Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Natural Asthma Remedies For Alternative Asthma Treatment

Natural asthma treatment versus conventional medical science:

The medicines for asthma often involves the use of an inhaler and/or a nebulizer, which can bring instant relief of asthma symptoms. What if the medicine causes unwanted side effects? Those who are allergic to asthma medicines find themselves in a bad predicament.

There are a number of reportedly effective natural asthma remedies. Of course, since the FDA does not endorse these, it may take more time to be accepted by the general public. The point is, that you do have choices if you are willing to try them.

As a overall statement, Mother Nature has provided a cure for every disease known to mankind. Sometimes, humans underestimate the force of mother nature and proportionately overestimate their capacity to intervene. It is true that modern science has achieved the capacity for miraculous results. However, it is still far behind the breathtaking power of nature.

One of the most popular natural remedies is homeopathy. This can be given over many years without any fear of having any harmful reactions. There are also a number of herbs that can be used as an alternative asthma treatment. However, their ability will be proportionate to the capability of the person who specializes in herbal medicines.

Hypnosis and acupuncture are also viable natural treatments. Though they cannot be labelled strictly as natural asthma remedies, they can provide natural long-term relief to both children and adults. The only thing that one must consider in this case of trying out a hypnotherapy session is the certification of the hypnotist. You will find hypnosis listed under natural cure for asthma and many find it a good alternative. The success of this method of treatment depends upon the therapist and the patient’s state of mind.

Some find acupuncture a very effective method to treat asthma. This medical care involves stimulating of internal chemical reaction with the application of needles at particular nerve points. There is acupuncture, which involves needles to stimulate chemical reactions within the body to correct the existing imbalances. Many people reported that acupuncture is extremely helpful. One should be very careful however regarding the sterilization of the needles. A possible option is to to carry your own set with you, which can be thrown away after each session. For those who are squeamish about the use of needles, one can choose the use of acupressure, which acts on the same concept; however, instead of needles (puncturing of the skin) it uses pressure. This form of treatment is considered much safer than acupuncture.

Another supposedly effective alternative remedy for asthma is yoga. Yoga is an ancient science originating from India, whereby one does some particular exercises (the positions of which are called asanas) by which the problems inside the body and mind can be cured. Some people find it highly effective, while the strange body positions that the yoga involves horrify some people. It depends upon you if you would like to choose this type of any other natural cure for asthma.

How do you choose the right alternative asthma treatment for you? Before making up your mind, it would be good if you do your own research and judge for yourself. The best method to find out what could be the best choice for you is by asking friends and relatives. Another good manner of gathering accurate information is the utilization of the internet. Do some research and find out the merits and demerits of all the alternative remedies for asthma that you are interested in.

One vital thing is to ensure is that none of the methods of treatment have any adverse effects that could act detrimentally against your asthma instead of alleviating symptoms. It would be better if you consult a doctor before you embark on any ‘unconventional course of action’ with the proposed natural asthma remedy. Most family doctors have a good and up-to-date knowledge of the best available options.

The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. Visit www.free-asthma-remedies.com for more information on natural as well as conventional asthma treatments.

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