Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Emotional Cause Of Asthma

There is still some resistance to believe that early childhood trauma can cause disease in the medical field and by individuals. But believe that most alternative practitioners and many doctors have seen what influence early childhood traumas have on the diseases of their patients. Read on to find out more about this critical aspect and how it influences asthma.


Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions such as laughing, crying, anger, panic, etc. But many in the medical community believe there is no proof people with asthma are any more psychologically disturbed than their non-asthmatic peers. However, it is not possible to have an illness without it having an emotional or trauma component associated with it. Our brain and body is not a split organism where our brain and body work independently of each other.

Having asthma is most likely related to birth traumas where the newborn is being suffocated by the birth process or has a difficulty coming out thus weakening the lungs and the bronchioles. Or, possibly where the parents were over protective or dominating, or demanding to the point of, in a sense, suffocating the child.

And, there are many other asthmatic scenarios that could weaken a persons lungs and bronchioles during childhood. You might know what yours is.

In his book, How to Get Well, 1974, Paavo Airola, Ph.D., says,

“Extensive studies show that there are two basic causes of asthma: one, the typical allergic reaction to one or more allergens; two, psychic factors. Doctors agree that many young asthmatics (according to studies, about 25%) have in common a ‘deep-seated emotional insecurity and an intense need for parental love and protection’. When emotional causes are suspected, these must be dealt with before biological and nutritional treatments can be effective.”

Emotions and feelings, such as apprehension, concern, anxiety, and panic can cause muscular tension and contraction around the bronchioles. Over a long time, these tensions can cause muscle spasms and weakening of the bronchioles, which can then lead to asthma as an adult.

In his book, Cleanse & Purify Thyself, 1998, Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D., says,

“Our own research indicates that Love is the great key. When we understand that Love is the natural state of our beings and when Love is not flowing through our beings every moment, than some other emotion or concept is interfering. These interferences are usually emotions of great intensity or some quirk in our point of view, such as the habit of judging conditions, things, or people in negative ways, and most of the time they are unconscious. One of the activities we all need to initiate is to remove these conscious and unconscious negative emotions so that Love may flow through us. Here in lies one of the most important point in this book.”

For many healers of the past it was clear that childhood trauma and the lack of love provided an atmosphere where illness could develop. Asthma sufferers need to look for and heal that emotional component that prevents them from healing so that they can start the asthma healing.

By: Rudy Silva

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