strict asthma diet so that they can increase their chance at health.

An asthma diet is different for every asthma sufferer. While some people are highly aware of the foods to which they are allergic, others must keep careful and specific records of their eating so as to notice which foods seem to correlate to increased symptoms.

Some preservatives in food also trigger asthma. So as part of an asthma diet, ingredients of food products must be scrutinized. Once it is determined what specific foods – or the preservatives included in them – are the culprits then they can be avoided through the use of an asthma diet.

For those who wish to experiment with an asthma diet, a food journal can be quite helpful in determining your specific triggers. Keep it with you at all times so that you can keep careful track of what you are eating and how you are feeling. If a food allergy is your culprit, you should be able to notice a pattern very quickly. Then you can make lifestyle changes accordingly.

If you are unsure if food is the cause of your asthma, then you may want to consult your medical professional. Your doctor will be able to test for specific allergies so that you know for sure what to avoid. This combination of medical care and proactive self-advocacy in the form of an asthma diet can put you back in control of your asthma.

Asthma does not have to rule your life. An asthma diet is just one way in which you can put yourself in control of your day so that you can enjoy a healthy and symptom-free life.

By: Michelle Bery

Asthma Treatment And You, Overcome Your Asthma Naturally

From my very first Asthma attack at the age of seven till my last one about 5 years ago, Asthma (along with acne in my teenage and early adult years) had been a health problem that I had to deal with. Needless to say, those were some depressing years.

Depressing because I had been told my doctors, family and friends that there wasn’t a cure for Asthma, heck my pastor even went as far as to say that along with my acne, “in every thing give thanks for this is the will of God for you…”

Alas, they were all wrong.

Asthma can be cured and naturally at that. My belief is if it worked for me, it can definitely work for anyone plagued by this disease.

I was so vulnerable to this respiratory disorder that even the slightest friendly pat on the back would ignite an asthma attack characterized by wheezes, gasps, and cough spells, that could last as long as a week.
This went on till I stumbled on Drugless Healing and its abilities to alleviate so-called incurable diseases. This method of healing involves the use of Proper Diet, Exercise and mental attunements and can be applied to an Asthma treatment regimen as well for great benefits.
Let me show you how:

First of all, let’s start with its definition.

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) that causes swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the airways. The result is difficulty breathing. The bronchial narrowing is usually either totally or at least partially reversible with treatments.

That’s its definition in the medical fraternity, but based on my experiences, I will simply choose to believe that Asthma, like any other disease known to man, is a result of a clogging of the human bodily tissues which is a 99.99% consequence of eating disease/mucus forming foods, which include (but are not limited to) Animal foods such as meat, milk, cheese and eggs, Grains and their by products, processed and junk foods.

Abstinence from the products above is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several asthma treatment programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many chronic asthmatics have been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Therefore, the first step in achieving a successful asthma treatment will simply be to make a change in your diet by avoiding mucus forming foods and adhering to consuming their direct opposites, the body healing/alkaline forming foods. These include Seasonal, Organic Fruits, Roots and Leafy Vegetables and very little nuts.

It may sound boring or unrealistic but, if curing your asthma (or any disease or condition you may have as a matter of fact) is your goal, this sacrifice is well worth it. Besides, with so many fruits and vegetables to choose from, abstinence from Acid-forming foods shouldn’t be difficult at all.

In addition to all of the facts mentioned above, based on scientific research, the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon, and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight. Therefore, what is eaten during these respective periods must be harmonious with the natural processes. That said a suggested menu plan will be
  1. Fresh squeezed Fruit Juice for breakfast.
  2. A mono-meal of a juicy, seasonal fruit for lunch
  3. A fresh home-made salad, steamed root and/or leafy vegetables or a wise combination of all three for dinner.

Also, do not consume liquids of any kind with your meals as this practice hinders digestion by diluting the juices in the stomach. This brings about a constriction of the diaphragm, inhibiting its natural motions needed for respiration. If there is a natural thirst (as with an alkaline forming diet, thirst is minimal as an added benefit) drink only enough to quench your desire with pure distilled water at least an hour before or after your meals and certainly 2 hours at least before going to bed.

Strictly avoid the use of Microwaves (you may refer to my personal experience with them in the section of my site concerning Acne)-the source of information on this is issued at the end of Chapter 13 in the downloadable e-book, but for a brief overview of this topic the balancing of specific foods is not the only important aspect of a healthy diet, but as important is the manner in which the foods are cooked.

Other things to avoid are excessively cold drinks, excessive exposure to cold, air-conditioning, heaters (without the use of humidifiers and a cracked window for fresh air during winter times-Hint: sleep closer to the cracked window, while I lived in Minneapolis, MN for two years that was my trick to ensure I was properly ventilated at night), fans etc.

Also, avoid at all costs eating conventional fruits they are loaded with disease forming pesticides and sprays that upon consumption wreak havoc on the respiratory organs, take it from this author, I learned this the hard way!

With proper breathing techniques as offered for free on my site and a suggested adherence to the dietetic principles above, be assured that you are well on your way to curing your asthma naturally and permanently.

Asthma need not be a part of your life anymore, you, like many others can control it and make it a thing of your past.
By: Foras Aje

Asthma Triggers And Asthma Control Techniques

Avoid the triggers and improve your asthma condition

No matter what asthma medication or asthma treatments you are using, reducing the negative effects of asthma relies on avoiding the asthma triggers as well as you can. The irritation of your breathing passages can be reduced if you live and work in a clean environment and if you keep pollen and dust away. If your asthma condition gets worse or better, write it all down and see which particular environments are positive or negative towards your asthma.

Is exercise an asthma trigger?
This is a fairly common question and in almost every case it is a good idea to exercise even if you do have asthma. Some patients notice that their asthma gets worse after exercising, but if you keep your asthma inhaler close by you should be able to overcome this obstacle. Asthma prevention treatments and asthma inhalers can help you reduce any potential side effects of your condition while you are exercising. If you are worried about this issue or if you experienced asthma attacks during exercise in the past, it is a good idea to gradually start exercising and see where you feel comfortable doing it.

Asthma out of control
There are a few symptoms that will let you know that your condition is getting worse. If you are waking up at night with the sensation that you cannot breath or if coughing and wheezing are always present, a visit to the doctor is required. Well prescribed asthma treatments will help you fight off such problems and regain control over your asthma. Loosing breath while talking or eating is also an indicator of asthma problems on the rise. Seeking specialized help and determining which is the best asthma inhaler or asthma medication for your own case is an important step.

Asthma peak flow meters
An effective method to control asthma is by using a peak flow meter. It is a small plastic tube that you can blow into and measure how much air you can blow out. This shows you how congested your airways are and how effective your asthma treatment is. The best way to control asthma is to treat it with seriousness and to stay constant with your asthma treatment.
By: Michael Rad

Asthma Treatment: Your Ally In Preventing Asthma Attacks

You have probably seen a person in the midst of an asthma attack, either in real life or in comedy sitcoms and movies. They have a hard time breathing because their airways are more sensitive than that of other people. This demeanor is often mimicked in shows and movies with slapstick humor but breathing problem is no laughing matter. Patients with breathing disorder have to stay away from allergens, such as animal fur and feather or flower's pollen grains, that may trigger allergic reactions. Children who usually play outside may not instantly notice or momentarily forget that they have to veer away from potential breathing irritants. The last thing they know is that they're already having a hard time breathing and are in dire need of an effective asthma treatment.

Doctors and research experts plainly explain that asthma occur in people who have delicate airways which can easily react to certain allergens. Since it is a chronic condition, people with breathing problems have to deal with it from childhood to adult life. This condition is also hereditary so if you are a mother who has a breathing disorder, you should make it a point to check with a pediatrician if your child inherited your breathing problem. The telltale signs your child has a breathing disorder if he or she wheezes and coughs a lot and is allergic to cats or similar things. The child may also experience shortness of breath and the feeling that his or her chest is tightening. Don't undermine these signs so that you can immediately give your child the extra care he or she needs.

But the good thing is that there are certain medications one can take to prevent hard-to-breathe attacks. Asthma treatment includes inhalers, nebulizers, and doctor-prescribed drugs. For younger patients, physicians explained that the child can both use inhalers and nebulizers which are equally effective. However, inhalers are more child-friendly in a way because it is more convenient to use compared with nebulizers which are power-generated. Inhalers, either the dry power kind or the metered-dose type, are also cheaper alternative reliefs for asthma attacks. Whatever kind of medication you use, doctors advise patients to make sure they are doing the medication application the right way. Patients have a choice which kind of medication to use according to their budget and the severity of their breathing conditions. It is a case-to-case basis; a medication which works for a particular patient may not be as effective for another patient. It is best to consult physicians first before subjecting yourself or your loved one to a certain medication.

By: Jane Simpson

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Is Your Child's Beloved Pet The Cause Of An Asthma Attack? Measures You Can Take To Prevent Or Minimize Asthma Attacks Caused By Pets.

That cute little kitten or lovable dog that your child (or partner) can't live without could be making them very sick. Sadly, as much as we love them, cats and dogs are often major asthma triggers for asthma sufferers and can send some to the emergency room. Contrary to what many people believe, it is the dander (dry flakes of skin), not the hair of the animal that actually is the cause of the problem. Your pet's dander is shed continuously, but it is so small that it's difficult to see. The dander is easily airborne and sticks readily to fibers- therefore it goes everywhere and gets on just about everything. If you have rugs and your pet comes inside the house, they are certainly full of it, so is your furniture and beds if they are allowed on them. If you cuddle or play with your pet, it's all over your clothing too. However, this doesn't mean that you have to get rid of Fido or Garfield.

There are a number of alternatives that you can take. Steam cleaning rugs and furniture in your home will help to remove the dander. Using a HEPA vacuum cleaner is also good. If possible, getting rid of rugs is the best solution. Make sure your pet stays out of the asthma sufferer's bedroom. Wash all bedding, floors and walls to remove the dander. Then use a HEPA air purifier at night in the bedroom with the door closed.

Take your pet to the groomer for a shampoo once a week or have a family member wash your pet outside to ensure that the dander level is kept as low as possible. Long haired pets should get clipped shorter. If your pet loves to show their appreciation by licking, this should be discouraged since their saliva will contain dander as well as proteins, which are also an asthma trigger for many asthma sufferers.

If you don't have a pet but your friends or relatives do, even a short visit to their home can cause problems for an asthma sufferer, especially children who can't resist playing with them. When you get home, get your child to take a shower and wash their clothing too to remove the dander.
Living with your beloved pet can be comfortable and symptom free when taking all of these measures. However, if your situation is more serious and your pet still makes you sick, then you may want to try a natural asthma treatment. For more information about asthma prevention visit

By: Susan Millar

Got Asthma? Find Out Why 80% Of Asthma Sufferers Choose Laminate Floors

If you've ever watched Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous or Cribs on MTV it is quite possible that you have found yourself drooling over the beautiful floors you will see in many of these homes. Some of these floors are made from woods from the turn of the century and would make a lovely addition to almost any home. Of course, the price tag is typically a step back into the world of reality and day jobs. The good news is that you can have floors that are just as lovely without the hefty price tag if you choose laminate flooring.

You can find laminate flooring that is created to look just like wood, even those that are shined to a fine gloss much like those found in hardwood floors. These floors are easier to maintain than genuine hardwood and much easier on the wallet. In fact, the average do it yourselfer can actually afford to use laminate floor, especially if he's doing the installation himself.

Laminate hardwoods come in strips with tongue and groove installation procedures that are easy to snap together. This flooring is designed to install right on top of your existing floor and is very simple even for those of us with less than technical skills.

So, why choose laminate over hardwoods and other flooring materials? Good question actually. Laminate floors actually offer many benefits over traditional options such as carpets, hardwoods, and rugs. First of all, laminates are very durable and resistant to abrasions. Hardwood floors are easily marred and shouldn't really be used in high traffic areas. Hardwood floors are best for rooms that won't be seeing a whole lot of action, kind of like grandma's living room after the kids are grown and gone.

Next, laminate floors offer very easy maintenance. Damaged pieces can easily be replaced with laminates. Hardwoods and carpets will require a little more effort in order to replace if they can be replaced at all. Trust me, attempting this with hardwood is a migraine waiting to happen.

The best reason of all is perhaps the lower price of laminates. This is quickly followed by the vast selection of style you will have with laminate floors. In addition to the many styles there are also various grades from which to choose depending on the traffic flow within your home.

It doesn't matter what kind of décor you are going for, there is a laminate that will suit your needs. If you are looking for a floor that will compliment the inner pioneer you may want a rugged oak or pine. If you wish for a more classic or elegant look for your home cherry or walnut may be just what the doctor (or designer) ordered. There are all kinds of styles that will bring warmth to your home your job is to choose the one you like best.

Before you set your heart on the style or color you want your laminate floors to take you should give some serious consideration to the amount and type of traffic your floors will receive. In residential settings there are typically 3 types of classes for flooring. Class 21 is adequate for the type of traffic that most bedrooms receive while class 22 is ideal for areas that receive moderate traffic such as family areas and living rooms. Class 23 is pretty well suited for any room in the home other than bedrooms as it can generally sustain quite heavy traffic loads. This is probably the best possible class for homes with either children or pets.

So why should you choose laminate over carpets? This of course is another excellent question. Wall to wall carpet was once considered a selling point in many homes; however, knowledge about mites, dust, molds, and pollens that can be trapped in your carpets despite rigorous cleaning has made carpet far less desirable in homes than it has been in the past. Hardwoods and laminates drastically reduce the number of allergens in your home and that alone makes them both worth a second look or two.

Allergies as the result of pet dander or hair is the second leading cause of asthma in children and carpeting just seems to hold them in which keeps your children exposes to those harmful allergens. Laminate floors do not only look wonderful in your home, they are also easy to install and maintain, while also being recommended by four out of five doctors over carpet.
By: Christopher Smith

Asthma Cure - Herbs And Ayurvedic Remedies, Asthma Home Remedy

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder in which the inner lining of the respiratory tract becomes inflamed. Alternatively it could be blocked with a layer of mucus or could become constricted due to some other reason. All these factors could lead to severe problems in respiration, which could even result in death of the person.

Though asthma is a chronic disorder, it does not manifest itself all the time. It is exacerbated by certain triggers, which can lead to the bouts of respiratory problems, known as asthmatic attacks. During an asthmatic attack, there is severe difficulty in breathing, characterized by wheezing, gasping, shortness of breath and inability of speech. Generally an attack does not last more than a few minutes. However, a severe attack could kill within those few moments the attack lasts.

The exact cause of asthma is not known. But in asthmatic people, the attacks are caused due to some environmental factors to which they are allergic. There are many allergenic factors in the environment such as dust, hair, pollen, lint, smoke, cigarette smoke, perfumes, deodorants and many others. When such an allergen is present in the environment of the person whose respiratory tract is inflamed, the person develops a violent reaction. This is known as an asthmatic attack.

Asthma is known as Shwaasa roga in Ayurveda. There are five main types of asthma in Ayurveda: tamaka shwaasa roga, urdhwa shwaasa roga, chinna shwaasa roga, maha shwaasa roga and kshudra shwaasa roga. All these kinds of shwaasa roga are due to vitiation of vata and kapha doshas. The main types of vata that are vitiated are the praana vata and the udaana vata.

Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Asthma

  • Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) - Aniseed is useful in the treatment of asthma due to its expectorant properties.
  • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - The bark of the arjuna plant has benefits in the treatment of asthma. It is taken in a powder form sprinkled on the preparation of rice and condensed milk known as kheer.
  • Asafetida (Ferula fetida) - Along with whooping cough and bronchitis, asafetida is also useful in the treatment of asthma. For better results, its gum is taken in a mixture with honey.
  • Bay Berry (Myrica nagi) - Bay berry bark is effective in the treatment of asthma. It can be taken in the form of either a decoction or a powder.
  • Bishop’s Weed (Trachyspermum ammi) - Bishop’s weed is an expectorant. It can relieve dried up phlegm within the respiratory tract. It can be taken with buttermilk for best results.
  • Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) - Black nightshade can remove the catarrh and phlegm deposited in the bronchial tubes. Its fruits are taken for the remedy.
  • Celery (Apium graveolens) - Celery has antispasmodic properties; hence it is beneficial in the treatment of asthma. Either the herb itself or its seeds can be used for the purpose.
  • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) - Clove has expectorant properties; hence it is effective in the treatment of asthma.
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) - Regular use of garlic can reduce the severity of asthmatic attacks.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Ginger is used in treatment of asthma due to its expectorant properties.
Dietary Treatments for Asthma
The following dietary guidelines must be followed in order to reduce asthma:
  • Sour foods such as curd and buttermilk must be avoided.
  • Cold fruits such as bananas, guavas, watermelons and papayas are very risky as they can build up phlegm in the bronchial tubes.
  • Fried and pungent foods must be avoided.
  • Dry grapes are beneficial in asthmatic patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma

Sitopaladi choorna is a very common medicine taken by asthmatic patients. It is to be taken thrice or four times a day, mixed with honey. One alternative to sitopaladi choorna is the pippaladi choorna.

Agastya rasayana is another popular medicine which is prepared with Chebulic Myroblan as its main ingredient. Along with Chyavanprasha, it is commonly prescribed to asthmatic patients.

There are some specific Ayurvedic preparations that are prescribed in order to reduce the attacks of asthma immediately. These are Shwasa Kaasa Chintamani rasa, Suwarna Pushpasuga rasa, Kanakasava, etc.

Home Medications

  • Mix a couple of leaves of the holy basil with honey and consume them every morning. This is a very effective remedy to keep asthmatic attacks away.
  • When an attack is about to come, then chewing on some leaves of the holy basil mixed with rock salt.
  • In order to clean the respiratory tract, roast gram and have them with milk just before going to bed.
  • Grind some turmeric (use old turmeric for better results). Mix one teaspoonful of this powder with one tablespoonful of honey (again, the honey must be as old as possible). This is to be taken orally. This recipe is believed to work even when all other methods fail.
  • For asthma in the early stages, it is beneficial to chew on some black pepper before going to bed.
  • For temporary relief from asthmatic attacks, mix some leaves of the holy basil with black pepper and consume them.
  • One more remedy is to mix some lemon juice with ginger and consume it once a day.
  • Chewing a single fruit of the Chebulic Myroblan (harad) every night will give tremendous relief from asthmatic attacks.
  • Boil six cloves in half a cup of water. Take a teaspoonful of this decoction with honey thrice a day.

By: Tom Alter

How To Discover Your Hidden Asthma Triggers - Taking Control By Tracking Your Asthma

Asthma is a serious lung disease effecting over 20 million people in the US alone. An asthma attack is caused by a trigger, which can be any external stimulant such as perfume, food, air pollution, cold air, animals, dust, etc., which our bodies react to. Knowing what your personal triggers are and avoiding them will help greatly to prevent asthma attacks. However, what triggers an asthma attack in some people may not even bother another asthma sufferer at all.
To make things more confusing, sometimes a trigger will cause a mild reaction one day and then a severe one the next day. This could be the result of being exposed to multiple triggers, for example one of your known triggers could be pollen, but when combined with a few new unknown triggers - fabric softener, detergent, perfume or a food additive can hit very hard and trigger a major attack. On days when you are feeling tired and haven't had enough sleep or are under stress, you may also find that things which never seemed to bother you previously now suddenly do.

As you see tracing them can be rather complex and requires a bit of detective work to track down and eliminate or minimize these triggers at home or at work. Keeping track of your asthma attacks by writing a journal for a few days is a good way to start. First it's a good idea to note how you were feeling the day you had an attack, if you were tired or didn't sleep well, had a fight with your friend.

What did you eat? Make this detailed and include food ingredients, additives and coloring since they can be a trigger for many people. Where did you go that day? Were there weeds or flowers blooming nearby, animals, damp moldy smells around you? Did you start using a new detergent, fabric softener or household cleaner? Make a note of any exercise you do and your body's reaction to it. On one particular day did the exercise have negative results? Why? What was the weather like? What was the room where you exercised like? If the room is where you regularly go to exercise, was there anything different about it on that day?

After only a few days of writing in your journal you will soon see a pattern emerging. You will have uncovered your asthma triggers and now you can take control and prevent an asthma attack by avoiding, reducing or eliminating them.

However it just isn't practical or even possible to control or eliminate all triggers, particularly outside the home, at work, school or in public places. Fortunately, there is a safe non-drug solution that you should know about, a simple and natural allergy and asthma treatment, which many people have found to be very effective.

By: Susan Millar

Testing for Asthma

How do doctors test for Asthma before treating asthma?

Some common questions asked when testing for asthma tend to be geared towards questions such as, do you have trouble breathing when you exert your self from doing things such as manual labor or other activities which require physical exertion? If so, is this what caused you seek asthma treatment or seek asthma testing? There are many similar questions used for testing for asthma. Prior to Asthma treatment doctors will ask many questions related to daily activities. Many of the questions are trying to detect if you have issues breathing. Another method for testing for asthma is using X-rays of the chest or an X-ray for the sinuses. However, questions before treating asthma revolve around questions geared towards your difficulty breathing. Additional questions address the following symptoms such as: wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing or discussing issues like difficulty sleeping because of the symptoms of have you awaken because of wheezing, coughing or difficulty breathing? Common Asthma tests used prior to asthma treating are tests such as, Spirometry, Pulmonary Function Testing. All these tests could be used prior to starting an asthma treatment program if the doctor concludes you have a history of asthma.

Spirometry testing involves a person breathing into a tube to attempt to measure the individual’s lung volumes. Most spirometry tests are conducted in hospitals or doctors offices. The spirometry testing unit is about the size of a laptop with unique card that attaches to a flow sensing device.

Pulmonary Function Testing is more far-reaching spirometry which requires the person being tested to sit in “body box” which is basically a closed booth which provides superior accuracy and provides an assortment of measurements. The point of being in enclosed space is to accurately measure the actual amount of air in your lungs. Otherwise, doctors are only able to measure what you are able exhale. Pulmonary function tests are normally performed by a licensed Respiratory Therapists.A pulmonary function test with methacholine is a challenge is where the patients has been measured using the all the tests and questions described above, and then doctors administer a drug named methacholine which can cause an asthma attack. You would be given a predetermined dosage of methacholine through a special nebulizer increasing dosages until a 20% decrease in lung volume is detected (in order for it be a positive test). A person that does not have Asthma shouldn't react to methacholine. The pulmonary function test with methacholine is one of the more accurate asthma methods for testing for asthma prior to asthma treatment.

All About Asthma Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. That makes them very sensitive, and they may react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When your airways react, they get narrower and your lungs get less air. This can cause wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and trouble breathing, especially early in the morning or at night.

Different people have different signs and symptoms of asthma. Asthma signs and symptoms are also variable - they can change over time or depending on the situation. People with asthma often have one or more these symptoms:

o Wheezing
o Chest tightness
o Coughing
o Feeling short of breath

Asthma Causes

Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways. When an asthma attack occurs, the muscles surrounding the airways become tight and the lining of the air passages swell. This reduces the amount of air that can pass by, and can lead to wheezing sounds.

Most people with asthma have wheezing attacks separated by symptom-free periods. Some patients have long-term shortness of breath with episodes of increased shortness of breath. Still, in others, a cough may be the main symptom. Asthma attacks can last minutes to days and can become dangerous if the airflow becomes severely restricted.

How to exercise with Asthma?

Take your medications as directed. If you're having trouble breathing, you should take your rescue medicine (blue inhaler, for example, Ventolin). Your doctor may also ask you to take your blue rescue inhaler or another bronchodilator fifteen minutes before you exercise.

Warm up and cool down properly

o Before exercising, warm up slowly by walking, stretching, and doing other low-level activities.
o After you've finished exercising, cool down slowly for at least 10 minutes. Don't stop exercising all of a sudden. If you've been running, taper the run to a walking pace. If you've been swimming, finish your swim with a slow paddle. Give your body time to adjust.
If you have symptoms, stop exercising and take your blue rescue inhaler
o Sit up. Wait a few minutes to see if your symptoms improve.
o If your symptoms improve a lot, warm up again and slowly go back to exercising.
o If your symptoms don't improve, take another dose of your blue rescue inhaler. Wait a few minutes to see if your symptoms improve.

What Are Major Triggers Of Asthma?

There are many factors that can trigger an asthma attack--
o Upper Respiratory Infections
o Weather Changes
o Allergens from dust, molds, pollen, animals, and occasionally food
o Exercise
o Environmental Irritants: such as cigarette smoke, auto exhaust, smog, or cleaners
o Emotions
o Early Morning
o Sulfites
o Certain Medications

The main anti-inflammatory preventer drugs are inhaled corticosteroids.

Examples of inhaled corticosteroids are:

o AeroBid; Bronalide (flunisolide)
o Advair (fluticasone + salmeterol)
o Azmacort (triamcinolone) (has a built-in spacer device)
o Beclovent; Vanceril (beclomethasone)

Article By: Peter Sams

Read about Acne Cure Treatments and Hair Loss Treatments. Also read about Beauty and Makeup Tips

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Asthma treatment

Is asthma another reason to quit smoking?
Smoking and asthma do not mix. This article explains why.
Do away with cigarettes before they do away with you

If ever you needed a good reason to stop smoking, developing asthma would be the most dramatic and unfortunate. We all know that smoking causes cancer of the lungs, chronic bronchitis and will also complicate viral infections. For the asthma

Asthma Treatment

This blog is dedicated to supplying information related to asthma treatments. We'll explore natural remedies and practical steps toward Asthma relief. Hopefully we'll help you discover an asthma treatment that works for you!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Asthma Blog Carnival

Registered Nurses posted at
Allergic Asthma Treatment posted at
benefits of correct breathing posted at
hyperventilation chronic or acute? posted at

Helping your Asthma

Steps to getting help before an Asthma attack

Asthma being a chronic, inflammatory lung disease, it is important to quickly seek out "help for your asthma". Getting help for asthma starts with recognizing the history of your asthma attacks and what triggers these attacks. The individual needs to recognize the subtle symptoms prior to an asthma attack. Some subtle symptoms range from irritability, scratchy throat, dry mouth, or just being tired. If you measure your peak flow on a consistent basis, a tell tale sign you could be heading for an asthma attack is a drop in your peak flow meter reading. You need to identify and recognize your "triggers for asthma" in order to help asthma before an attack occurs. Although, these don’t help you with your asthma they can help you prepare mentally for the possibilities of being faced with an asthma attack.

Seeking out help should always start with your doctor. However, many people not only have to deal with seeking help for their asthma, they have to deal with the monetary side of dealing with Asthma, this Is why prior to seeing your doctor you should contact your insurance company to see what they cover and more importantly what they don’t cover. The simple fact is if your doctor prescribes a medication that you can not afford and your insurance company will not cover you most likelywill not purchase the medicine or take the medicine as perscribed. This also causes unnecessary stress on the individual and does little to help their asthma. It is better to obtain medical coverage information related for helping your asthma before you ever visit your doctor. The point is when you finally sit down with your doctor to discuss the maintenance of your asthma or how to help asthma you will already know what is covered under your insurance.

Questions you should ask your insurance provider prior to visiting your doctor. Is there classes provided to help deal with your Asthma? Does the provider recommend a doctor that specializes in
helping asthma patients? If the doctor suggests you purchase a peek flow meter will the insurance cover this cost? What asthma medication does the insurance cover? Will they cover brand name drugs or do they just allow generic medications treating asthma. Will the generic drugs have the same effect to help asthma? What are the generic medications covered by the insurance’s pharmacy? Additionally you will want to know how often I can refill my prescriptions. Does the prescription plan allow you buy 30, 60 or 90 day supplies? The benefit of purchasing your prescriptions based on 90 day supply is the individual only has to worry about purchasing medications 4 times a year. Whether it be singulair,advair or another form of asthma medication it still helps to have a supply available.

To help asthma there are some basic lifestyle steps which can be completed. One of the first steps to help asthma is to agree on a treatment plan with your doctor. The second is to continue to follow the plan you established with the doctor by routinely taking medications. Third, if you smoke then immediately stop, if you are around people who smoke you need to come to some kind of consensus to stop or briefly remove themselves by letting them know this does not help asthma.. Fourth, as with asthma prevention the best way to
help asthma is to keep your surroundings dust free. Fifth, practicing controlled breathing when you have not having an attack. Finally, another way to help with asthma is to avoid allergens or a typical asthmatic trigger which of course does not help asthma.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Get Information About Asthma Types

Asthma is an illness where irritants cause inflammation of the bronchial tubes, as they become very sensitive, and thus making it difficult to breath. Contraction of the muscles around the wind pipe can be a result of this inflammation. The inflammation can also cause excessive mucus in the air passage as well as swelling of the lining may occur if its an airway inflammation.

Asthma is a growing worldwide problem. Asthma is classified in various ways. Traditionally, doctors have categorised asthma into two general groups, Extrinsic (allergic) asthma and Intrinsic (non-allergic) asthma, depending upon the types of stimuli that flare up these attacks.

Extrinsic (allergic) Asthma:

More prevalent in the younger age group, extrinsic asthma is caused by the immune systems response to inhaled allergens such as pollen, animal dander or dust mite particles. People with allergic asthma frequently have other allergy-related problems such as hay fever, rhinitis, skin rashes, eczema.

Intrinsic Asthma:

An intrinsic asthma usually follows a serious respiratory infection to which no external allergen can be associated. An intrinsic asthma condition may worsen due to emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, fatigue, irritants, exposure to fumes and gases etc. some people may be patients of intrinsic as well as extrinsic asthma.

Nocturnal Asthma

This term is often used to describe people who have asthma symptoms at night. Disturbed sleep from asthma symptoms is very common. In fact, people can suffer very severe symptoms in the night and have no apparent symptoms in the day. This is one of the hallmarks of asthma. Symptoms at night should never be ignored and are usually a sign that asthma is not well controlled.

Cardiac Asthma

This term is now rarely used and is completely different to the asthma we are concerned with here. Cardiac asthma has the same symptoms but these are caused by heart failure and not change in the lungs which is the bronchial asthma we are concerned with here. The treatments for this cardiac asthma are completely different.

Here are a few types of asthma triggers and ways to manage them, as recommended by the Consumer Federation of America:

1)Secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke, whether exhaled by a smoker or emitted from the end of a burning tobacco product, irritates air passageways.

To keep secondhand smoke from triggering an asthma attack, asthmatics should politely ask friends and guests in their home to refrain from smoking.

Parents with asthmatic children should prohibit smoking in their homes and automobiles.

2)Dust mites. These microscopic animals are in every home. They survive on skin flakes and usually live in mattresses, pillows, carpets, upholstered furniture, bedcovers, clothes, stuffed toys and other fabric-covered items.

To keep dust mites at bay, wash sheets, bedcovers and blankets at least once a week in hot water; cover mattresses and pillows in dust-proof covers and maintain low indoor humidity.

3)Pets. To keep pets around and avoid asthma problems, pets should be kept out of bedrooms and any other areas where people sleep. They should also be kept away from fabric-covered surfaces, which can collect hair.

Read about Acne Cure Treatments and Hair Loss Treatments. Also read about Beauty and Makeup Tips

Friday, March 7, 2008

Asthma Treatment

Using medications for asthma treatment.

An individual concerned about "asthma treatment" should begin researching two methods for asthma treatments which both use different types of asthma medication. The first treatment of asthma is based around long- term relief asthma medication, while the second method of asthma treatment is focused on short-term control medicines. Recognizing when an asthma attack is about to be triggered is where an asthmatic would use the quick relief method for treating their asthma attack. Additionally, long term control medicines should help prevent asthma attacks from occurring less often, if not preventing an asthma attack altogether in the long term.

Long-Term Asthma Treatments

Long term asthma treatments or controllers are focused on reducing or preventing inflamed airways or blocking chemicals in your body which cause your airways to tighten and swell. Long term asthma treatments concentrate on blocking chemicals in your body which are prone to cause allergy symptoms. Controlling allergy symptoms is a part of preventing asthma triggers which in turn can start an asthma attack is apart of recognizing patter of history realted to asthma attacks.

A part of the goal for long term "asthma treatment" is medication that should not only relax their airways it should also help to reduce inflammation of the airways. Evaluating whether an individual should consider a long term asthma treatment the patient should realize doctors seem to convey a consistent message stating “if you experience difficulties with your asthma 3 or more times a week, then your long term treatment of asthma should be evaluated and discussed with a doctor”. It is also important to discuss what you are doing to prevent asthma attacks through avoidance of asthma triggers. This helps with diagnosing asthma as well as well as the different methods treating asthma.

Some long term asthma treatment consist of inhaled corticosteroids. There are several types of inhaled steroids. Although these are steroids they are not the same type of steroids used to build muscles. These corticosteroids are designed to reduce swelling in the airways while strengthening the lungs. Some common brand names of this inhaled steroid are Flovent, Azmacort, Advair, Beclovent, Aerobid, Pulmicort even
singulair and asthma as medications. These medications are taken orally and are normally taken 2-4 times a day. This type of medication can come in the form of a round disc or other mechanical object providing the ability to inhale the medicine. Although these medications have proved to be effective for some asthmatics some of these have side effects and should be discussed with a doctor prior to treatment. In addition to the former there are also Leukotriene Modifiers which comes in the form of a pill. Common brand names of Leukotriene Modifiers are Serevent, Fordil or Volmax. These are also designed for long term treatment and provide no quick relief. These are designed to also reduce swelling in the airways and longs. Leukotriene is used both alone and in combination with other medications such as corticosteroids in the treatment of mild to moderate asthma.

Short –Term Asthma Treatments

Short term "asthma treatments" were established to quickly provide relief to muscles surrounding the airways which often tighten at the onset of an asthma attack. Using the quick relief treatment should be utilized as soon as the individual begins to feel chest tightness, begins coughing, wheezing or experiences shortness of breath. Quick asthma treatments consist of short acting Beta-2 agonists treatments. This is by far the most recognizable medications related to asthma. These are the easily recognized by inhalers asthmatics often carry. Unfortunately, these in-halers are for temporary relief and are short lived. These inhalers help reduce anxiety and the stress that quickly evolves as the person suffers an asthma attack. Using short –term asthma treatments more than twice a week usually constitutes that the individuals asthma is not in control and the person should seek medical advice to achieve a better control over their asthma. Bronchodilators are the most recognized inhalers are Albuterol. However, there other beta-2 agonist medication which is used for short term asthma treatments. Other inhaled medications are Proventil, Ventolin, Xopenex, Maxair, Alupent or Atrovent. Each of these medications seems to have the same side affects which causes slight tremors with an increase in the individuals heart rate.

In summary, there is a two tiered approach to treating asthma or
preventing asthma attacks. The first is a long-term treatment with the second being a short- term treatment of asthma. The main goal is to reduce the affects of allergens, reduce inflammation of the lungs. In the end using the two tier step while monitoring your asthma with tools such as a peak flow meter will help the individual to be successful in their asthma treatment using the right "asthma medication".

Costs Of Long-Course Palliative Radiotherapy Acceptable In Late-Stage Lung Cancer

A longer, less intense course of radiotherapy provides better value for the money than a shorter, more intense regimen when given to ease pain and other complaints in patients with late-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), according to a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Patients with late-stage NSCLC are often too ill to receive intensive treatment for their cancer. Palliative radiotherapy is given to ease symptoms such as chest pain and difficulty breathing and swallowing. In 1999, Wilbert B. van den Hout, Ph.D., of Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and colleagues conducted a randomized clinical trial in 297 patients with inoperable stage IIIA/B or stage IV NSCLC to compare two palliative radiotherapy regimens - a short course, two treatments of 8 gray (Gy) of radiation each, with a long course, 10 treatments of 3 Gy each. They found that the long course better eased symptoms over time and improved 1-year survival compared with the short course.

However, that study did not take into account the higher costs of the longer treatment and the continued medical costs of the patients who survive longer with their cancer. For this new study, van den Hout and colleagues conducted a cost-utility analysis of the two treatments to see which offers the best value for the money. Using data from a patient questionnaire on factors such as their mobility, ability to perform usual activities, and pain and anxiety levels, the authors calculated that quality of life was roughly equal in both treatment groups. However, because life expectancy was longer in the long-course treatment group, that groupвTMs overall quality-of-life benefit was greater than that in the short-course group.

The researchers also estimated the costs associated with the treatment and other nontreatment costs, such as medical care for people who survived their cancer. They estimated that the lifetime societal costs of the long-course radiotherapy were $16,490 and the short-course radiotherapy costs were $11,164, a $5,326 difference. In their final calculations, the authors found that, although the dollar costs of the long-course radiotherapy were higher than those of the short course, the benefit in improved survival meant that the long-course treatment yielded benefit at an acceptable cost by current economic standards.

"In our group of poor-prognosis non-small-cell lung cancer patients, the additional costs of the protracted radiotherapy schedule were justified by longer survival rather than by improved quality of life," the authors conclude.

The authors point out that their study does not show that long-course radiotherapy reduces costs. In addition, areas with limited radiotherapy facilities may find it more efficient to treat patients with the shorter course. Finally, different countries and regions may have different economic factors that influence the decision of which radiotherapy regimen to use.



в Leiden University Medical Center Communications Department


в van den Hout WB, Kramer GWPM, Noordijk EM, Leer JWH. Cost-utility analysis of short- versus long-course palliative radiotherapy in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006; 98:1786-94.

Note: The Journal of the National Cancer Institute is published by Oxford University Press and is not affiliated with the National Cancer Institute. Attribution to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute is requested in all news coverage. Visit the Journal online at

Contact: Andrea Widener
Journal of the National Cancer Institute