Monday, March 17, 2008

Facing Asthma With Asthma Exercise

Asthma is a journey – a daily dose of unpredictability and a balancing act required to prevent attacks. For those who suffer from asthma, there is no end to the exploration of treatments that can possibly alleviate – and maybe even prevent – symptoms. Most have found a way to combine traditional medicine with a more holistic mind/body approach; the result is a very individual approach to a very individual disease.

One such natural approach that asthmatics are using in conjunction with traditional medical treatment is asthma exercise. Asthma exercise can encompass any form of exercise that brings about improvement in overall health thus lessening the effects of asthma.

Experts believe that exercise triggers the opening of bronchial tubes; the result can be extended relief from the irritated and constricted airways of those suffering from asthma attacks.

Some asthmatics turn to aerobics for their forms of asthma exercise. Walking, dancing, and any other exercise where your heart rate is increased can be healthy for your overall health and can go a long way towards lessening your symptoms of asthma.

Others concentrate on those exercises that establish a mind/body connection. Yoga can be an excellent asthma exercise; allowing your body and your mind to relax in unison. Additionally, yoga uses breathing patterns as a component of the exercise itself. Those who practice yoga must learn to hold certain postures while focusing on deep and cleansing breaths. This can be an enormously helpful asthma exercise for those who suffer from this respiratory system disease.

Get online for access to a multitude of resources developed for the asthma sufferer. Updates on asthma treatments, guides to keeping you healthy, and an online community of support will keep you feeling proactive and positive about managing your disease. Find out what asthma exercise has made improvements in the lives of other asthmatics. Try them out experimentally and take careful mental notes on what asthma exercise made you feel well and what was less successful.

Asthma exercise can be a fantastic tool that you can use to keep control of your symptoms. But nothing replaces the guidance of a medical professional in keeping you healthy. Be sure to check with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise program.

With proper medical supervision and a commitment to improved overall health, you are likely to see an improvement – and maybe cessation – of many of your asthma symptoms. Asthma exercise can leave you feeling happy, healthy, and in control.
By: Michelle Bery

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