Saturday, April 12, 2008

What Are The Signs of Infant Asthma?

Infant asthma is a very serious and dangerous condition. Though adults and children alike can suffer from asthma, it's very different for an infant. Because infants have lungs that are less developed and strong when compared to older children, an asthma attack for them is quite deadly. An infant suffering from an asthma attack can quickly have lung failure.

This is scary for any parent. But remember, the more you know about this condition, the better you'll be able to determine whether or not your infant has asthma. And, you'll know what to do.

Observe your infant very closely, especially when he or she gets excited. Watch to see how your infant's breathing changes. Sometimes an infant with asthma will experiencing wheezing as they breathe. So if you notice quite a bit of wheezing or what appears to be shortness of breathe, you could be looking at signs of infant asthma.

If your baby coughs a lot, and it sounds 'tight' or like he or she is unable to catch his or her breath, asthma could be to blame.

It is very important to find a good doctor that can determine whether or not your baby has infant asthma. Asthma is linked to a lot of risks, and babies are more vulnerable than anyone else. If you suspect that your infant has asthma, it's important to have him or her checked by the doctor.

The good news is that there are treatments for this condition. By getting your baby diagnosed and on a treatment plan, you can prevent a tragedy. Your child's doctor can tell you more about plans and treatments.

So, get your baby to the doctor if he or she experiences any of the signs above. There are other things you can do as well: Don't smoke inside, and don't use overpowering perfumes that could aggravate your baby's condition.

Take care of your baby and learn what you can about infant asthma. The more educated you are, the better you are able to handle a baby with asthma.

Sick and tired of dealing with your asthma day in and day out? Come on over to Natural Asthma Cures and find out what you can do today to help prevent asthma attacks and treat your asthma naturally.

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