Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

Asthma is one type of chronic condition of lung which can only be controlled or treated but not cured completely. There are many conventional and alternative ways of controlling the symptoms of asthma effectively. But most prefer the alternative medication which has least side effects and a low cost affair as compared to the conventional way. Alternative treatment has different names such as Homeopathy, Herbal remedies, Breathing technique, Physiotherapy and Supplementing treatments and each one has different ways of addressing Asthma effectively.

o Breathing techniques emphasizes on regulating and improving through exercises by yoga breathing exercises, Buteyko breathing exercises or others. These exercises act as bronchodilators to prevent symptoms of Asthma.

o Chiropractic and acupuncture techniques come under Physiotherapy, which has been recommended for many years to control Asthma. These techniques improve lung function by manipulating spine and rib cage which increases the oxygen supplies to the lung.

o Acupuncture involves the stimulation of internal chemical reaction by the help of needles at particular nerve points to improve breathing condition as well as controlling symptoms. Same results could also be drawn by using acupressure which uses pressure instead of needles.

o Homeopathy takes the help of specially prepared medications to stimulate the curative powers of the body and helps to overcome the symptoms during illness. This is considered as one of the reliable treatment for an enhanced immunity with healthy breathing. It uses natural herbs in treatment of Asthma and used largely by patients to control symptoms.

Environmental factors, diet and lifestyle affects inflammatory elements in some of disease which causes asthma. Marine foods high in fish oil i.e. n-3 fatty acids help improve asthma. According to studies, use of magnesium sulfate in people suffering from acute asthma results in improving the lung function as well as condition in turn decreasing the hospitalization in severe cases. The studies provide some evidence of benefits in patients with severe acute asthma especially if the initial treatment with beta2-agonists failed to improve in condition. Asthma patients could use alternative treatment as complementary to the current asthma medication prescribed by the specialists. The treatment prescribed by specialists might have some side effects but that is not in the case of alternative treatment which also controls asthma effectively.

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