Wednesday, September 10, 2008

6 Vital Topics to Know About Asthma by james ellison

Asthma, as of today, does not have a cure but for most people there is a temporary solution for it and is controlled with diligence and most can have a full normal life. The control can come from plans and way of life changes that has shown to reduce the length of time of an asthma attack and increase the period of time that it does not affect you. I have put together a few questions and concerns that most people have about this disease.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering condition of the respiratory system differentiated by repeating occurrences of difficult or labored respiration (lack of breath), combined with wheezing (breathing with a whistling sound), a feeling of constriction in the chest, and coughing to a distinctly greater extent, through the night. The reason for this is because of swelling and inflammation that happens in the lining of your airways or bronchial tubes. Then comes a constricting of your air passages. This is all due to reaction to an irritant or allergen. In addition, mucus produced by the coughing and constriction makes the situation even worse.

Asthma is a disease mainly of children but is common in many adults. The cause of this condition is not exactly known or understood.

How To Diagnose Asthma Identifying the disease asthma particularly with kids that are below school age can be a challenge. The symptoms of asthma are very close to the common cold. This is where a family history of breathing and asthma problems can help your health care provider in their diagnosis. Then if someone gets repeated colds, shows wheezing, allergies and coughing then it might be beneficial to the patient to get a test for lung function (spirometer to measure vital capacity).

It will measure the total amount of air that is exhaled following a deep breath and get the asthma diagnosis.

An Asthma Attack Intense exasperated feeling of annoyance of asthma symptoms that are sudden or following advanced signals is known as an asthma attack. When the attack happens it is caused by the reduced motion of air in the patient's respiratory tract and make breathing hard to do. In severe cases the lack of oxygen is so bad that the patient may actually turn blue. In this case if not treated quickly it becomes a threat to life.

What Brings About An Asthma Attack?

An asthma attack is generally triggered by a response of the respiratory system to some allergens or irritants present in the air that one breathes.

When our respiratory system responds to an irritant or allergen in the air that you breath an asthma attack is likely. Some people may have an acid reflux episode where stomach acid rises up to the esophagus and brings on severe coughing leading to an asthma attack.

How To Treat Asthma

How asthma is treated mainly is accomplished in three steps.

1. Identify what the irritants or allergens are which brings about an asthma attack. This probably one of the most important step to control the disease by avoiding the named items.

2. Knowing when an attack is about to happen, allowing you to get ready for that attack. Knowing the warning signals.

3. Taking your medication as the physician has prescribed. Your medicine usually is of two types. Quick relief to manage the present symptoms. And long term protective medicines to ward off the severity and frequency of the attacks.

Asthma Triggers That Are Important

Here are some of the most common irritants or allergens that bring about asthma:

# Mold

# Pets

# Pollen

# Cold or wet weather

# Dust mites

# Cockroaches

# Factory or car air pollutants

# Strenuous exercise

# Tobacco smoke

# Food additives and some foods themselves

We have covered what asthma is and how to diagnose it. What an asthma attack is, the cause and how to treat it. What the top asthma allergens and irritants are.

If you stay away from the asthma triggers, take the advice of your doctor and take the prescribed medicine regularly, your are well on your way to living a close to normal life.

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