Friday, July 4, 2008

If You Think Allergies Are Not a Big Deal, Think Again

There's always seemed to be a suspicion of a link between asthma and allergies. Asthma, is a chronic illness characterized by inflammation of respiratory tubes that result in wheezing, a choking sensation and shortness of breath. A better understanding of asthma will result in an appreciation of the importance to address allergies quickly. Simply stated, continued research is suggesting that allergies are a main cause of the development of asthma.

The case concerning the connection between allergies and asthma is so strong that it has led Dr. James T. Li, an allergy specialist at the to suggest that it's many as 60% of the people with asthma have a form of allergy induced asthma. If correct, this makes allergies one of the leading causes of asthma. Given the high number and type of asthmatic triggers that have been identified, it shouldn't come as a surprise that allergies may play a large role in the development of asthma

A trigger is simply an event that can cause someone with asthma to have an attack. While many people with allergies have cold and flu like symptoms, an allergy attack can seriously affect one's ability to breathe. Asthma triggers include dust, dust mites, molds and mildew, pet dander, smoke odors and almost anything that can be taken into the body by breathing. So it stands to reason that many of the causes of allergy would be closely related to asthma.

Allergen immunotherapy, which is allergy shots that desensitize, have been shown to significantly improve asthma. If you or someone you know has allergic asthma, the best treatment continues to be reducing your exposure to the things that may trigger an asthma attack. Understand however, that having allergies does not automatically mean that you will develop asthma, only that it increases your risk significantly. According to Dr. Li, up to 78% of the people who have asthma also have hay fever.

The key then is to understand that at a minimum, there is a casual link between allergies in the development of asthma. For this reason alone, it makes sense to try and limit your exposure to potential asthma triggers that may be in your home.

Although allergies seem to play a key role in the development of asthma, it's not the only cause to consider. There are many other forms of asthma that can develop over the course of time. With the prevalence of allergies playing a large role in the number of asthma cases, it just makes sense to protect yourself as much as possible.

About the Author
Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects . For more information on asthma and asthma treatment visit the site at and the main asthma page at

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