Monday, May 26, 2008

Stop Asthma

Asthma caused by allergens can now be stop! prevention is the new way to stop asthma attack that are caused by dust mites, pollen, pet, and mould

For so long now the medical profession has focused on treatment of asthma and not on the cause and prevention. Lower the level of air allergens and you reduce the chance of an asthma attack.

Mites, one of the major causes of these allergies, can be found everywhere. Mites live off human skin flakes that consist mainly of keratin protein. The mites are not the real problem. The elements in the house dust that cause the allergy come directly from the secretions of the mites whose main component is protein, namely essentially polypeptides in the form of protein chains. That's why people with dust mite asthma have problems at night because mattresses are the main place in a home that the mite loves best. Mould spores are also significant causes of allergic reactions indoors. Another allergic effect comes from the keratin of fine animal hair. Usually substances from the skin and salivary glands, which stick to the hairs cause the allergy. Plus the pollen from grass trees causes problems to many people in the form of hay fever. So how do you lower the level of air allergens?

These harmful air allergen can be broken down by using a enzyme. this enzyme is from a fruit so it harmless to you system.

By mixing this agent with microsplitter you then can combat problem areas like mattresses. dust mites are one of the major causes of discomfort to asthma sufferers. so by cleaning and treating your mattress your keep them at bay.

The air spray is great as dust carrying these harmful particle blow around in the air in your home causing you to breath them in. by spraying the room with the product you lower the levels. making the room safe and comforting to you.

About the Author
Cleaner Network is part of a network of cleaners that use a product that prevents asthma attack pollen, dust mites, mould, and pet.

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