Monday, January 21, 2008

The Secret "Mineral Weapon" in Natural Asthma Treatment

As cases of asthma have been on the rise, so too have searches for new asthma treatments. Some experts say that rather than by medicating, it is best to control asthma through diet and exercise. Is medication necessary? Perhaps a natural asthma treatment, along with lifestyle changes, is the answer.

3-Step Asthma Treatment

Asthma attacks happen when spasms and inflammation of the bronchial passages restrict the flow of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma is a condition of the lungs, and asthma attacks are usually brought on by allergies. Treatment of asthma is usually focused on the following three areas:

1. Minimize: risk of asthma attack

2. Treat: spasms and inflammation that are the cause of the asthma attack

3. Increase: the ability of the lungs to deal with an asthma attack

Certain steps can be taken in order to minimize the risk of asthma attacks, and therefore the need for asthma treatment. Precautions such as keeping a dust- and pet-free home can be helpful. Closing windows and doors during pollen season can also prevent asthma attacks.

Of course, precautions cannot always prevent asthma. What can be used to treat asthma? Here we may introduce a "secret mineral", which can increase the lungs' ability to cope with an attack and which is useful for asthma treatment.

Natural Asthma Treatment

Besides allergens, the cause of asthma's has also been linked to diet. Through research, a natural vitamin supplement has been found which can be used for asthma treatment: magnesium.

Magnesium is an essential mineral of the body, used for energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It also maintains the body's muscles, nerves, and bones. According to the USDA, the ratio of calcium to magnesium in the body is more important than the absolute levels of magnesium. This ratio should be 2:1 (calcium to magnesium), which would mean an intake of 600mg of magnesium per day. According to recent studies, however, an average of only 300 mg of magnesium is taken in daily per person in the U.S. Research also suggests that the occurrence of asthma attacks is connected to low levels of magnesium in the blood. Therefore, magnesium has been put into use as a natural treatment of asthma.

Reports dating back to 1938 have mentioned magnesium in the treatment of asthma. Since that time, studies on animals showing the effectiveness of magnesium in asthma treatment have been conducted. A Britton & Hill study indicated that asthma treatment with magnesium showed improved lung function in patients. Wheezing, on of the main symptoms of asthma, was also shown to be reduced with the supplementation of magnesium. Magnesium therefore can be used to both treat lung spasms and inflammation, and increase the lung's ability to deal with an asthma attack (steps 2 and 3 in the asthma treatment plan.)

Author of this article is Mitamins Team

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