Monday, May 5, 2008

Asthma Types and Its Symptoms

Asthma can happen to anybody. Asthma starts at all ages. If Asthma is detected in childhood, that is between the ages of two to six, it is mainly due to the exposure to allergens, pollens, smoke and dust particles or mites.
It is very difficult to diagnose whether the child has asthma or not. In many cases, the child shows symptoms which resemble the onset of asthma, but when observed carefully, the child does not get asthma. Adults may also get asthma. The main reason behind getting asthma in adults is respiratory tract infection.

There are two types of asthma.

1. Extrinsic 2. Intrinsic

Extrinsic asthma is the most common type of asthma seen in asthma patients. Extrinsic asthma develops due to allergies and allergens. Extrinsic asthma develops during childhood, since children are most susceptible to allergies. Most allergies in children are due to hay fever, eczema or family history of allergies.

These allergies disappear as the child grows up and so does asthma, but they may reappear in later stages of life. Intrinsic type of asthma occurs mostly in women who are in their 30s. It is not associated with allergies and intrinsic type of asthma is more chronic and perennial.

The cause of intrinsic asthma can be traced to respiratory tract infections. Asthma also has categorizations based on the intensity of the disease Asthma can be mild, moderate and severe Mild asthma is found in 30% of the patients.

Patients with mild asthma do not have frequent attacks and can be cured or minimized with some precautions in dietary habits and lifestyle and a periodic checkup. These sorts of people do not need attention at all times and are self-supporting in case of an attack.

There is almost an equal percentage of people who have moderate asthma. These patients have moderately mild attacks and have the attacks more frequently. Proper medication and precautions must be taken to help the patient remain healthy.

Severe asthma patients require urgent medical attention, as the attacks are frequent and severe. The symptoms of Asthma are almost the same in all cases.

The intensity and the frequency of such attacks increase. Asthma is definitely curable and the frequency of attacks can be minimized with proper support and precautions.

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