Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eliminate Asthma Permanently

Asthmaknife. Announces Asthma Permanent Solution Program

Illinois, Chicago, March 06 – Until now, Asthma treatment had been focused on management of the related symptoms. Asthma Permanent Solution Program eliminates asthma permanently.

Asthmaknife is currently treating patients with extremely severe of just even severe asthma condition. Asthma Permanent Solution Program is the result of 37 years of continued clinical research on chronic diseases with a consistently proven effectiveness especially in children.

AsthmaKnife had recently launched the first Telemedicine Website for Asthmatic Patients helping many people around the world avoiding traveling and exposing to contaminated environments while recovering, restoring and optimizing properly their lungs functions.

Trough the Asthma Permanent Solution Program asthmatic patients have the opportunity to have a plenty life avoiding the use of desperate measures and techniques like Bronchial Thermoplasty.

The Asthma Permanent Solution Program makes the bronchi to become stronger in order to resist any kind of aggressions (triggers) instead of just treating the bronchospasm suppressing only the inflammatory process incurs on Asthma attacks.

Any asthmatic interested to enroll into the Asthma Permanent Solution program should contact first the Asthmaknife help center at in order to be evaluated and accepted.

Asthmaknife is leaded by Federico Arevalo MD, Director of the Chronic Disease Center Former Fellow of the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, Bethesda Md., at the Chicago Medical School. Former Fellow of the Hoekton Institute for Medical Research Former Fellow of Pediatrics, Cook County Hospital, Chicago Illinois Former Research Associate, Department of Pediatrics R&E Hospital, University of Illinois, Chicago Publications: American Journal of Physiology, Circulation Research, American Hearth Journal, others.

Contact: Chris Wilhelm, director of PR

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