Monday, April 7, 2008

Helpful Tips For Asthma

In a relatively short period of time, asthma has become one of the most serious health conditions on the planet; this increase in cases is of concern because it is also affected rising numbers of children. Although it is treatable, that is no consolation to the millions of sufferers worldwide who have trouble breathing when they have an asthma attack. This is a respiratory condition that when not treated properly can easily result in death, if the attack is not attended to in time or is severe.

Assessing and monitoring the condition is the first important step towards treating the condition for any asthma sufferer. The severity and frequency of attacks will determine the course of treatment and these fit into three broad categories of prevention, relief and emergency treatment.

The first preventative treatment to be supplied to every sufferer is a Bronchodilator which can give relief from minor attacks. Many asthmatics will only ever need this form of medication. However, patients who experience regular attacks although they may be mild, will probably use a low-dose glucocorticoid or a mastcell stabilizer which would also be used in conjunction with a standard reliever. Those who experience severe attacks will require a stronger treatment with oral glucocorticoids.

Asthmatics must also identify the triggers that cause the allergic reaction in them and find ways to reduce or eliminate them. This can help the keep an eye out and avoid the factors that will trigger an attack. Medical science has now confirmed that the poorer the air quality the greater the chance that this and other respiratory problems will occur.

Although the specific medications can help the situation it is far better if they can be avoided where possible. They can cause serious side effects if used on a regular basis such as impotence, liver damage, depression, even tiredness and dizzy spells. Pharmaceutical drugs are formulated to make the body's own immune system to take over but more people are now using natural medicines which are treating the cause of the respiratory condition instead.

Every attack causes the body to become weak due to the stress placed upon it, so to help calm the body down and make it stronger, the drugs used have a catalyst . The catalysts contained in the natural medications are different as they do not have any side-effects so reduce the stress on the system naturally.

Helpful to asthma sufferers are breathing techniques of an eastern nature such as buteyko ,yoga practices and pranayam, and are also as they naturally help the breathing and the general well-being of patients. Feeling better is what it is all about, and is generally the goal of all asthma treatments.

A good nutritional diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins will help boost the immune system quite a bit. And taking part in natural therapies to control asthma will not leave large amounts of drugs in your system. Often taking to many drugs can make an asthma suffer toxic. The main focus however,should be on the asthma patient learning to control their own condition. In any kind of treatment, feeling better, breathing better are the main objectives.

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