Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Allergic Bronchial Asthma Naturist Treatment

Treating asthma naturally

Asthma Treatment offers several options, however the most enthusastic treatment discussions revlove around or creates interests when the discussions move towards dealing with the disease in a natural way or more specifically when dealing with asthma when its realted to an Allergic Bronchial Asthma Naturist Treatment. The difference is, the method and medication used to treat asthma.

The whole thought behind controlling and treating asthma naturally is the ability to assist the body's natural defences to encourage daily activities and nature to work together to fight any allergies that could possible cause an asthma attack; in doing so, you strenghten your body to fight asthma in an a naturistic way. Working on breathing techniques such as; buteyko, pranayam, or yoga is one method for treating the bronchial side of an asthma attack and it can be an effective form of "asthma treatment". Although this is only effective if used as a way to help prevent asthma attacks it most likely will not work if the person is in a full blown asthma attack. However, using these breathing techniques will assit the asthmatic until they can access vital asthma medications that they find effective when suffering an asthma attack. Whether the medications is in the form of a Naturist Treatment or whether it is a doctor prescribed medication such as advair, abuterhol or some other form of asthma medication to help controll asthma attacks or help prevent asthma attacks from reaching a full blown asthma attack that would eventually lead to a stay in the hospital.

To examine "Allergic Bronchial Asthma Naturist Treatment" we should break down the meaning of each word to get a better understanding of exactly what information we wish to attain by looking for a "natural treatment" of asthma.

To begin to break down the phrase we need to look at the aspect of Allergic. Allergic per the websters dictionary derives from allergy which further defines itself as abnormal or pathological reaction to envirmental substances such as dust, pollens, foods or microrganisims.

Second ,we need to define Bronchial, per the websters dictionary it is a chronic or acute inflamination of the bronchi. In which case, Bronchi is the large tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs. Here we can see that "accute inflamnination" of any tube leading to the lungs will cause difficulty breathing. Now that we know what the bronchial part is of Allergic Bronchial Asthma Naturist Treatment, we should look at the "Naturist" aspect of the term. I skipped over the "Asthma" portion becuase I assumed you know what the definition of asthma is. If you don't, do not fret that can be found under my "Asthma History" post.

Now, back to looking at the Naturist portion of bronchial asthma naturist treatment. To revisit websters dictionary Naturist is just another word for Naturalist. Decifering naturalist per the webesters dictionary it is defined as one who studies natural history or advocates naturalisim.
So, to get the best idea for treating asthma in a natural way we need to understand the history behind asthma and the history of the specific asthmatic to actually begin to either start asthma treatment or to help prevent asthma attacks.

We don't have any regular herbs or spices to treat asthma. Yet, we can look at what triggers asthma attacks. Looking at the triggers and specific ways to monitor your breathing activites is the best method for treating a persons asthma.

In the end the best explanation of "allergic bronchial asthma naturist treatment' is the ability to see what the person is allergic to? What is it in their natural enviroment caused their airways (bronchial) to swell and become irratated and what was the affect on the asthma. Additionally, figuring out these factors is there a way to naturally avoid these triggers to help the individuals asthma treatment in a natural way without constantly use asthma medications to treat asthma.

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