Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fight Asthma With Vitamins

Asthma is a lung disease very common to kids. This disease attacks following a trigger or an allergen. When it does, the small airways in the lungs narrow and swell. Asthma attacks can be anywhere from mild to life threatening. It is very important for people who are suffering from this disease to always take their medications and never ignore their condition once they feel difficulty in breathing.

But more than medical treatment, prevention is the best cure for asthma. While doctors can prescribe millions of drugs to treat this disease, there is a more natural way to combat it. And that would be through vitamins.

Vitamins are the essential substances needed by the body. And of all types of vitamins, Vitamin C is the best candidate to treat this disease.

Cure Asthma with Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is long regarded to be the vitamin that ensures the body of a healthier immune system. This vitamin is most helpful if the cause of asthma is allergens. But aside from strengthening the body's immune system, Vitamin C is also a good antioxidant. It helps free the body of harmful toxins that could give rise not only to asthma but to a host of other diseases as well.

Aside from Vitamin C, there are other Vitamins that can be vital in the treatment of asthma. Beta Carotene or Vitamin A for instance, can protect the lungs. It makes sure that the mucus membranes of the lungs are good an intact. The membranes ensure the health of this vital organ.

Vitamin B6 for Asthma:

Intensive research and studies have lead experts to the conclusion that deficiency in this B vitamin could cause asthma. They have found out that asthmatic patients tend to have high kynurenic acid and xanthurenic acid content in their urines. These two acids are produced if the metabolism of serotonin and tryptophan are altered, which is a direct result of the deficiency of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B3 To Prevent Asthma Attacks:

Role of vitamin B3 in the body, as far as asthma is concerned, is somehow similar to Vitamin C. This vitamin is believed to prevent asthma attack caused by allergens. That is because vitamin B3 produces an antihistamine effect in the body.

Vitamin D and Vitamin E can also be used to cure asthma because they can help in strengthening the body's immune system. Asthma has been a major health problem since the 17the century. Thanks to these two vitamins, people were able to develop stronger bodies that can fight off the detrimental effects of the disease altogether.

Vitamins can be found naturally in the foods that we eat or in specialized chemical supplements. To make sure that your body gets its recommended daily allowance of the essential vitamins, be sure that you eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in them. Citrus fruits are good sources of Vitamin C. Yellow and orange vegetables are rich in Vitamin A. Add these foods to your daily diet and you will be surely cured of asthma in no time.

For vitamins that can't be obtained directly from foods, there are many over-the-counter supplements that are available in the market today. The B complex vitamins are good examples of vitamins that are not readily available from food as the body synthesizes them. For these types of vitamins, you can take the especially formulated pills and capsules to make sure your body don't get deficient with them.

The author is the owner of VitaminBag - For more information about vitamin treatments for Asthma visit

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