Monday, March 17, 2008

Be Careful And You Will Prevent An Asthma Attack

Many persons who have asthma are not aware of the seriousness of an asthma attack, due to their misinformation or even their ignorance regarding their disease. The beginning of the asthma attack is indicated by a wheezing noise while you are breathing. When the wheezing stops, the next step of the asthma attack is the blockage of many of the bronchioles. This is a serious problem that should not be ignored.

The real facts are that not all asthmatic persons wheeze in their first stage of their asthma attacks. They can have an asthma attack and not even know it, and realizing it too late to do something about it. That is why we will present you other symptoms that can lead you into realizing that you are on a verge to have a severe asthma attack. It can start with a continuous cough; an accelerated breath and you might feel a pressure or a pain in your chest.
“The person experiencing an asthma attack will feel how the chest muscles are contracting and it is possible to inhibit the ability of speaking”
The person experiencing an asthma attack will feel how the chest muscles are contracting and it is possible to inhibit the ability of speaking.

The panic is slowly taking over the asthmatic's mind and body, causing him anxiety feelings and his/her face and fingers will turn blue. When this happens it is the sign that shows that the quantity of oxygen from the blood has dramatically decreased and it will lose his consciousness and can even be in fatal danger. These symptoms could easily aggravate if the medication is not administrated in time, with a powerful dosage.

How can we prevent this from happening? Be informed about all the symptoms that are warning signs of an asthma attack and stay away from any releasing or allergenic factors. Do not underestimate the seriousness of those symptoms: they can cost you your life. Any frequent night coughs, short moments of losing your breath, excessive tiredness, are NOT NORMAL!

Even smaller signs must not be ignored: if you feel tired and moody all the time, if you cannot sleep and you are wheezing and coughing each time you do physical activities, you must go to your physician and check the status of your health, in order to find out if you are an asthmatic person.

If you will do this, you can use those early signs of asthma attacks for your benefit, because learning them means learning about dealing with the asthma attack and, consequently, saving your life.

You can learn much more about Asthma Prevention by visiting the Asthma Symptom Site which provides comprehensive and up to date help and advice on all Asthma issues. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so make sure you check it out today here: -

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