Monday, March 17, 2008

Asthma Treatment & Asthma Prevention

More than 17 million people in the US alone suffer from asthma, a serious lung ailment, resulting in 5,000 asthma deaths a year. Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which is generally triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods. Asthma drugs, which are traditionally used to control asthma symptoms can have very serious side effects, plus they are also quite expensive. For a detailed list of asthma drugs and their known side effects see:

Fortunately there are alternative asthma treatments which are quite effective, relatively inexpensive compared to drugs and best of all they are without negative side effects. However, it is best to prevent the development of asthma in the first place.

Asthma Prevention - Measures You Can Take to Prevent the Devlopment of Asthma

Doctors and researchers agree that the single most important thing that parents can do to prevent their child from developing asthma in the first place is to eliminate or significantly reduce dust mite allergens or asthma triggers in the home.

"Clinical studies have revealed that avoidance of dust mite allergens in early childhood can prevent the onset of asthma..." Michael LeNoir Md

Dust mite allergens are known to play a major role in it's development. Researchers have determined that other important allergens (after dust mites) that also need to be eliminated from the home are cats, certain types of mold, dogs, cockroaches and tobacco smoke. It is a popular misconception that children will "outgrow" asthma. It is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness that should be taken seriously. Long term use of steroid drugs is not recommended by doctors and has serious side effects. Making these preventative environmental changes is a much more viable, healthy and preferable alternative. If you or your child are already suffering from asthma or allergies these measures will certainly help.

What are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic insects and live in bedding, pillows, mattresses, blankets, upholstery, carpets etc. They thrive particularly in humid climates. They live off of dead skin cells and produce an allergen from their excrement, which is inhaled.

All Homes Contain Dust Mites No Matter How Clean They Are. Studies have shown that dust mite allergens in the home must be reduced to at least 2mcg/g dust or mite populations decreased to 100/g dust to have any significant benefit. There are several things that can be done to accomplish this.

What Can Be Done To Eliminate or Reduce Dust Mites? Researchers have found through numerous studies that these are the most effective measures:Changing the relative humidity and temperature of the home:
  • Keeping relative humidity less than 50% is proven to greatly reduce the dust mite population. (Portable dehumidifiers were not shown to significantly reduce humidity).
  • Mechanical ventilation with a heat recovery unit has proved to be the most effective to reduce humidity in the home.
  • Using air cleaners that have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which will also eliminate other allergens such as pollen and animal dander.
  • Cleaning using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and steam cleaning rugs and upholstery regularly.
  • Washing all bedding in hot water (60 degrees C, 130 degrees F) on a weekly basis is known to kill dust mites. Drying bedding in a hot dryer.
  • Dry cleaning quilts and blankets weekly will also kill dust mites.
  • Placing plastic casings specifically made for dust mite control on pillows and mattresses.
  • Chemicals used on carpets and upholstery which are known to kill dust mites include benzyl benzoate, permethrin, pirimiphos methyl, phenyl salicylate, tannic acid, common household disinfectants, combinations of these, and insect growth regulators. (please note: some chemicals can also trigger asthma and allergy reactions, therefore research them carefully before using).

By: Susan Millar

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