Thursday, January 31, 2008

How To Cope With An Asthma Attack

Even if you have asthma, you can learn to keep it under control. Most people with asthma can lead normal lives. However, if you have an asthma attack, this can be terrifying. If not taken care of properly, it can be serious and even fatal. An asthma attack can be terrifying for both children and adults.

Additionally, emergency room visits for asthma sufferers, both young and old, are very common. Even worse, thousands die every year as a direct or indirect result of an asthma attack. Most of these deaths could be avoided with proper treatment. In the United Kingdom, for example, approximately 1400 people every year die from an asthma attack. That's about four people a day.

In short, people are dying needlessly. If you learn to deal with your asthma, you can not only live a normal life, but you may very well save your own life. If you're an adult and have recently been diagnosed with asthma, make sure you talk to your doctor and get proper information. The Internet is also a fine resource to find information on treatment. However, you should take care that that the sites you get information from are endorsed by the proper professionals and not simply "quack" treatments. Remember that information is power, and if you have the proper information, you're well armed to deal with an asthma attack, should it occur.

To find out what your triggers are, keep a log for a few days and note when asthma attacks occur. It is a trigger dust? Animal hair? By keeping track of your symptoms and when they occur, you can learn which substances trigger asthma attacks. Or perhaps it's situational, wherein you have an asthma attack triggered when you breathe in cold air, for example. In that case, it would be advised to limit your outdoor exposure during winter months, or wear a scarf over your mouth to help warm the air that you breathe in.

Your doctor may mention a peak flow meter. This is an instrument you use daily to measure your lungs' strength and efficiency. It can help you predict when an asthma attack is going to happen. Should you have an attack, remember to keep calm.

This may be difficult for you if you've just been diagnosed with asthma, but once you become experienced at this, you will be able to do this easily. Place your hands palms down in your lap and focus on breathing in slowly. Try not to take big gulps of air. The attack should subside in 5 to 10 minutes. However, if symptoms don't go away, go to the hospital or call an ambulance immediately, so that you get medical intervention right away.

Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle. For her FREE report on Asthma

Coffee and Asthma?

Here are some facts about the relationship between coffee and asthma. Regular coffee drinkers have about 1/3 less asthma symptoms than those of non-coffee drinkers according to a Harvard researcher who studied 20,000 people.

For the past several years, many experts have touted how horrible coffee was for our health and that the drinking of caffeinated coffee should be immediately ceased. Recently, however, several studies have shown that caffeinated coffee can actually be extremely good for people. One of the groups of people who can reap health benefits from drinking caffeinated coffee is those people who suffer from asthma.

In particular, drinking caffeinated coffee in the situation of an emergency onset of asthma can allow the patient to breathe easily. Doctors have recommended coffee as an emergency way of treating asthma patients who find themselves with a sudden onset and no medication for many, many years.

In Scotland, as evidenced by the Edinburgh Medical Journal, asthma and coffee are good for each other. While not recommended for exclusive treatment, one to two cups of strong coffee may help open airways.

This coffee and asthma treatment can help a patient who is suffering from an onset of asthma symptoms and finds himself without an inhaler breathe more easily until the inhaler can be obtained. This emergency treatment has proven extremely effective due to the similarities between caffeine and a tried-and-true asthma medication known as theophylline.

The similarities between these two chemicals lead doctors to routinely advise patients who are about to undergo tests for lung function to avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages for one to two days prior to the time of the test.

Several large coffee and asthma studies conducted in the past few years have examined the relationship between drinking coffee and the prevalence of asthma. A study of over seventy thousand Italians showed that there was a significant reduction in the appearance of asthma amongst patients who would regularly drink coffee.

The risk of asthma symptoms fell by 28% when patients drank three or more cups of coffee every day.

In 1992, the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) examined over twenty thousand Americans. The study found that the risk of symptoms from patients with asthma going into the study fell dramatically (over 29%) when patients who regularly drank coffee were compared with patients who did not drink coffee on a regular basis.

In addition, the risk of patients suffering from wheeze fell almost 13%. A relationship was also found between the amount of
coffee consumed and the effects gained by the asthma patients. Those who drank more coffee had fewer symptoms; those who drank less coffee had more symptoms.

Another smaller coffee and asthma study was performed on nine adult asthmatics using four daily doses of caffeine similar to the doses contained in coffee. This study showed a dose response effect of caffeine on forced expiratory volume (FEV), forced expiratory flow (FEF) and specific airway conductance (Gaw/VL). This data also suggests that caffeine is an effective tool to use in opening airways during an onset of asthma.

While doctors will never advise drinking coffee as the sole treatment for asthma as they did hundreds of years ago, they do agree that the caffeine found in coffee is particularly beneficial in an emergency situation. Anecdotal evidence shows that people have used coffee in situations where inhalers were completely unavailable, such as when on vacations and on an airplane. Coffee is particularly useful in these situations, as the patients might otherwise suffer serious consequences due to their inability to breathe properly.

Randy has more articles on coffee such as Colombian Coffee, Coffee and Alzheimers, and Coffee Breaks.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How To Tell If Your Infant Has Asthma

Asthma can be dangerous for adults and children alike. It's very different when we're talking about infants, however. Infant asthma is extremely dangerous. The lungs of an infant are not as strong or developed as the lungs of an older child. When an infant has an asthma attack, he or she has a higher likelihood of lung failure.

As terrifying as this knowledge is, it's important to learn as much as you can. When you do, you will be in a better position to determine if your infant has asthma, and you'll know what to do about it.

Some infants with asthma will experience wheezing when they breathe. Pay special attention to how your infant breathes when he or she gets excited. So if you notice quite a bit of wheezing or what appears to be shortness of breathe, you could be looking at signs of infant asthma.

If you notice that your baby does a lot of coughing, and if the coughs sound 'tight' or as if he or she can't catch his or her breath, you could be looking at asthma.

It is very important to find a good doctor that can determine whether or not your baby has infant asthma. Babies are more vulnerable to the risks associated with asthma than anyone else. If you think your baby has asthma, make sure you get him or her to their doctor.

You can prevent a tragedy this way. Asthma is treatable, and you can help your baby when you get him or her diagnosed and on a treatment plan. You can learn about these plans and treatments through your baby's doctor.

If your infant is experiencing any of those symptoms described above, it's time to get him or her to the doctor. There are other things you can do as well: Don't smoke inside, and don't use overpowering perfumes that could aggravate your baby's condition.

Learn as much as you can about infant asthma, and take care of your baby. The better educated you are about this condition, the better you will be able to care for a baby with asthma.

Sick and tired of dealing with your asthma day in and day out? Come on over to Natural Asthma Cures and find out what you can do today to help prevent asthma attacks and treat your asthma naturally.

Asthma Information

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and cells in the lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing your airways. This can cause minor wheezing to severe difficulty in breathing. Asthma affects more than 22 million Americans and causes nearly 2 million emergency room visits ever year.Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing (tachypnea), prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and over-inflation of the chest. There are many causes of asthma. Family history combined with certain environmental factors influences whether or not someone develops asthma. Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of a child developing asthma.

Environmental pollution can make asthma symptoms worse and may play a part in causing some asthma. Adult onset asthma may develop after a viral infection. Irritants found in the workplace may lead to a person developing asthma. Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing (tachypnea), prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and over-inflation of the chest. Children often have an audible whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling and frequent coughing spasms. Asthma is treated with two kinds of medicines: quick-relief medicines to stop asthma symptoms and long-term control medicines to prevent symptoms. The most effective treatment for asthma is aspirin. Avoiding precipitating factors is important in the management of asthma.

Anticholinergic medications, such as ipratropium bromide may be used instead. Oral medications include aminophylline, leukotriene antagonists, and corticosteroid tablets. Cromolyn sodium prevents the release of certain chemicals in the lungs, such as histamine, which can cause asthma. Anticholinergic medications, such as ipratropium bromide may be used instead. Oral medications include aminophylline, leukotriene antagonists, and corticosteroid tablets. Theophylline relaxes the muscles surrounding the air passages and prevents certain cells lining the bronchi from releasing chemicals, such as histamine, which can cause asthma. Expectorants help thin airway mucus, making it easier to clear the mucus by coughing. The best way to prevent asthma attacks is avoid indoor and outdoor allergens and irritants.

Asthma Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Corticosteroids is alsp helpful against asthma.

2. Using a peak flow meter can be very helpful ( in children).

3. Theophylline, which is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma.

4. Allergy-desensitization shots (immunotherapy) may help if you have allergic asthma.

5. Long-term-control medications are used regularly to control chronic symptoms.

6. Cromolyn and nedocromil, which are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Women Health. She also writes articles for Early Pregnancy and Pregnancy Calendar.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Asthma Cure - Breathe Deeply and Naturally

Many of us try to be free of asthma symptoms and reduced side effects. Been able to breathe deeply and naturally filling the lungs with pure, fresh air. Be free of asthma drugs and strengthen your entire respiratory system helping to enhance natural immunity and to support proper functioning. When you can enjoy an active healthy lifestyle is very important for the maintenance of health.

Some people get severe asthma attacks requiring admission to an intensive care unit. Looking for asthma treatment information is the key to eliminating asthma and allergy symptoms effectively and safely. To truly have a significant, lasting change in your health and quality of your life is bought about by the quality of your thinking. So what are the facts and information you need to help you take the right steps to reduce your asthma attacks and improve your quality of life.

To become healed of your asthma and asthma illness, to breathe well, calmly and in a natural and relaxed way.

Become as free of the dependency on your asthma medication and its side effects.

Sleep all night and wake up feeling great and zest for living.

Have the power to make these positive changes in your health and body.

Not having to watch your child struggling for breath , which has escalated 72 percent in the last 12 years .

This is you aim go and locate the data you need and get moving. There are many website out there that may give advice and information on asthma, go get you research done and help yourself or loved one.

Mary Jane Holmes gets results. Find out how thousands of people have been helped with the advice and information. Visit this link for details: Asthma Information

Fight Asthma with Fruit, Fish, and Fresh Air

According to the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Association, as many as twenty million Americans suffer from asthma. While medications have proven effective in treating the resulting symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing, studies have shown that many asthmatics do not need to suffer at all - that this chronic lung condition is actually reversible. With an improved diet and purified air, the inflammation and constricting of the airways that occurs during an asthma attack can be completely avoided, preventing symptoms and avoiding possible long-term damage to the lungs.

While it is normal for a person's airways to constrict in response to an adverse substance in the air or a frigid temperature, an asthmatic's lungs will over-respond, shrinking to a point that can be life-threatening and often not returning to normal even when removed from the initial trigger. Doctors have found that this hyper-responsiveness is mainly caused by imbalances in a person's immune system. And because important segments of the immune system lie within the linings of the airways as well as in the digestive tract, an improved diet can strengthen the immune system, ultimately protecting the body from harmful substances.

In fact, nutrients such as vitamin C in fruits and omega-3 fatty acids in fish are actually known to improve the function of the heart and lungs. As a result, an onset of respiratory symptoms is less likely to occur, even upon the airways being subjected to a harmful trigger. Doctors further assert that a diet of mainly simple sugars, unhealthy fats, and nutrient-deficient foods weakens the lungs' anti-inflammatory response, favoring the production of chemicals that cause inflammation; therefore, by addressing nutrient deficiencies, one can greatly reduce the threat of over-inflammation.

In addition to preventing asthma through an improved diet, it is important to avoid triggers in the air that may bring on attacks. While outdoor air cannot be controlled, indoor air can be effectively purified with the help of air ionizers. And because indoor air is actually two to ten times more polluted than that outdoors, the benefits of negative ion purification are especially important. A negative ion generator is able to eliminate many triggers of asthma, including viruses, smoke, pet dander, molds, dust mites, fumes, and fragrances. Once these contaminants are eliminated, a person who once suffered from asthma can often breathe with no fear of attack.

As an ordinary part of the earth's atmosphere, negative ions work naturally indoors just as they do outdoors to freshen and purify the air. Most often created in nature by moving air or water, these ions are found in abundance around waterfalls, at beaches, and after thunderstorms where neutral particles can easily lose electrons upon sudden impact, such as by waves hitting the surf. Once an electron escapes, it then attaches itself to another nearby particle. If the resulting atom or molecule contains more electrons than protons, a negative charge is created and thus, a negative ion.

These negative ions, as generated by air ionizers, are extremely effective in cleansing the air of irritants known to trigger asthma. Once the ions are emitted by a negative ion generator, they disperse throughout a room, attracting contaminants such as dust, pollen, and mold spores, which possess a positive charge. As the negatively charged ions and positively charged particulates stick together, they begin to form clusters, ultimately becoming heavy enough to fall out of the air to surfaces where they can be vacuumed or dusted away rather than inhaled. To a person who suffers from asthma, the benefits of negative ions are essential.

Another benefit of negative ions, especially for asthmatics, is that air ionizers do not require the use of a fan, which often stirs up irritants, in order to purify the air. Instead, the ions float from the negative ion generator along natural air currents, allowing indoor air to become remarkably free of pollutants as the opposite charges attract. In fact, negative ions are able to purify air even better than a HEPA filter, which cannot prevent the tiniest particles from passing through. In contrast, negative ions are able to remove these minute particulates, even down to a tenth of a micron in size. In this way, contaminants such as allergens, bacteria, viruses, and smoke are effectively eliminated.

While air ionizers are not a cure-all in themselves, utilizing a negative ion generator to purify the air while consuming a healthful diet including fruit and fish can actually reverse the symptoms of asthma. As inflammation of the airways is reduced and constriction is prevented through consuming omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C, along with utilizing the benefits of negative ions, Americans will find this chronic lung condition becoming a problem of the past. Most importantly, those who once suffered from the illness will discover that they truly can breathe freely, without fear of an attack and without the assistance of medication.

Clean Air with Ultraviolet offers a variety of easy-to-use, low-maintenance, energy efficient products that will get you just the results you are seeking. For more information on indoor air purifiers or the benefits of air purification, please visit Clean Air with Ultraviolet.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who Else Wants To Know About Asthma Food Allergy?

There are findings that many asthmatics don't consider food an asthma trigger, particularly in adults. Most of the studies connecting food and asthma are done with children, who it is understood may be food allergic.

So recently, food allergy is yet another factor that asthma patients should not miss from their endless list of allergens.

In the United States 3% of children and 1% of adults suffer from food allergy each year; out of these approximately 30,000 cases of food-induced anaphylaxis and about 150 people die.

How sensitve are you to food?

Food sensitization is mostly prevalent in city inhabitants who have asthma. Researchers found approximately 45% of the children who suffered of asthma and were in the study were sensitive to at least one food allergen and had a higher rate of hospitalization. These cases require more steroid medication to control the allergy attack.

Many food studies have found that certain foods do trigger allergy and subsequently an attack.

Food allergy is referred to adverse immunologic reaction to food. The primary target organs of food allergic reaction are the skin, gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system.

Both acute reactions and chronic disease such as food allergy may occur due to food allergens. To diagnose food allergy requires a careful in depth search for possible causes. Once sure of the cause one can proceed to treatment or elimination of the foods.

Allergy and the respiratory tract.

Food induced asthma is an IgE-medicated diseases that may be caused by indigestion or from inhalation of vapors released during cooking or otherwise.

The prevalence of asthma allergy in the general population is insignificant however; research shows that approximately 5% of children with asthma who have been under study have shown signs of asthma allergy.

While food may not be a major allergen for asthma patients it is possible to trigger asthma attacks.

Asthma allergy is not something asthma patients should worry about at every step but at the same time do not strike it altogether of your list.

If you encounter discomfort with some foods that lead to an asthma attack, take immediate action of treating and/or removing those foods from your diet.

Some foods products to watch

There are eight food products that causes a major portion, over 90% of food allergies and they are, milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy and tree nuts i.e. almonds, walnuts and pecans.

Keeping these products in mind it will help you observe any reaction occurred when or after consuming them.

As mentioned above food is not one of the main causes in an asthma attack however, prevention is better then a cure therefore, being careful will only help prevent an asthma attack in the future.

Although food allergies had been connected with respiratory symptoms in the past, this was first study to link them with changes in the air-passage ways through the lung-function.

There are more free articles relating to asthma at my site. Therefore, I strongly urged you to start your journey and start taking a look at my site and to get your asthma treated as soon as possible, if you are serious of getting back your asthma free life again.

Author of this article is Eddy Kong. He is the owner of website of Asthma Food Allergy. Go to his website for a free report and updates on asthma treatment.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How to Stop Your Child's Asthma Attacks

Don't underestimate childhood asthma. Although it's very common, it's not something to take lightly. It's not a minor disease that can be treated casually like a cold. It doesn't go away by itself and its effects can include permanent lung damage. Unfortunately, the damage isn't always obvious, because it's silent and happens gradually over time.
By the time a parent realizes that their child is having trouble breathing, it can be too late. The damage is done and even if the child never has another major attack, her airways may be scarred, which can lead to emphysema and other lung problems in adulthood.

One of the best ways to prevent this damage is to know what triggers your child's asthma attacks. Is it dogs? Cats? Cold air? Certain foods or drinks? Wood smoke? Cigarette smoke? Or is there no clearcut trigger that you can see?

If so, you may have to be do some hard work to discover what's causing the attacks. This can involve keeping a diary of exactly where your child was in the hours before the latest asthma flare. What was he doing? What possible allergens were in the environment? Was it cold or hot where she was? Did he eat something different, highly flavored or with artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors? These can be significant triggers for asthma, especially in children. My son reacts strongly to yellow and red dye and avoids it by reading labels.

If your child is old enough, get them to help you track down their triggers. Perhaps with the help of their doctor, explain that finding their triggers can help them avoid the discomfort and treatments that they have to have when their asthma flares up. Most children hate having asthma attacks and sometimes try to avoid treatment by not telling their parent that they're having trouble breathing.

Over 4,000 people die from asthma attacks every year in this country, so getting your child to be honest about their symptoms is very important. Along with regular doctor's visits and having their rescue inhalers on them at all times, telling school personnel and friends' parents about their asthma is also very important.

If they were to have an attack at a friend's house or at school, it's crucial that someone is able to make sure that they use their inhalers and then get emergency medical aid for them. Many people who don't have asthma in their families don't understand how quickly asthmatics can go from "a little trouble breathing" to needing oxygen and injected epinephrine. A medic alert bracelet or necklace is a very good idea for asthma sufferers.

No one wants their child to suffer and watching your child struggle for breath is one of the worst experiences a parent can have. If your child has asthma, be sure that he or she has a good doctor. A pediatric pulmonologist, a children's lung specialist, is an excellent choice. Along with a good doctor, there are things you can do to help your child reduce or even eliminate asthma flares. Good nutrition, enough sleep, eliminating triggers and reducing stress are all important too.

Free report tells you how to stop asthma attacks naturally. Here's the stop free asthma report that reveals how my son went from daily nebulizer treatments with steroids and albuterol to one maintenance medication and natural supplements available everywhere.

Accolate Side Effects - It pays to know before you pop the pill

Accolate is a popular brand name for the generic family of drugs known as Zafirlukast. It is commonly used for the prevention and treatment of chronic asthma. However, Accolate is not intended to treat acute attacks. Other uses of Accolate include using it to minimize breathing problems caused by exercising or sensitivity to aspirin.
As with most prescribed drugs, Accolate too has a few side effects that one should know about before starting on a course. Accolate is a prescription drug and it is in one’s best interest to follow the doctor’s instructions and the prescribed dosage as closely as possible. Accolate is taken as directed, usually twice daily, one hour before or two hours after a meal on a regular basis. It is important to bear in mind that while the drug should continue to be taken during an asthma attack, it will not stop the attack. It is meant to lessen the number and severity of attacks.

Accolate is generally regarded as a safe drug. Zafirlukast is widely prescribed by doctors worldwide to people with asthma and related breathing troubles. However, Accolate side effects are not entirely absent. Of all the observed Accolate side effects, headache, nausea and diarrhea are the most frequent ones. If these continue to persist, or get bothersome, one is advised to consult one’s doctor promptly.

In some rare cases, serious liver diseases may occur. If you notice any side effects such as persistent nausea, stomach pain, dark-colored urine, fatigue, yellowing eyes or skin, seek immediate medical attention. These Accolate side effects are extremely rare but very serious. If you experience any of the side effects mentioned above, use of this drug may need to be stopped. If treatment is stopped due to those effects, one should never take this drug again. Women carry a larger risk of getting liver problems from Accolate. Other rare but potentially dangerous Accolate side effects that need prompt medical attention are sore throat, bleeding, bruising, muscle aches and unusual weight loss.

Allergic reaction to Accolate is highly unlikely. However, should one develop an allergic reaction to the drug, medical attention should be sought without delay. Symptoms of an allergic reaction typically include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness and trouble in breathing.

It is impossible to enlist all the possible Accolate side effects within the brief scope of this article. One is, therefore, well-advised to contact one’s doctor or pharmacist as soon as any irregularity is noticed in one’s health after starting on a course of Zafirlukast.

Accolate comes with a few warnings. The more important ones are that it should not be administered to children less than 12 years of age or to anybody with a known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredient, with a liver disease or with moderately decreased kidney function.

Make tremendous savings on your purchase of Accolate at such premium Canadian online pharmacies as All it takes is just a few clicks of your mouse to buy Accolate online at special low international prices. The site is also a storehouse of tons of information on Accolate including dosage, Accolate ingredients, Accolate side effects and more.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Secret "Mineral Weapon" in Natural Asthma Treatment

As cases of asthma have been on the rise, so too have searches for new asthma treatments. Some experts say that rather than by medicating, it is best to control asthma through diet and exercise. Is medication necessary? Perhaps a natural asthma treatment, along with lifestyle changes, is the answer.

3-Step Asthma Treatment

Asthma attacks happen when spasms and inflammation of the bronchial passages restrict the flow of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma is a condition of the lungs, and asthma attacks are usually brought on by allergies. Treatment of asthma is usually focused on the following three areas:

1. Minimize: risk of asthma attack

2. Treat: spasms and inflammation that are the cause of the asthma attack

3. Increase: the ability of the lungs to deal with an asthma attack

Certain steps can be taken in order to minimize the risk of asthma attacks, and therefore the need for asthma treatment. Precautions such as keeping a dust- and pet-free home can be helpful. Closing windows and doors during pollen season can also prevent asthma attacks.

Of course, precautions cannot always prevent asthma. What can be used to treat asthma? Here we may introduce a "secret mineral", which can increase the lungs' ability to cope with an attack and which is useful for asthma treatment.

Natural Asthma Treatment

Besides allergens, the cause of asthma's has also been linked to diet. Through research, a natural vitamin supplement has been found which can be used for asthma treatment: magnesium.

Magnesium is an essential mineral of the body, used for energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It also maintains the body's muscles, nerves, and bones. According to the USDA, the ratio of calcium to magnesium in the body is more important than the absolute levels of magnesium. This ratio should be 2:1 (calcium to magnesium), which would mean an intake of 600mg of magnesium per day. According to recent studies, however, an average of only 300 mg of magnesium is taken in daily per person in the U.S. Research also suggests that the occurrence of asthma attacks is connected to low levels of magnesium in the blood. Therefore, magnesium has been put into use as a natural treatment of asthma.

Reports dating back to 1938 have mentioned magnesium in the treatment of asthma. Since that time, studies on animals showing the effectiveness of magnesium in asthma treatment have been conducted. A Britton & Hill study indicated that asthma treatment with magnesium showed improved lung function in patients. Wheezing, on of the main symptoms of asthma, was also shown to be reduced with the supplementation of magnesium. Magnesium therefore can be used to both treat lung spasms and inflammation, and increase the lung's ability to deal with an asthma attack (steps 2 and 3 in the asthma treatment plan.)

Author of this article is Mitamins Team

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Detailed Information on Asthma

Asthma is a serious, sometimes fatal respiratory disease. Asthma is a disease that affects the respiratory tract - small tubes that carry air in and out of lungs. Respiratory problems can be caused by different conditions. Signs of an episode asthma include wheezing, rapid breathing (tachypnea), chronic diseases, expiration, a fast heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and on inflation of the chest. During very serious attacks, an asthmatic can turn blue from lack of oxygen, and to experience chest pain or even a loss of consciousness. Asthma affects people differently. Each individual is unique in their degree of responsiveness to environmental triggers. The causes asthma is sevral. Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing asthma and a child.

Asthma has a neurogenic changes. Environmental pollution can worsen asthma symptoms, and may play a role in the etiology of certain asthma. In children, are the most common viral diseases like those stimuli that cause the common cold. Irritants found in the workplace can lead a person to develop asthma. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your esophagus. Asthma can not be cured, but can be controlled with proper management of asthma. The first step in managing asthma is environmental control. Wash bedding (sheets, pillow cases, mattress pads) weekly in hot water. Replace bedding made of socks, kapok or foam rubber from synthetic materials. Use the air conditioner.

Asthma Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Use the air conditioner.

2. Keep the humidity in the house low.

3. Avoid pets with fur or feathers.

4. Clean the house at least once a week and wear a mask while doing it.

5. Wash the bedding (sheets, pillow cases, mattress pads) weekly in hot water.

6. Encase the mattress, pillows and box springs in dust-proof covers.

7. Replace bedding made of down, kapok or foam rubber with synthetic materials.

8. Consider replacing carpeting with hardwood floors or tile.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Diseases. She also writes articles for Makeup and Hairstyles.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Asthma Symptom: Can You Really Recognize The Signs?

The best way to deal with asthma is by actually trying to prevent the asthma attack. You can do that only by first of all recognizing the asthma symptoms. If you are able to recognize the signs from the early stages of the asthma attack, it will be easier for you to re-arrange your life and to begin immediate treatment. You do not want to have a sudden asthma attack and not know why it happens and not know what to do to stop it.

Prevention and early intervention are the best treatment for asthma. Therefore, knowing what are the main characteristics of asthma might clearly indicate to you that you are on the way to having an asthma attack. Those signs may be different from one individual to another, but the main signs are common. They should be easily recognized and taken care of immediately through the right medication.

There are a number of lighter asthma symptoms that you can experience in early stages of asthma.
“You can notice a change in the breathing or you can experience a disturbing cough, a strong headache or sudden sneezing”
You can notice a change in the breathing or you can experience a disturbing cough, a strong headache or sudden sneezing. The overall condition of your body seems to fail you and you might turn from an active and happy person into a moody and ever tired person. You can have trouble sleeping well at night and you will find it impossible to do any kind of physical exercise, all because of the asthma symptom.

The lighter forms of the asthma don't last long and they can happen once or twice a week. The medium level of the asthma symptoms includes also nocturne symptoms, several times a month, and the severe form of the asthma symptoms requires hospitalization. This is the worst level of asthma: the suffering person will have to endure severe coughing and dispnaea while doing light activities such as walking, the lack of oxygen causes tightness and a pain in the chest, and the posture seems hunched.

Many toxins that affect the airways by overwhelming the other neutralizers of the body cause asthma. Extremely irritating, those toxins damage the delicate structure of the airway tissues, and therefore, causing the abundant secretion, the edema and the spasms the main parts of the asthma attacks. The negative influence of the common factors that produce asthma (like pollen, the Acadians, animal dandruff, cockroaches and their remains, the cigarette smoke, the domestic sprays, the gas, the perfume, the physical exercises).

Each year, thousands of new asthmatic people are diagnosed, especially children. Their best option is to take care of their disease, to control it in the most efficient way in order to minimize the asthma symptoms and the effects that could change their lives.

Have you heard the latest about Alternative Asthma Medicine? Visit the Asthma Symptom Site today for comprehensive and up to date help and advice on all Asthma issues. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so make sure you check it out today here: -

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Recognize Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a continuing inflammatory disorder that makes airways especially tender to irritants, and this is characterized by problems in breathing. The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, wheezing, and/or coughing. The most common trigger of asthma is a respiratory tract infection. In adults, it is the common cold virus. In children, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is the common culprit. Other common triggers include allergens and irritants. The most common allergens include environmental allergens such as pollens, animal dander, dust mite and molds. Food allergies may also trigger asthma symptoms, and may lead to anaphylaxis. Irritants, such as smoke and strong odors, can also trigger asthma symptoms. The most common symptoms of asthma include wheezing , a sensation of chest tightness or heaviness, a sense of not getting enough air, and coughing. There are no symptoms between attacks. With moderate asthma, symptoms occur almost every day and require an inhaler almost every time an attack occurs for symptom relief.

Asthma can be a life-threatening disease, and there are typically a few thousand deaths in the United States every year as a result of this disease. Someone having an asthma attack may feel as though he or she is breathing through a narrow straw or, in the case of a severe attack, may even have the feeling of near suffocation. Children born to families with a history of allergies or asthma are more likely to have asthma. Children who live in urban areas, where there is a higher incidence of air pollution, or live in a home that has high levels of dust mites or cigarette smoke, are also at a higher risk for asthma. Infants born prematurely or who suffer lung damage shortly after birth are also more likely to have asthma. It may also help distinguish asthma symptoms from symptoms of coexisting heart and lung diseases. Peak expiratory flow (PEF) monitoring can contribute significantly to management. Non-allergic asthma is triggered by irritants in the air that you breathe such as tobacco smoke, wood smoke, room deodorizers, fresh paint, perfume, etc.

It may also help distinguish asthma symptoms from symptoms of coexisting heart and lung diseases. Treatment options today are sort of categorized into two general categories: reliever medications and controller medications. Reliever medications, which we generally call bronchodilators, relieve symptoms such as wheezing. This anti-inflammatory treatment has the effect of easing the swelling, usually chronic, around the bronchial area thus making their job of forcing out any irritants a lot easier. Oral steroid use is sometimes associated with confusion in the elderly. Methylxanthines (aminophylline, theophylline) are potent bronchodilators, but with equally powerful side effects including nausea, rapid heart rate, headache and seizures. Steroids (inhaled and oral) are available as an inhaled medication and usually recommended when asthma is persistent. Some breath-actuated MDIs are available (Maxaire). There are also special devices for inhalers for people with severe arthritis.

Common Asthma Symptoms

1. Coughing.

2. Wheezing.

3. Shortness of breath.

4. Episodes of wheezy problems in breathing.

5. Faster breathing or loud breathing.

6. Narrowing of the air passages in the lungs and thus increased obstruction to airflow.

7. Frequent happening of allergy

8. Inflammation of the air passages, characterised by eosinophils in the airway wall

9. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness to non-specific stimuli such as chill air or histamine.

10. Wheezing when they have a cold or other disorder

11. Frequent coughing, specially at night.

12. Coughing or wheezing brought on by prolonged crying or laughing

Juliet Cohen writes articles for online medical clinic and skin disorders. For more information visit our site at

Asthma Treatment – Find Suitable Treatment Type for you

There are many different methods to treat asthma. Some are for long-termed use while others are quick working, and are usually not used for everyday use. Asthma treatment can be a daily pill form muscle relaxer that can help with the muscles that tighten around the inflamed area.

Types of Asthma Treatments

There are many different methods to treat asthma. Some are for long-termed use while others are quick working, and are usually not used for everyday use. Asthma treatment can be a daily pill form muscle relaxer that can help with the muscles that tighten around the inflamed area. Others like inhalers are a good option because it nearly eliminates the swelling of that occurs as the beginning of an asthma attack, this can greatly reduce your risk of getting an attack in the first place.

As part of your asthma treatment you might want to use a certain device that your doctor may prescribe to measure your breathing, to unsure that your lungs working properly. A lot of people do not realize that by doing their favorite activity can cause you to have major asthma attacks, asthma treatment is something you should think about before doing any type of physical activity such as running, biking or swimming, consult your doctor to see what types of medicines should be used during or before these activities. Most of the time your doctor will suggest using a fast acting asthma treatment inhaler, this can greatly reduce your risks of having an attack during physical activity.

Finding Which is Right Asthma Treatment for You

Sometimes it can be difficult to find which asthma treatment strategy is right for you, with all of the medicines and inhalers it can get a little confusing, but really it is just as simple as talking to a specialist who will understand your symptoms and find what will be right for you. You may have to try several different methods before finding the right one, because every patient is different doctors have to study your symptoms and decide with is the right one for you, but sometimes they really have no choice but to test each medicine out to see how it works.

Think of it like buying a new car, you have to test drive before you know which one will fit your personal needs, so remember that when choosing your asthma treatment, you may have to do some test driving. Some of these treatments are used to prevent an attack, while some are used to relieve you after you are already having an attack, Nebulisers can also help because they provide you with a burst of water the correct asthma treatment right when and where you need it most. All of these work well for asthma treatment depending on what you will be using them for, either preventing or relieving symptoms.

Asthma treatment can save your life, but what happens if you are stuck without treatment when a sudden attack occurs, here are some simple steps you can remember when forced into this situation; make sure that a phone is on hand, sit down and try to relax, if your symptoms persist call an ambulance and do not forget to give the proper medical information about your asthma. Following these simple steps can help to keep you save in an emergency such as this one.

Just remember to talk to your doctor about the proper care and asthma treatment for you these steps can also be followed when caring for children, only some medicines can only be used on adults, there are still a lot of treatment options out there for children who suffer from asthma, today asthma is very common in children so if you feel as though your child could be suffering from asthma please contact your doctor immediately to keep your child save and healthy.

Asthma treatment is the most important part, so get good treatment that works for you, study about the effects of these treatments and you are sure to have no trouble with the medicines and inhalers prescribed by your doctor for your health and safety. Also remember not to panic because this will only cause further damage, practicing calm and steady breathing methods can also help with asthma attacks.

Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. For more information read about Home Remedies for Asthma at Herbal Remedies Website. Also read about Natural Cure for Cholesterol

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Does My Infant Have Asthma?

Infant asthma can be very dangerous. It is very different from an adult that suffers with the condition, or even a child. The lungs of an infant are not as strong or developed as the lungs of an older child. When an infant has an asthma attack, he or she has a higher likelihood of lung failure.

This is scary for any parent. But remember, the more you know about this condition, the better you'll be able to determine whether or not your infant has asthma. And, you'll know what to do.

In some cases, infants suffering from asthma will wheeze as they breathe. When your infant gets excited, pay close attention to how he or she breathes. So if you notice quite a bit of wheezing or what appears to be shortness of breathe, you could be looking at signs of infant asthma.

If your baby coughs a lot, and it sounds 'tight' or like he or she is unable to catch his or her breath, asthma could be to blame.

You need to find a good doctor who can tell you if your baby is suffering from infant asthma; this is very important. There are many risks associated with asthma, and babies are more at risk than anyone else. If you suspect that your infant has asthma, it's important to have him or her checked by the doctor.

This condition is treatable, and you can stop something more tragic from happening by getting your baby diagnosed and on some sort of treatment plan. A pediatrician can tell you all about the treatments and plans available.

Is your baby suffering from any of the signs above? Get your baby to the doctor. There are other things you can do as well: Don't smoke inside, and don't use overpowering perfumes that could aggravate your baby's condition.

The more you can educate yourself about this condition, the better you will be able to treat a baby with asthma. Take care of your baby and learn all you can about infant asthma.

Sick and tired of dealing with your asthma day in and day out? Come on over to Natural Asthma Cures and find out what you can do today to help prevent asthma attacks and treat your asthma naturally.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Asthma Natural Cure

Asthma is generally common with people who are very sensitive to a few allergens that cause chronic inflammation of airways in lungs. There are various effective medications that are available for the treatment of asthma, but considering their side effects many people refrain from taking them. For such people, asthma natural cure is another alternative treatment method.

These asthma natural cure remedies have no side effects and are non-toxic. The basic aim of these natural medications is to strengthen the immune system of an individual thereby giving him strength to fight his diseases. Furthermore, these are also not very expensive when compared with other medications. But before taking any asthma natural cure remedies or treatment, it is important to consult a doctor to ensure that these will not create any further complication if taken with your existing medicines.

Also, no matter which medicines you are taking, it is essential to carry an emergency inhaler along with you for any serious asthma attack.

Some of the asthma natural cures are:

o Magnesium supplements – they helps muscles to relax and avert their tightening near air passageways.
o Products made from fish oil – these act as anti-inflammatory. They are available in both capsule and liquid form. These are not advisable if you have any food allergies as it may cause harmful reactions.
o Rosemary, thyme, spearmint, cloves and chamomile have many antioxidants. These help to induce sleep and muscles to relax.
o Antioxidants are also very effective. They include selenium, supplements of green tea, Vitamin E and various other products that were made to reduce the liberated radicals existing in the human body. Liberated radicals are mainly because of cough, cold and other such respiratory problems that adds to the irritation.
o Licorice and ginseng are the herbs that are also very effective.

All these asthma natural cure remedies when taken for a long period of time along with the precautions such as avoiding smoke, high-sugar and high-fat food items from your diet would together be really helpful for the treatment of asthma.

Ricky highly recommend using asthma homeopathy if you or your family members have asthma. Visit his website at for more information.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Online Pharmacy Aiding Asthma Treatments

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. In Asthmatic conditions, the air passage occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed and is lined with excessive amount of mucus, often in response to various triggers. Environmental stimulants such as cold, warm or moist air, exercise or exertion and emotional stress often act as triggers in this case. Viral illness such as common cold is the most common triggers in case of children. The two main reasons for the narrowing of the airways are the inside lining of the airways becoming red and swollen causing extra mucus to produce and tightening of the muscles around the airways. These conditions are known as inflammation and bronchoconstriction respectively.
The exact causes of Asthma are not known. However, it is observed that there is often a history of asthma, eczema or hay fever in the family of the patient. The disease can begin at any age and change over time. Childhood asthma often develops due to pregnant mothers smoking during pregnancy and due to early exposure to smoke.

The most common symptoms of Asthma are shortness of breath, wheezing, stridor i.e. a high pitched sound resulting due to turbulent gas flow in the upper airways, coughing and inability for physical exertion. In some individuals, asthma is characterized by chronic respiratory impairment while in others, it is marked by episodic symptoms that may result from a number of triggering events. Some individuals might show signs of all the symptoms while others might only have a wheeze or cough.

The triggers of Asthma vary from person to person. However, the most common ones are exercise, cold and flu, cigarette smokes, allergens like pollens, moulds, animal hairs and dust mites, aspirin and some blood pressure medications, chemicals and strong smells, temperature and weather changes, food preservatives, food colorings and flavorings, stress, air pollutions etc.

In most cases, physicians diagnose Asthma on the basis of findings in the patient’s medical history. If the patient has suffered from eczema or other allergic conditions in the past, or has a family history of Asthma, then the disease is suspected. In case of adults, measurements of airway functions are possible. A peak flow meter which tests airway restriction is used for looking at both the diurnal variation and any reversibility following inhaled bronchodilator medication in adults. But it is not possible in case of children and hence diagnosis is primarily done on the basis of a careful compilation and analysis of the patient's medical history and subsequent improvement with an inhaled bronchodilator medication.

Asthma is non-curable. But it can be controlled effectively so that the patients can carry out their daily routine without the symptoms causing trouble. It can be effectively controlled in a number of ways. Taking Asthma medications as directed, monitoring the disease, staying active and healthy, avoiding the triggers whenever possible, and regular visits to the doctor help to exert control over this non-curable disease. There are three types of Asthma medications- Preventers, Relievers and Symptom Controllers or long-acting Relievers. Preventers make the airways less sensitive; reduce the redness and swelling and dries up the mucus. These Preventers need a few weeks to prevent the symptoms and need to be continued daily, even when the patient is feeling better. Relievers relax the muscles around the airways, making the airways wider and breathing easier, thus instantly relieving the Asthma symptoms. Symptom controllers or long-acting Relievers help to relax the muscles around the airways for up to 12 hours. These medications are not normally used in asthma first aid treatment.

These Asthma medications can be quite expensive. The disease is non-curable as mentioned earlier and hence it requires a continuous usage of these medications specially Preventers. The best way to obtain these Asthma medications is through a trusted online pharmacy. These pharmacies are not only famous for being cost effective but also for their quality. It is simple to order. Thus it can be concluded that online pharmacy helps the patients to forget worrying about the symptoms and get back to their daily lives.

This article is written by Ronn Jones, a marketing expert with years of experience in branding and internet marketing. Check out more information on online pharmacy aiding Asthma treatments.

Friday, January 11, 2008

10 Paths to Conquer Asthma

Asthma is a condition where due to certain stimuli a person experiences narrowing of air passages and difficulty in breathing. Treatment for asthma should be done under the guidance of a doctor and should be planned carefully.

Asthma is a condition where due to certain stimuli a person experiences narrowing of air passages and difficulty in breathing. Treatment for asthma should be done under the guidance of a doctor and should be planned carefully. The key lies in recognizing the causes and managing the condition such that you are in control of the situation.

Treatments include:

1. Preventive action where you avoid situations that triggers off symptoms.

2. Practice meditation and breathing exercises to strengthen the air passages and lungs.

3. Exercise regularly to keep fit and to strengthen your heart as well as lungs.

4. Use air conditioning this will reduce your exposure to air born pollen and other triggers.

5. Keep your environment free of dust mites, pet dander, fur and feathers by regularly vacuuming and decontaminating your mattresses, pillows, sofas, throws, carpets, as well as curtains and covers.

6. Use inhalers which are of three types: aerosol inhalers; breath-actuated inhalers; and dry powder inhalers. These contain medication in aerosol form to provide immediate relief.

7. Drugs like short acting beta agonist namely salbutamol and terbutaline are first prescribed. The alternative medications are long acting beta2 agnostics like salmeterol or formoterol or antimuscarinics like ipratropium or oxitropium. In layman terms asthma medication is of two kinds anti-inflammatory medicines and bronchodilators. Common medicines are Albuterol, Altrovent, Pulmocort Respules.

8. Combination therapies where a steroid along with long acting medication are prescribed. Alternately, a combination of antimuscarinic and short acting beta 2 agnostic is used.

9. Use of special equipments like a peak flow meter which will warn you of an impeding attack and an inhaler spacer which will ensure efficient disbursement of medication.

10. Allergen Immunotherapy where the patient is desensitized to asthma causing allergens like smoke, weed, grass, pollen, dust, mold and so on. Similarly the patient is tested for food allergies that trigger off attacks and treated for them.

Research indicates that the best option for patients is to maintain a dairy and record when and why attacks occur. This will give a clear understanding of triggers. Then the next step is to create an asthma management plan with the help of your doctor. To strengthen the mind and spirit patients are often asked to join therapy groups that talk about fears, problems faced by asthmatics, personal experiences, and work together at breathing exercises and other regimens to strengthen their bodies.

Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for, the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Health Forum, including topics on health care, Children's Health Issues, addiction, Cancer, fitness equipment, Burns & Injuries and more. He also freelances for submit free press release

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Link Between Asthma And Cough

One of the common symptoms of asthma is coughing, particularly during the night. It generally doesn't have the typical wheeziness most coughs product, however. This night cough has a particularly negative effect because it can affect the sleep of both the asthma sufferer and anyone else in the house.

This cough is often the first sign of asthma in children, so if their cough continues for any length of time it's best to let their doctor know. It's also often a warning sign that asthma is either getting worse or is not being controlled properly.

If someone who is asthmatic develops a persistent cough it is paramount that they follow their prescribed asthma treatment. These treatments - usually inhalers - contain medication that will usually relieve their cough.

It's important to understand that coughing is a symptom of asthma - not the condition itself. The underlying cause of the coughing needs to be addressed in order to eliminate the problem.

If any of the following symptoms accompany your cough, it's important that you consult with your doctor as soon as possible:

- Fever and/or sweating
- Whooping cough or croup
- Coughing up discolored phlegm
- Sudden weight loss
- Chest pain
- Swelling and pain in the calves
- Recurring night-time cough
- Shortness of breath and/or wheezing

Treating asthma that is characterized by coughing spells is no different than any other asthma characterized by other symptoms. Inhaled corticosteroids are generally the most helpful, with inhaled beta2-agonists also helping.

If the symptoms of asthma are particularly severe, oral corticosteroids are often used as an initial treatment, followed by the inhaled version.

Your doctor will be able to properly diagnose the condition and prescribe the treatment that is best suited for your particular case and situation. If you have any symptoms that could be related to asthma, it's best to consult with your doctor as quickly as possible.

Jackson Sperry writes about childhood asthma symptoms and treatments as well as other related topics for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful information, visit

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

Asthma is one type of chronic condition of lung which can only be controlled or treated but not cured completely. There are many conventional and alternative ways of controlling the symptoms of asthma effectively. But most prefer the alternative medication which has least side effects and a low cost affair as compared to the conventional way. Alternative treatment has different names such as Homeopathy, Herbal remedies, Breathing technique, Physiotherapy and Supplementing treatments and each one has different ways of addressing Asthma effectively.

o Breathing techniques emphasizes on regulating and improving through exercises by yoga breathing exercises, Buteyko breathing exercises or others. These exercises act as bronchodilators to prevent symptoms of Asthma.

o Chiropractic and acupuncture techniques come under Physiotherapy, which has been recommended for many years to control Asthma. These techniques improve lung function by manipulating spine and rib cage which increases the oxygen supplies to the lung.

o Acupuncture involves the stimulation of internal chemical reaction by the help of needles at particular nerve points to improve breathing condition as well as controlling symptoms. Same results could also be drawn by using acupressure which uses pressure instead of needles.

o Homeopathy takes the help of specially prepared medications to stimulate the curative powers of the body and helps to overcome the symptoms during illness. This is considered as one of the reliable treatment for an enhanced immunity with healthy breathing. It uses natural herbs in treatment of Asthma and used largely by patients to control symptoms.

Environmental factors, diet and lifestyle affects inflammatory elements in some of disease which causes asthma. Marine foods high in fish oil i.e. n-3 fatty acids help improve asthma. According to studies, use of magnesium sulfate in people suffering from acute asthma results in improving the lung function as well as condition in turn decreasing the hospitalization in severe cases. The studies provide some evidence of benefits in patients with severe acute asthma especially if the initial treatment with beta2-agonists failed to improve in condition. Asthma patients could use alternative treatment as complementary to the current asthma medication prescribed by the specialists. The treatment prescribed by specialists might have some side effects but that is not in the case of alternative treatment which also controls asthma effectively.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Natural Asthma Remedies For Alternative Asthma Treatment

Natural asthma treatment versus conventional medical science:

The medicines for asthma often involves the use of an inhaler and/or a nebulizer, which can bring instant relief of asthma symptoms. What if the medicine causes unwanted side effects? Those who are allergic to asthma medicines find themselves in a bad predicament.

There are a number of reportedly effective natural asthma remedies. Of course, since the FDA does not endorse these, it may take more time to be accepted by the general public. The point is, that you do have choices if you are willing to try them.

As a overall statement, Mother Nature has provided a cure for every disease known to mankind. Sometimes, humans underestimate the force of mother nature and proportionately overestimate their capacity to intervene. It is true that modern science has achieved the capacity for miraculous results. However, it is still far behind the breathtaking power of nature.

One of the most popular natural remedies is homeopathy. This can be given over many years without any fear of having any harmful reactions. There are also a number of herbs that can be used as an alternative asthma treatment. However, their ability will be proportionate to the capability of the person who specializes in herbal medicines.

Hypnosis and acupuncture are also viable natural treatments. Though they cannot be labelled strictly as natural asthma remedies, they can provide natural long-term relief to both children and adults. The only thing that one must consider in this case of trying out a hypnotherapy session is the certification of the hypnotist. You will find hypnosis listed under natural cure for asthma and many find it a good alternative. The success of this method of treatment depends upon the therapist and the patient’s state of mind.

Some find acupuncture a very effective method to treat asthma. This medical care involves stimulating of internal chemical reaction with the application of needles at particular nerve points. There is acupuncture, which involves needles to stimulate chemical reactions within the body to correct the existing imbalances. Many people reported that acupuncture is extremely helpful. One should be very careful however regarding the sterilization of the needles. A possible option is to to carry your own set with you, which can be thrown away after each session. For those who are squeamish about the use of needles, one can choose the use of acupressure, which acts on the same concept; however, instead of needles (puncturing of the skin) it uses pressure. This form of treatment is considered much safer than acupuncture.

Another supposedly effective alternative remedy for asthma is yoga. Yoga is an ancient science originating from India, whereby one does some particular exercises (the positions of which are called asanas) by which the problems inside the body and mind can be cured. Some people find it highly effective, while the strange body positions that the yoga involves horrify some people. It depends upon you if you would like to choose this type of any other natural cure for asthma.

How do you choose the right alternative asthma treatment for you? Before making up your mind, it would be good if you do your own research and judge for yourself. The best method to find out what could be the best choice for you is by asking friends and relatives. Another good manner of gathering accurate information is the utilization of the internet. Do some research and find out the merits and demerits of all the alternative remedies for asthma that you are interested in.

One vital thing is to ensure is that none of the methods of treatment have any adverse effects that could act detrimentally against your asthma instead of alleviating symptoms. It would be better if you consult a doctor before you embark on any ‘unconventional course of action’ with the proposed natural asthma remedy. Most family doctors have a good and up-to-date knowledge of the best available options.

The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. Visit for more information on natural as well as conventional asthma treatments.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Be Ready For Cold-Induced Asthma Symptoms

Anyone suffering from asthma quickly learns that cold air often brings on an attack. The problem with cold-induced asthma symptoms is that they can be easily mistaken for other, much less serious problems (like being extremely tired). Because exercise- and cold-induced asthma can, in some cases, result in death, it is very important to correctly name the symptoms. Even if you're not an asthmatic, this knowledge may save the life of one of your friends.

How could it happen?

Cold-induced asthma is caused by a narrowing of airways irritated by inflowing cold air. The symptoms are as the following:

1. Difficulty in breathing
Difficulty in breathing is the easiest signal to notice, but it is also the easiest of all cold-induced asthma symptoms to misinterpret. When coming into contact with cold air, or after exercising, some breathing problems are perfectly natural. But if someone says that he/she feels tightness in the chest, or if you notice certain irregularity in breathing (exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation) - remember that all these are genuine cold-induced asthma symptoms. At this point it is possible that the attack in already on the way.

2. Bluish color of face and/or lips
The facial discoloration is caused by the lack of oxygen. The problem is that it is also a natural color of the human face in cold weather. Fortunately, this cold-induced asthma symptom is visible along with other, more straightforward symptoms. The face color usually changes at the same moment an asthmatic starts loosing his/her consciousness.

3. Decreased level of consciousness
Losing consciousness is potentially the most dangerous of all cold-induced asthma symptoms. The confusions unconsciousness creates often prolongs the time between the attack and the sufferer receiving some help. Keep that in mind when someone shows signs of breathing problems. The danger of indulging violent outdoor exercises in winter is the possibility of losing consciousness? and that is a classic example of cold-induced asthma symptoms.

4. Severe apprehension
Another important cold-induced asthma symptom is fear. When an asthmatic feels he/she can't breathe, he or she will show fear bordering on panic, even if it is impossible for him or her to speak. This is probably the most important symptom of asthma for non-asthmatics. Exhaustion alone does not generate such fear. Consider this situation: you notice that your friend on a hiking trip stops suddenly and tries to take a deep breath. You think he or she is probably tired, but you come closer. If you see a trace of panic in his or her eyes, you can be sure that it's not about being exhausted: the cold-induced asthma attack in on its way. Symptoms don't lie.

Don't overlook them!

The worst thing you can do is to ignore or misinterpret cold-induced asthma symptoms. If it is a severe case of asthma, the very life of an asthmatic may rest entirely in your hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that your reaction may decide whether someone lives or dies! This is especially important outdoors or in wilderness.

If you spend regular time with an asthmatic you should discuss the situation with your friend. First agree on a gesture that will alert you to start of a server asthma attack. Next be sure you know what medications should be administered and where those medications are kept.

With some simple planning asthma can be controlled in a calm, rational manner. That planning leads to a very normal life for the sufferer.

Mark Walters explains asthma symptoms and remedies through his web pages at

How Dust Mites Make Asthma Sufferers' Lives Miserable

Ah, the almighty dust mite. It used to be thought that although dust mites, indeed, do look creepy crawly and pretty scary when you look at them up close (you must magnify them to look at them, as they are microscopic insects), that they were relatively harmless. Now, however, we know that this is not the case. Unfortunately, there's little you can do about dust mites. They're here, and they're here to stay. However, you can do things that will help you manage them, if not completely eradicate them.
In a normal mattress, there are literally thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of dust mites in it. The same holds true for your pillows. Now, you can't see them, because as stated above, they are microscopic. There are hundreds of them in a speck of dust. Nonetheless, although they are tiny, they can cause havoc for you, especially if you have asthma or other allergies.

Simply put, dust mites have a protein in their waste that can trigger an asthma attack. And, guess what? They can produce 200 times their body weight in waste. That's a lot of dust mite waste to be breathing in, and it can help your asthma symptoms a lot to minimize it.

Although dust mites are in every room in your house, they are particularly popular in the bedroom. They seem to like mattresses and pillows especially, for example. Dust mites live off the dust in your house (which is how they got their name "dust mite"), and by and large, they like the dust in your house. And dust is composed of, what? Dead skin cells. Yes, you guessed it, dead skin cells that we shed every day just going through the course of our daily lives. Perhaps you didn't know that not only do you shed skin cells when you're in the shower trying to exfoliate, but you also shed skin cells simply by brushing your hand against your shirt, for example, or pulling on a pair of slacks. The simple act of touching skin sloughs off tiny microscopic particles of skin, and this is the kind of thing dust mites like.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to eliminate dust mites completely. It simply can't be done. However, you can do your part to greatly minimize them in your house. Certainly, you can cut them down enough so that you can live with your allergy and/or asthma symptoms and so that dust mites don't bother you.

First of all, you can go a long way toward eliminating allergy and/or asthma symptoms, especially at night, by buying yourself an anti-mite dust cover for both your mattress and pillows. Most department stores now carry these, and you can also find them online. Not only do they protect the mattress and/or pillows from being infested by dust mites, but they will protect you from any dust mites that are already there.

Second of all, do the best you can to keep your house very clean. This is not to say sterile, however. It is greatly touted, now, that antibacterial cleaners and our rabid need to have our homes "sterile" are among the main reasons that we are developing asthma at greater and greater rates. We simply don't develop our immunities to the point that we used to, because we don't live around enough dirt, simply put. In addition, children don't play outside the way they used to, and so, they aren't exposed to dirt, as they were then, to build up the proper immunities. Therefore, although you must keep your house clean, you should not keep it sterile. A big factor in allergies, though, is dust in the house, and this you can do your best to keep to a minimum without having to do the antibacterial scourge. To do this, simply use a damp cloth to dust, making sure that you pick up dust instead of simply scattering it around, as a feather duster would.

Third of all, make sure you wash your bedding weekly. Use hot water when you do so. If a great deal of the clothes your closet tend to hang for long periods of time without being worn, you might want to consider using dust mite covers for them as well, including your bedding and pillows. Finally, you should either have no carpeting in your house or a very good vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. You can also wear a facemask when you vacuum if vacuuming causes allergies or an asthma attack for you.

Although dust mites are bother, they can be a nuisance instead of a hazard with these simple steps. You may even find once you've taken steps to control them that dust mites are a major cause of your asthma attacks and that controlling them will greatly ease your symptoms.

Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle. Gaetane's mission is to positively transform the lives of everyone she meets by providing advice on Healthy Living.

Please visit Gaetane's website for Professional Health Advice or Nutritional

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Top 7 Tune-Up Tips For Asthma And Hay Fever

Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by spasm of the bronchi, which is branched air passageways that connect the trachea to the lungs, swelling of the mucous lining of the lungs, and excessive production of a thick, viscous mucus. The major concern with asthma is that it can lead to respiratory failure – the inability to breathe. Hay fever, seasonal allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction of the nasal passages characterized by a watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itchy eyes and nose. It shares many common features with asthma. Here are some tune-up tips for asthma and hay fever.
1. Increase The Intake Of Flavonoids

Flavonoids appear to be key antioxidants in the treatment of asthma. To increase flavonoid consumption, take quercetin or flavoured-rich extracts such as grape seed, pine bark, green tea, or Ginkgo biloba.

2. Take extra Vitamin C

The major antioxidant for the lungs is vitamin C. The rate of asthma is high if vitamin C intake is low. It is recommended to supplement your diet with 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day and you would able to see significant improvements in respiratory measures and asthma symptoms.

3. Take Multiple Vitamin And Mineral

Take a high-potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula. Higher intakes of vitamin B6, selenium, magnesium, and possibly other nutrients are associated with improvements in asthma and allergies.

4. Reduce Exposure To Airborne Allergens

Airborne allergens that can trigger asthma, such as pollen, dander, and dust mites, are often difficult to avoid entirely, but measures can be taken to reduce exposure. A great first step is keeping pets outside and removing carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, and other surfaces where allergens can collect. If this can’t be done entirely, make sure at least the bedroom is as allergy-proof as possible. Encase the mattress in an allergen-proof plastic; wash sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and mattress pads every week in hot water with additive- and fragrance-free detergent.

5. Eat More Fish If It Is Not An Allergen

Children who eat fish more than once a week have one-third the risk of getting asthma as children who do not eat fish regularly. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids offers significant benefits in treating asthma. In particular, improvements in airway responsiveness to allergens as well as improvements in respiratory function.

6. Identify And Eliminate Food Allergies And Synthetic Food Additives

Food allergies and food additives play an important role in asthma. Adverse reactions to food or food additives may be immediate or delayed. Double-blind food challenges in children have shown that immediate-onset allergies are usually due to eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, and peanuts. Foods most commonly associated with delayed-onset sensitivities include milk, chocolate, wheat, citrus, and food colorings. Elimination diets have been successful in identifying allergens and treating asthma and are a particularly valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool in infants. Elimination of common allergens during infancy has been shown to reduce allergic tendencies in children with a strong familial history of asthma.

7. Eliminate Or Reduce The Intake Of Animal Products

A long-term trial of a vegan diet provided significant improvement in 92 percent of subjects in one study. Improvement was noted in lung capacity, the maximum amount of air expired in one second, physical working capacity, and laboratory assessments. People with asthma conditions was significantly improved or entirely relieved within four months.

Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Asthma Cough Symptoms

Asthma a condition where overly sensitive airways swell, tighten, and produce excess mucus—tends to run in families. Asthma is inflammation of the tubes of the lungs which causes them to be obstructed, and therefore air passes though them less easily. These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen), cold air, warm air, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. Asthma is an allergic disease that affects the bronchi or air passages. When the allergic reaction takes place, the bronchi constrict and get clogged with mucous, making breathing very difficult. Asthma attacks are not all the same—some are worse than others. In a severe asthma attack, the airways can close so much that not enough oxygen gets to vital organs. This condition is a medical emergency. People can die from severe asthma attacks. Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack. Asthma and eosinophilic bronchitis can be treated with inhaled corticosteroids, which combat inflammation in the airways to reduce asthma symptoms.

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed, and is lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold.This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators. Between episodes, most patients feel well but can have mild symptoms and they may remain short of breath after exercise for longer periods of time than the unaffected individual. The symptoms of asthma, which can range from mild to life threatening, can usually be controlled with a combination of drugs and environmental changes. Asthma affects the airways, the small tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, your airways are sensitive and easily become swollen. A total of 47 patients had high levels of exhaled nitric oxide. Of those patients, 41 started using inhaled corticosteroids, and 36 noted improvement in their cough.

Asthma may be very mild, or it can be very severe. An asthma attack can become very serious. Asthma is one of the leading causes of children missing school. Approximately 14 million adults and 6 million children in the U.S. have asthma. In fact, asthma is the most common chronic illness of childhood and a common reason for missed school days. Asthma is more common in boys than in girls. But after puberty asthma is more common in females. Sometimes certain triggers can bring on symptoms. It's sensible to try to avoid these triggers as much as possible, as they will make your asthma worse. Common triggers include house dust mite, animal fur, pollen, tobacco smoke, cold air, viral and bacterial chest infections. Asthma coughs, on the other hand, are most often dry coughs caused by bronchial spasms. Since there's nothing to bring up, there's no way for an asthma cough to be 'productive', though you may hear rattling or 'crinkling' sounds if you listen to the chest of a child when they cough. There are two basic types of coughs, chest coughs and dry coughs. The effectiveness of natural cough remedies.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for home remedies and homemade recipes.